Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Molten Core Raider
So im getting back into the gym, havent had the time due to crazy work schedule, opening up a business.

My main focus was adding muscle when i was going, i was eating 5-6 times a day + 2-3 protein shakes and i was not gaining much weight, i also have crohn's disease so putting on weight is pretty hard, im basically looking for your guys opinions on a weight gainer and other supplements to "beef" me up and maybe where to get them im sure online is alot cheaper than GNC, i have a little bit of trouble doing the 6 meals a day due to my stomach but even then i wasnt gaining much weight, not even getting fat, so im looking for suggestions.


<Gold Donor>
I'd buy the supps at Not to advertise for them, but I've had great experiences dealing with them and they are usually right around the best price available for a given product. Quick shipping too. a mass builder. Chocolate is decent and its loaded with calories/carbs/protein. I've gained a decent amount of mass the past 6 months or so. About to start a long cut this month. Easy on the stomach as well (I have bad acid reflux, and some of the protein I've taken in the past has fucked me up).


Molten Core Raider
holy fuck 1250 calories a serving, if this dont help idk what will gonna put my order in tonight.

i guess for the second part now im looking for any tips anyone has accumulated through their training as the best ways to gain mass, are there certain things i should always be doing like deadlifts and squats? i never really focused on those.

What i think i know is im going to be doing 3-5 sets of heavy sets, 6-8 reps and on my 5th-6th i should be struggling to finish, from there aside from making my own routine im not sure what else i can do to gain mass.

12 pounds for 44$ seems way to good to be true unless weight gainer is alot cheaper than just protein powder, thanks for the site spring.

Im checking out this dudes workout program

anyone actually do anything similar to this and see results for mass?


Molten Core Raider
After you find products at you should head to amazon and compare prices. Amazon is usually cheaper plus they'll have free shipping most of the time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
holy fuck 1250 calories a serving, if this dont help idk what will gonna put my order in tonight.

i guess for the second part now im looking for any tips anyone has accumulated through their training as the best ways to gain mass, are there certain things i should always be doing like deadlifts and squats? i never really focused on those.

What i think i know is im going to be doing 3-5 sets of heavy sets, 6-8 reps and on my 5th-6th i should be struggling to finish, from there aside from making my own routine im not sure what else i can do to gain mass.

12 pounds for 44$ seems way to good to be true unless weight gainer is alot cheaper than just protein powder, thanks for the site spring.

Im checking out this dudes workout program

anyone actually do anything similar to this and see results for mass?
I tried a weight gainer a long time ago, might've been in high school. It was fucking god awful. I'd rather eat all day and get my calories than trying to drink a mud sludge for 250g carbs every day.

Also, that program is fucking retarded. Please don't do that. I guarantee the guy who created it wouldn't do that awful program.

Look above at my advice for Wrath. Do heavy compound lifts. Squatting a bunch will always be better for you than leg pressing supersetted with calf press. That's just nonsense. And cardio every other day? Great idea for someone trying to put on mass. No really, try that, and let me know how it goes for you.


Molten Core Raider
I tried a weight gainer a long time ago, might've been in high school. It was fucking god awful. I'd rather eat all day and get my calories than trying to drink a mud sludge for 250g carbs every day.

Also, that program is fucking retarded. Please don't do that. I guarantee the guy who created it wouldn't do that awful program.

Look above at my advice for Wrath. Do heavy compound lifts. Squatting a bunch will always be better for you than leg pressing supersetted with calf press. That's just nonsense. And cardio every other day? Great idea for someone trying to put on mass. No really, try that, and let me know how it goes for you.
at one point my stomach and the shakes were fucking with me i thought it was the milk so i drank them with water and sometimes a mix, lol i can stomach that easier than actual food.

and yeah thats basically what i thought reading that shit it was exactly the opposite of everything i have learned/read.

and ill look into that link i have heard somewhere that if you dont bother with leg excercies you cripple yourself when trying to actually bulk up, something about your legs being some of the bigger muscles and working them produces more testosterone? i worked my legs but never went crazy on them.

do you work in squats/deadlifts with legs?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Squats/deadlifts with back, squats with legs. Squatting two times per week is a great thing, I do it 3.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So before working a body part, do you guys do warm up sets? Or are people hitting the treadmill or bike or something?


