Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think the Weight Loss Thread has basically become the defacto "fitness" thread at this point.

I would have recommended you try doing goblet squats with dumbbells to really get used to opening up your hips and pushing your knees out. It's a lot easier to figure out the movement that way. There's also some hip mobility drills that I do before every leg day which are very helpful. Glad you got it. I've got a 1RM of 315 for squats and I still feel like my form is jacked up. I get deep enough (my ass is probably 6 inches from the ground), but my chest dips a lot. One day I'll work on it, but in the meantime I just keep squatting with half-decent form.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kelly Starrett's book is actually pretty cool. It goes through how to properly stretch and mobilize just about every joint in the body.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just got a call from a friend of mine's wife from the gym. She called to tell me he OD'd on DNP (google it).

Make sure you research the shit out of any illegal substances you hear about, guys. His last text to me was that he'd lost ten pounds in ten days, and the goal was another five pounds. He died the next day. DNP is lethal at a dose just above the point where you lose a pound a day. She told me he died slowly, as he cooked from the insides, and there was nothing the Doctors could do.

Don't take shit just because you hear it's working for the next guy at the gym.


Ssraeszha Raider
DNP is nasty shit. It makes your mitochondria very inefficient which causes your body to generate an incredible amount of heat. You feel like you're dying the entire time you're on it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
DNP is nasty shit. It makes your mitochondria very inefficient which causes your body to generate an incredible amount of heat. You feel like you're dying the entire time you're on it.
It also doesn't help that it's also the most effective fat burner known to man, but also the most harsh. He was careful the whole time, but his wife told me the day he died, he stopped being careful. The weight loss is like 90/10 fat and water, and the muscle stays intact. The increase in metabolism can be 100% or greater. But the point where you lose a pound a day is also the point you can die. You go to the gym, you better have a light workout. Water intake needs to be increased to almost three gallons a day. You need to take a ton of support supplements. And if you drink alcohol while on it, make funeral arrangements first.

He knew that, and abused it anyway. He fucked up one day and now he's dead. FUCK.

The sad thing is, he bought it from a Doctor, so he could guarantee purity and correct dosage amount. I have no idea who the Doctor is, but apparently the Police are going after him. He could lose his license and go to prison.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Is DNP used in fat burners? Where would you find it?
Don't. Dial your diet and workout regimen. Unless you are a getting ready for a bodybuilding contest, don't do it. As one of his friends just told me, they'd rather be fat and alive then to be a shredded corpse.

There's no point in risking your life to lose weight fast, if you are just going to overeat and gain it back when you get off of DNP.


Yeah, first paragraph on Wikipedia...

Prior to 1938 it was used as a dieting aid, but it is considered too toxic for that use today.

Commercial DNP is primarily used for scientific research and in manufacturing. It has been used at times to make dyes, other organic chemicals, and wood preservatives. DNP is a chemical intermediate in the production of some herbicides including dinoseb and dinoterb.It has also been used to make photographic developer and explosives.
Sucks to hear about your friend, but jesus, why in the fuck would you even consider putting that shit in your body? Shit sounds even worse for you than krokodil or whatever.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, first paragraph on Wikipedia...


Sucks to hear about your friend, but jesus, why in the fuck would you even consider putting that shit in your body? Shit sounds even worse for you than krokodil or whatever.
Let's be real, the first time someone hears at the gym that someone lost ten pounds in a week, without cutting calories, while working out lightly, and not doing any cardio, it becomes a craze. Cardio is frowned upon while on DNP. Hell, they say your body expends so much energy on it, that it if you feel tired, don't work out. Diet is supposed to be 50% carbs, as they drive the fat burning. He'd load up on carbs and then start sweating. He wasn't dieting, he was pigging out on carbs, and losing a pound a day.

I'm going to say he was about 235 pounds, and already at 10% bodyfat before DNP. He was not a competition bodybuilder, but he looked like one. He was also a smart guy and professional, and was knocking back six figures at his office job. He didn't need to compete, he was just a gym rat. So he was trying to get completely shredded for no reason. I also know, that the wife told me that he took more than 1 gram the day he died. He should have stuck to 500mg. People have said on T Nation, 750mg can feel like death even to a heavyweight. The last time I saw him, we were at a bar. I asked him why he wasn't drinking, and he said he was on something called DNP (which I'd never heard of). And then I got a lecture on it, and the safety protocols you take.

Apparently, he didn't follow any of them, took too large a dose, and died. I'm having problems eating my dinner. His wife just recounted his slow and painful death as his insides cooked and body temp got out of control. The Doctors just sat and watched along with the rest of his family as he melted away.

There is no upper limit to how hot this stuff can make you. Fuck.

I am by no means advocating this stuff, but I've done a ton of research, and he was outside of the parameters where this stuff is considered safe. I guess one pound a day wasn't fast enough. If you saw him before it, you'd consider him jacked and lean already. Hell, his arms were 20 inches at 10% bf, before his DNP cycle.


Vyemm Raider
Going to start up 5x5 again while cutting calories. Is there a limit to how much I can cut and still gain muscle? Assuming I consume enough protein.


Ssraeszha Raider
Depends on your bodyfat %. If it's high you can cut calories by a good amount and still gain muscle. When it starts getting to <15% it's usually about limiting muscle loss instead of being able to actually gain on a cut


Blackwing Lair Raider
You'll plateau eventually, but the noob gains are serious.

And I was just asking where DNP is found. I've never heard of it and don't know in what sort of supplements I'd find it.


Ssraeszha Raider
It's not in supplements and isn't legal for human consumption in the US. You'd have to buy it from a place that sells industrial chemicals or some shady places on the internet


Mr. Poopybutthole
I tried that shit when I was young and stupid(er) and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. You really can't be on anything other than a really small dose and try and lead a normal life. Your sweat has a yellow tinge to it and you're constantly sweating. Each dose lasts for a couple days so you're fucked for about 48 hrs if you take too much.

It also supposedly will burn a lot of the visceral fat you have that protects your internal organs which is s bad thing. It's definitely effective for fat loss, though, and 1lb a day is doable. But I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and would never ever do it again
I'm curious what dose yields one pound a day? Because I've read of big guys not being able to handle the side effects at 750 mg.


that stuff sounds awesome i want some. also sorry about your buddys death


Mr. Poopybutthole
that stuff sounds awesome i want some. also sorry about your buddys death
Awesome in that you can lose a pound a day, yes. But the sides can literally kill you. People do dumb shit with it. This isn't Hydroxycut. On one of the bodybuilding forums, one of the guys posting all of the research on it went to prison for selling it to someone that died. He posted tons of guides on how to do it correctly. The guy that died didn't read any of that. He loaded up on it, ran three miles and then went to the bars on a drinking binge. Both of those are no-no's. Cardio is not recommended on it, and has been posted all over the net, if you plan on drinking alcohol, plan on your funeral arrangements first.

I'd done all my research on it, but when you hear of deaths, you think that's far away. You don't think it's going to be one of your buddies. The problem is that the lethal dose isn't that far away from the fat burning dose. Some people take 500mg a day, but supposedly people have died at 600. Hydration is key (1-3 gallons a day minimum). Your body has no feedback mechanism to tell you that you are doing it wrong. It even disrupts your ability to feel thirst.

Another DNP death came from an Anorexic. DNP is suggest for 7, 14 or 21 day cycles, with some time off. She took it two years straight! My buddy was the same way (but with dose), 1,000mg can be lethal.

Most of the deaths caused on it are from people who didn't do their research and follow the protocols. Remember that CSI episode where the female rollerbladers were dieing from using it, but it was cooking them from the inside out? That's the stuff.