Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I got excited when I passed people offloading weight equipment on the way to work a few weeks ago, just around the corner from my building. Talked to our UPS delivery guy, and he was telling me that they had 'soft opened' and were about to open officially.

I haven't touched a weight in 20+ years, and back when I was in the Army all I really did was cardio, get drunk and eat shit food. I was also never able to put on much muscle, but I figured that was the shitty diet and no weight training, so I was waiting for this place to open so I could walk over and talk to them. I don't know weights for shit, but figured I could learn.

Last week, the UPS guy tells me part of the roof caved in, and the building was condemned. All the tenets needed to move out, as the repairs were rumored to take months.

This week he tells me they moved their stuff a few streets over to a different building the owner had. Said they think they like this location better, and might stay. So I google the address he gave me, and it's literally next to a fairly popular BBQ place.

Dunno if I'll spend more time at this gym, or next door eating BBQ
Why not both?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Gravel Gravel , how much time are you taking between those sets? Just curious, I’ve been back working out with my son and I’ve seen gains taking a short break or going pretty quick between sets on bench, but most people I talk to are just taking time to change the weight, or a minute or two if not changing the weight.
Been doing 2 minutes for the first 4-5 sets, then I generally seem to need about 2.5 minutes for sets 5-6. Did 3 minutes for set 7 the other day and like 3.5 today, and then it was close to 4 minutes on set 8 today.

Shit just absolutely destroyed me.

For my normal workouts though, I generally aim for about 1.5-2 minutes.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, I got the 10 sets day done. Everything hurts though. The worst is my left rear delt. I'm thinking my triceps are so obliterated that my rear delts took over (or the triceps are pulling on the insertion).

I've gotta say, even if it increases my bench press significantly, I can't recommend it. I'll finish it out because I'm not a quitter, but holy shit.

Kind of similar to doing PSMF. I'm glad I did it, and it definitely worked, but fuck ever doing it again.

I get a better idea of what my body is capable of, but it's really just stupid in the long run.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Any of you have any experience with Citruline Malate? I've never used it, but I bought some today. There's a ton of research that it actually works and it's far more effective than L-Arginine because it's taken up a lot more efficiently after conversion.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
For my normal workouts though, I generally aim for about 1.5-2 minutes.

This all below is assuming you're doing chest/back/shoulders/arms/legs IN THAT ORDER weekly. It matters. Do it in this order. Do not deviate. Bench day for me is about 1 1/2 hours.

I'm not saying I am a bench press expert...but I can bench press a lot at 50. Like a whole lot (almost 500 naturally). This will get your bench up. The thing is recovery of stamina and strength between sets. Bracket Creatine. Take your protein no less than 30 minutes after workout.

4 sets total. You need to figure out your weight on your benches. It usually takes a couple weeks. You need to know your weights to use. Write shit down. Then that is your starting point. I have NEVER pulled a muscle. I have never had an issue, neither has anyone who works out with me and follows my routine. Just figure out your workout weights, so you're not doing too heavy, and have incorrect form. You should NEVER touch your chest on bench press. Keep about 3 inches off your chest. This isn't a competition. Your goal is strength gain.

Do 1st set, which is just a light warm up really. Wait 2 minutes.
2nd set, whatever you can comfortably do for 10. Wait 5 minutes.
3rd set, whatever you can do for 10 barely. Wait 8 minutes. Stand around, look cool with the next set of weights.
4th set. Go get a spotter. Whatever you can do for FIVE with the spotter.

Figure out your weights for incline/decline. You do NOT need to go as heavy. If you start on incline. The other two do not need to be as heavy. Make sense?

Wait 5 minutes...

Go to Iso machines. That same weight you can barely do for 10...Put those same plates on.It will be lighter because the bar is missing. Rep the fuck out of this for 3 sets of 10. 5 minutes between sets. If it's too heavy for the last set to complete 10, you're too heavy. Done

Wait 5 minutes.

Go hit cables or dumbells. Do flys. 3 sets of 10. Start mid. Go high. Go low. This should be light since you will be drained. Just 3 minutes between sets if fine.

