AzureWoW - 3.3.5 WOTLK Server Community


I would like to introduce you guys to AzureWoW, a Blizzlike private server community for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Client. (Version 12340). We currently have two servers up, located in the US. One of them has 1x XP rates, the other has a 5x XP rate. We have 99.9% uptime, and experienced staff available 24/7 to help you.

We are a new community looking to gain some ground. We are looking to godfather in some members and players. We are running a special promotion right now that was similar to the offer that Blizzard offered people with the Scroll of Resurrection. Every new account is elgible to receive one free level 80 character on the realm of your choice. You select the race and class, and we will do the rest. You will also receive level appropriate gear. (Not to be confused with tier gear or raid gear).

If you are interested in joining the community, please stop by register your account.

We are currently working on getting special features incorporated into the management site, so until than if you have any questions please email me. (and also to redeem your free level 80 character) at masteryoer @ gmail dot com and I will reply in a timely manner.

Unlike most other WoW communities, this is a free to play community. We will not add in a paid VIP section which will give you special access, as we don't believe in that. Everyone will be able to get everything anyone else can.

Any questions, please post here or email me and I will respond as soon as I am able.





Coming here advertising a Vanilla WoW server is one thing. You are advertising a WoW server like every other EMU WoW server.


Coming here advertising a Vanilla WoW server is one thing. You are advertising a WoW server like every other EMU WoW server.
Except that there are a couple of differences.

One being, that I actually care about the community, and am not trying to make money off of it like nearly every single WoW EMU server available, and the other being that I do NOT believe in real money trading, like EVERY other wow community does. Find me a WoW private server community (Rated topsite servers) that doesn't expect you to pay real money for in-game items, or 'donate money' to the server to receive extra benefits, and i'll be really impressed.