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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ok so I need totally detached advice on a fucked situation and I figured the community regulars are outspoken and diverse enough why the hell not. At least I can provide some entertainment 8D

My mother has fallen into a crowd of crazies, they are in the world is ending Dec. twenty-something camp. But they have some whole plot line around it, where they are the ones to save the world from the bad aliens, but it all happens when they sleep so they don?t remember any of it. Well except for the one guy who ?can wake up? on the ship and sees what everyone is doing.

There are evacuation plans and pistol permits involved at this point, and the date is fast approaching so I did my best to put some distance but now I don?t know if I should do more. I cant put it all down as I would never finish the post in the first place but I have been collecting stories about this shit for a while.

Logic gets me far enough to get them excited that I am engaging, but hits the ?God can do anything he wants? wall every time. So I?ve been trying to point out how some of the things they are saying/believing are mutually exclusive.

Do I write her off? Do I wait for fireworks? I see them for brunch most Sundays, started as a way to get out of the house and check up on mom years ago, but little other contact. So I can just stop going if they go full retard.

Some stories from another board I lurk at. Was an epic de-lurk but I don?t think anyone thought I was serious. I will joke and mock the shit outa it all day but in the end I?m watching this all happen, and they are balls deep into it. The scenario of ?on doomsday-eve my mother showing up at my place with a loaded truck and a pistol? is within the realm of possibility.

-The night before Easter last year, I was staying at my mother?s as I was saving up to buy a house. I didn?t have to work the next day so I had hit the sauce pretty good. 3 am and I stumble out of my room to use the bathroom and almost all the lights are out in the apartment except a glow from the kitchen. I stagger around the corner to investigate and I see my mother, sitting in a folding chair in the middle of the kitchen. Around the chair are 3 TV trays set up with bowls on them, 1 tray is propping the refrigerator door open so the interior light subtlety floods the room. Now I am trashed and trying to process the scene there?s like 6 bowls, and 4 dozen eggs? Oh! She?s coloring Easter eggs, at 3am, Easter morning, with no one around that would possibly eat 4 dozen eggs in any reasonable time, by the light of the refrigerator? Yeah I need to go?

As I turn around to head back to the side of the apartment with my room and the bathroom she says ?Jesus can?t wait to meet you.?
Umm what?
Jesus, you will be meeting him soon.
Oh? I thought there was some space evacuation that was going to happen, and the ?Good? aliens were going to pick us up before the ?Bad? aliens blew up the planet or something?
Well Yeah, but Jesus will be on the spaceship.
So you?re telling me that Jesus and the good aliens are in cahoots?
Of course, Jesus is the savior of the entire universe.
Is it the same Jesus?
Yes, there is only one Jesus.
Does he look the same to them as he does to us?
Yes, Jesus looks like Jesus.
Do the other aliens look like us?
Oh no, they come in all shapes and sizes.
So how come humans are special? If all the aliens are different, then why is the savior of the universe a human? Doesn?t that seem a little egocentric?-

- I was told I was being transported to the spaceship over nights to work on their computers, so and so saw me there.
Oh? How did I get there?
They transported you up.
Do they put a hole in the roof, or do I meet them outside?
They leave your body behind, and only take up your soul, so they don?t need a hole.
And I don?t remember any of this? And no one that lives in the complex saw anything?
Oh no, they cloak the whole procedure.
So let me see if I got this right, they have the technology to pull my soul from my body and transport it up to a spacecraft stealtfuly, somehow make it so my incorporeal self can interact with physical objects once I?m there, and put me back before the morning so I don?t even notice?
Then why the hell am I working on their computers? Are they running Windows?-

Help me ScreenShots! You're my only hope!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
TLDR: Mom is apeshit crazy, watch for entertainment, or get out of blast zone?


Golden Squire
Give her a big hug and tell her that you love her everyday. That's all you can really do.

/sorry so gay


Molten Core Raider
If you're not full of shit, you need to talk to the ATF, or the FBI. They're no longer rational people who can be reasoned with. Getting weapons "for religion" is not a valid reason for a permit and its very serious business.

Call now, or you will likely be an accessory.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I dont think the ones orchestrating the story really intend to do anything, i think the Mayan calendar while a useful plot device years ago is now an inconvenience (latterly it is carved in stone). My mom is hook line and sinker in. She will be the first one to admit that she doesn't remember anything, but 'why would her friend lie when he said he saw me on the ship?'


Molten Core Raider
I've changed my mind. After rereading your post I'd like to join.

Where do I sign up? In my favor, I'm clearly easy to convert.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Probably need to do something before she drinks the Kool-Aid.
Already sounds like she has. I suppose the question is, what happens December 22nd? I'm sort of doubting this cult just convinces themselves they saved the world and get on with their lives.


I work in a mental health facility, and the f*d up thing is that most religious folk have deep rooted beliefs that are way more messed up than the chemically based delusional crap genuine sufferers experience. Wanna f*k you're mind up worse than any drug? Religion.

My advice? Sit back with some koolaid and wait for fireworks. If there is any real serious gun threat stuff, just notify police and back away before they go full retard seppuku or something. Damn 2012'ers (pun intended).

Aychamo BanBan

Ok so I need totally detached advice on a fucked situation and I figured the community regulars are outspoken and diverse enough why the hell not. At least I can provide some entertainment 8D
Note: I am not offering you or your mom medical advice. This is only my opinion based on your paragraph. Also, I am not a psychiatrist, and I do not enjoy managing psychiatric complaints or patients on more than 2 psychiatric medications.

Your mom is fucking crazy.
Seriously. It sounds like she's experiencing persecutory and grandiose delusions, which are most common in schizophrenia, or she may be suffering from a delusional disorder. Or it may be a manic component of bipolar. I don't know. But she needs help.




Did you ask her if the aliens are big and green with bad poetry who also are building a hyperspacial express route?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The biggest issue here is if the so called leader decides they need to be awake and actually go out and fight the so called aliens. Making things dangerous for the general public. You should atleast tell your locals of the situation just so they can look into their activities. Have the members bought weapons, their backgrounds, etc..


I still cannot get over how hilarious it is that the aliens are running windows on their computers.

I thought I had it bad with those strange republican only, white only, super jesus christians in my family.... but man this takes the cake easily.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Already sounds like she has. I suppose the question is, what happens December 22nd? I'm sort of doubting this cult just convinces themselves they saved the world and get on with their lives.
I meant that literally. Like People's Temple/Heaven's Gate style.