Now go hit your triceps till they are tight. 3 sets. Light weight. Swap up your exercises on the triceps weekly, so your not hitting the same part of your tricep every week. This is separate from your arm workout. After your SHOULDER workout, you need to do this also. Note. Shoulders is part of your bench. Do not be lazy on shoulders.

Yes. That is a 16 set workout.

Now you absolutely must recover. Lots of water. Creatine. Protein.Sleep. Repeat weekly. Eventually 5 days in between bench is your goal. Do the 5 day rest thing a couple weeks. Go back to weekly a few months. Repeat.

Waaaaaahhhhhh. This is too many sets! No. It is not. If my old ass can do it...(older vid but you get the gist. I'm not bullshitting).

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Got something right about marriage
I agree with Brahma about never going past parallel. You start putting a lot of pressure on your shoulders for the initial move back up instead of your chest.

Bench press is an entirely different animal than everything else in competition. They make you touch your chest so depth can be vastly different from lifter to lifter. If you are short and stocky with a huge chest you may only have to move the bar half the distance of a competitor with longer arms/smaller chest and never need to get past parallel while other lifters do. Depth is relative on squats because everyone has to hit depth based on their own body and so it's much closer from lifter to lifter in terms of form. There are obviously still natural advantages based on body type but it's less pronounced than a simple "touch your chest" rule. Take two lifters who are the same height and have the same features, one who's been lifting for 10 years and has a huge chest, and one who is new. The new guy is probably going to have to move the bar almost twice as far to get to his chest than the veteran lifter even though they are the same height and have the same arm length.

Even professionals who compete don't usually train at competition depth. After I had my shoulder surgery there was a very pronounced difference between staying at/above parallel and going below parallel. Whenever I went below parallel my shoulder would fucking scream at me. That said I still touch my chest on flat bench because I arch enough that I don't go past parallel even when touching. Maybe "don't touch your chest" isn't the right rule, I'd just say "don't go past parallel". A lot of the guys at my gym bench in power racks while laying on the floor just so it's actually impossible to get below parallel.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I wasn't necessarily advocating for "touching the chest." In fact, I don't do it myself. However, I do typically come within about 1" of it. I lift heavy, but I'm also really protective of my body while doing it. I make sure I keep my shoulder blades pinned, elbows reasonably tucked, etc. I might even go a little overboard in my protection because I've realized that my triceps are taking far too much of the load. As a result, they've gotten pretty damn strong. I can do multiple sets of weighted dips with 3 45 lb plates strapped to me

I'm 6' with a 76" wingspan. I'm not built for benching so I really have to be careful. I honestly have no idea how much weight I could throw up if I threw caution to the wind, but to me it's just not worth it.

I've almost reached the level of functional strength I care to so I primarily lift for hypertrophy. I'm roughly 205 at 13-15% bf and the goal is 210 at 10-12%. So, another year or so and I'll be in maintenance mode.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
No hate Brahma, but if that's you in the incline video, your range of motion is incredibly suspect.

There is nothing gained goin g past parallel. You just risk ripping your shoulder and there is no chest gain. If I was in a comp I would touch my chest.

Also I am 6'3". My range isnt going to be the same as a guy 5 inches shorter. Make sense? Trust me I touch my chest if I was in a comp.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I wasn't necessarily advocating for "touching the chest." In fact, I don't do it myself. However, I do typically come within about 1" of it. I lift heavy, but I'm also really protective of my body while doing it. I make sure I keep my shoulder blades pinned, elbows reasonably tucked, etc. I might even go a little overboard in my protection because I've realized that my triceps are taking far too much of the load. As a result, they've gotten pretty damn strong. I can do multiple sets of weighted dips with 3 45 lb plates strapped to me

I'm 6' with a 76" wingspan. I'm not built for benching so I really have to be careful. I honestly have no idea how much weight I could throw up if I threw caution to the wind, but to me it's just not worth it.

I've almost reached the level of functional strength I care to so I primarily lift for hypertrophy. I'm roughly 205 at 13-15% bf and the goal is 210 at 10-12%. So, another year or so and I'll be in maintenance mode.

