Atlas reactor


Blackwing Lair Raider
This game is still in beta but I have been playing it a ton and really enjoying it. It looks like they are opening up a permanent free trial mode for the game as of next week. Basically each person who has not purchased the game can play it with free hero rotation and the rotation is different for each person so its not everybody playing the same freelancers that week which should help queue times.

It is a really odd game that I found totally took over my LoL niche of game time. It is simultaneous turn based and very fast paced even with it being turn based. I highly recommend giving it a shot as it is one of the most different new games I have tried in ages.

It is still in beta so they are doing a lot of changes and adding new heroes and it looks like a new game mode is coming up "soon"


A nice asshole.
Tried it and even though I usually love these types of games almost everything about it rubbed me wrong.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm still playing this occasionally. I think its the only game atm that my friends and I can all agree to play. Really great game if you enjoy competitive gaming, but feel like your twitch skills just aint what it used to be.