<Gold Donor>
So before working a body part, do you guys do warm up sets? Or are people hitting the treadmill or bike or something?
I always hit 5 minutes of light cardio and stretch before lifting heavy. For example, did bench yesterday and did a set @155 to loosen up the muscles before hitting it heavier.


Molten Core Raider
So before working a body part, do you guys do warm up sets? Or are people hitting the treadmill or bike or something?
I always did a warmup set of 20-30 before the body part, just something pretty low weight but gets the blood flowing.


I always hit 5 minutes of light cardio and stretch before lifting heavy. For example, did bench yesterday and did a set @155 to loosen up the muscles before hitting it heavier.
Do you mean "stretch" as in "light warmup sets to loosen the muscles"? Actual stretching is a bad idea before lifting heavy.

On the other hand, you should always do a couple warmup sets.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Static stretching before lifting is generally thought of as bad. The stretch/bounce reflex of the muscle is important for lifting weights. By pre-stretching it, you lose that function of the muscle. Warming up prepares the muscle for the increased loads it's about to be placed under. I read a good comparison to a rubber band.

Personally, Idostrech before my leg and back days (back because of deadlift). I have very tight hip flexors and hamstrings, so I can't get to proper depth without stretching first. I do warmup sets no matter what I'm doing though (except when I've already done sets on a lift that uses the same muscle; e.g. I do squats, and then later do calf raises, I don't need to do warmup sets for my calves, they're warmed up from the squats). My warmup sets always start with just the bar, except on deadlifts where it's just too short. Generally I'll do sets at 45, 95, 135, 185, etc, doing less reps the more weight is on the bar.


Molten Core Raider
another question when do you guys work in abs i was thinkin on days i do legs or something, also about how many workouts for abs, i was thinking 3 to hit upper/lower/md does anyone do situps and twist as you come up/at the top? ive heard that hits your sides to give you the shape.


There was a study on runners that found stretching led to increased rates of injuries compared to not stretching. (there was a moderator in that those whoregularlystretched before running did not have increased injuries). I'm drawing inferences from that and recommendations from other people (e.g. Rippetoe) who say not to do it. Impairing the stretch reflex at the bottom of the range of motion is by itself a pretty compelling reason for me. Plus, stretching is simply not necessary. Adequate warmups stretch the muscles plenty.

another question when do you guys work in abs i was thinkin on days i do legs or something, also about how many workouts for abs, i was thinking 3 to hit upper/lower/md does anyone do situps and twist as you come up/at the top? ive heard that hits your sides to give you the shape.
I'm pretty sure rotation during flexion or extension of the back is the #1 correlate of back injuries. Not sure if that is relevant to situps since the load is so light, but it might be something to consider.

I do 6 minutes of stationary bike (/mourn stolen real bike) and then 5-6 warmup sets per exercise because I'm kind of crazy on warmups. Of course not every person in his 20s has the body resilience of an egyptian mummy.


Molten Core Raider
How do you guys feel about creatine, i had a friend in highschool use it for football, he got big as shit but, as soon as he stopped playing football working out he just turned into a doughboy, should i do it on a cycle? take it for a month then get off it for a month? i dont want to add water weight, but it seems creatine is one of the main supplements you need get bigger.

Jus curious can people list the supplements they are on?

It kinda feels like with these amount of supps, you could be doing any kind of workout and see results lol.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
How do you guys feel about creatine, i had a friend in highschool use it for football, he got big as shit but, as soon as he stopped playing football working out he just turned into a doughboy, should i do it on a cycle? take it for a month then get off it for a month? i dont want to add water weight, but it seems creatine is one of the main supplements you need get bigger.

Jus curious can people list the supplements they are on?

It kinda feels like with these amount of supps, you could be doing any kind of workout and see results lol.
I won't comment on specific supplements, but take any supplement recommendations from with a grain of salt. Their main goal is to sell you supplements through their store (which gets them $$$) so they'll recommend tons of shit you don't really need.


<Gold Donor>
Always used creatine while bulking - stopped it when cutting (adds a deal of water weight/bloat I've found).