Bah you responded too fast. I usually go about 4 inches from my chest. That's right at my parrel.


Ssraeszha Raider
This all below is assuming you're doing chest/back/shoulders/arms/legs IN THAT ORDER weekly. It matters. Do it in this order. Do not deviate. Bench day for me is about 1 1/2 hours.

I'm not saying I am a bench press expert...but I can bench press a lot at 50. Like a whole lot (almost 500 naturally). This will get your bench up. The thing is recovery of stamina and strength between sets. Bracket Creatine. Take your protein no less than 30 minutes after workout.

4 sets total. You need to figure out your weight on your benches. It usually takes a couple weeks. You need to know your weights to use. Write shit down. Then that is your starting point. I have NEVER pulled a muscle. I have never had an issue, neither has anyone who works out with me and follows my routine. Just figure out your workout weights, so you're not doing too heavy, and have incorrect form. You should NEVER touch your chest on bench press. Keep about 3 inches off your chest. This isn't a competition. Your goal is strength gain.

Do 1st set, which is just a light warm up really. Wait 2 minutes.
2nd set, whatever you can comfortably do for 10. Wait 5 minutes.
3rd set, whatever you can do for 10 barely. Wait 8 minutes. Stand around, look cool with the next set of weights.
4th set. Go get a spotter. Whatever you can do for FIVE with the spotter.

Figure out your weights for incline/decline. You do NOT need to go as heavy. If you start on incline. The other two do not need to be as heavy. Make sense?

Wait 5 minutes...

Go to Iso machines. That same weight you can barely do for 10...Put those same plates on.It will be lighter because the bar is missing. Rep the fuck out of this for 3 sets of 10. 5 minutes between sets. If it's too heavy for the last set to complete 10, you're too heavy. Done

Wait 5 minutes.

Go hit cables or dumbells. Do flys. 3 sets of 10. Start mid. Go high. Go low. This should be light since you will be drained. Just 3 minutes between sets if fine.

Now go hit your triceps till they are tight. 3 sets. Light weight. Swap up your exercises on the triceps weekly, so your not hitting the same part of your tricep every week. This is separate from your arm workout. After your SHOULDER workout, you need to do this also. Note. Shoulders is part of your bench. Do not be lazy on shoulders.

Yes. That is a 16 set workout.

Now you absolutely must recover. Lots of water. Creatine. Protein.Sleep. Repeat weekly. Eventually 5 days in between bench is your goal. Do the 5 day rest thing a couple weeks. Go back to weekly a few months. Repeat.

Waaaaaahhhhhh. This is too many sets! No. It is not. If my old ass can do it...(older vid but you get the gist. I'm not bullshitting).

Was expecting a lot worse based on the rom comment.
  • 1Worf
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Ssraeszha Raider
Bah you responded too fast. I usually go about 4 inches from my chest. That's right at my parrel.

Just admit you don't know how to bench, Bro.

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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
BIG NEWS the USA won GOLD and SILVER in the 71 KG Women, This is HUGE


YUGE patriotic boner. The korean was super salty ( she got injured )

FRom left field Catherine Nye came and storm over at just 20 years old.

She might be the USA best chance at an Olympic gold medal in our generations. Mattie Rodger still put up good numbers, but is still 4 KG behind.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
So I've got bad knees and hips from twenty years of martial arts - eight surgeries in total. Due to my knees I can't run, jump, or ride a bike, never mind lift useful amounts of weight. I've been struggling the last couple years to stay in shape. Fat has been creeping up, lean mass creeping down, cardio gone to shit, etc.

I fucking hate swimming for exercise (boring, boring), but I started this week as a last resort. I still hate doing it, but ho-lee fuck, is it a good workout. Perfect for HIIT, muscles are nicely crisped, joints feel great. Sadly, it looks like I have to do a lot more of this.
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Molten Core Raider
Any of you have any experience with Citruline Malate? I've never used it, but I bought some today. There's a ton of research that it actually works and it's far more effective than L-Arginine because it's taken up a lot more efficiently after conversion.

It's in Pre Jym and I use it.