Audiobooks for the elderly


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
This is probably a long shot, but my grandmother is 89 and she can't read anymore. I would like to get her an subscription but I know an iPod is going to be unusable for her since she is mostly computer illiterate as well as being mostly blind. Anyone ever seen an MP3 player that has physical buttons and a super basic interface? She has a chromebook but apparently there is no way to listen to audible on that.


The easiest thing is probably a CD player that reads mp3 files. That's what my grandmother used.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, can you get shit from audible that way though? I think there are programs to take the DRM off of them, but that is a pretty big hassle. I'm not going to pirate stuff for her. I'm starting to think that a Kindle Fire might be the best option since I assume I can make the text big enough for her to see on that screen but I really have no idea how she will do with the touchscreen.


I am not familiar with audible. For my grandmother, it was CDs that were bought in book stores or borrowed from a library specialized in audiobooks. I suspect most public libraries have an audio book section too.

EDIT: I should add that the specialized library was part of a paramedical public service for the vision impaired that also provided/sold a number of gizmo that made her life easier (the aforementioned player, a digital magnifier, a wristwatch that says the time...). Maybe check if a similar service exists around you.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
My grandfather got those books for a while before he died. I was under the impression that they had a pretty shitty selection and the books weren't read by professionals though. I might look into it anyway, I was just hoping I could do something without getting the government involved.