

Molten Core Raider
The Helix thing is something I had to start just waiting until I had a second of downtime, but once I had a few games with Miko I knew exactly what I wanted and could pull it up and choose within a split second. As far as the loadouts I think you gain extra as you progress and I managed to get enough coin to buy another one after only a couple of missions. I ended up selling 80% of my gear to reduce the clutter as well. Class specific gear drops and you'll get legendary class gear by accomplishing the different achievements for any particular character. My main beef, so far, is that the story dungeons are basically like a first person MMO but as a healer, I can't see health bars to know who is taking damage so I'm constantly on a swivel. That wouldn't be so bad except that there is so much going on that having to hunt down people on top of the chaos is kinda a pain in the ass. And some of the story missions are extremely long for a shooter, I think the longest I've been in was nearly an hour and a half. Having one bug out at the end would really suck. I have about 8 hours in so far and I think the most fun I've had was a group where three people dropped at the start and me (Miko) and an Attikus duo'd the entire dungeon with a gold rating. I don't think doing a pub group on Normal will be a problem, and it helps that every loot box goes to each team member, but I don't think I'll run Hardcore without a decent group of folks.


Tranny Chaser
I was also playing Miko since I discovered in Beta that having a support vs not having a support was night and day in terms of trying to do the Story Missions. Yeah the lack of a convenient way to see group health is really problematic when playing a healer, I think that contributed significantly to my overall perception of things just being hectic as hell.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really enjoying the game so far, bout to unlock Benedict and finally get to play what I've wanted to. Wish they had a better character unlock system, maybe use post game credits for unlocking but it's whatever. Enjoy having the pve/pvp aspect so I can do whatever I feel like at the time and don't feel pigeon holed into playing either if I don't want to.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm still butthurt with Overwatch not having the pve aspects this does. We'll probably finally buy retail next week once I finish DS3.


Tranny Chaser
So after another week of playing this game I am getting more and more addicted to it. In my quest to unlock the class-specific artifact on Miko I needed to be on the same team as Kelvin 5 times... which resulted in me playing a phenomenal number of PVP matches (which are always faster than a Story mission) because Kelvin is an incredibly unpopular character. In the course of doing all these matches I started to explore other characters and quickly became enamored with them as well and found myself eager to level up those characters after I finished Miko.

The main focus, for me, remains the Story missions and I particularly like that the Heliophage acts not only as a capstone for the Story Mission plotline but also is something you can specifically queue for since it has to be unlocked. The end result is something that isn't quite a raid, but is still considerably tougher than doing the other Story missions and has an epic feel to it. The first time I finished it I did so solo, but doing it with a full group gave me a solid team-spirit "fuck yah!" feeling after Rendain died. In this sense Battleborn is very akin to an MMORPG without any type of overland sandbox, or Destiny/Division without any of the Strikes.

The main downside at this point is that the Gear is a blessing and a curse.

First of all he artifact I got from completing Miko's Lore series was nice, but actually not quite as nice as a blue healing item I had gotten on day one from the very first pack I opened. It has a special Miko-only attribute, but it is pretty freaking weak and only useful if someone on your team takes a really BIG hit while you are otherwise throwing Kunai and not actively using Healing Stream. That's a pretty specific set of circumstances that I don't know will ever come into play, or I can use an item that gives a blanket +10% more healing if I survive for 3 minutes.

The problem with the Gear is that, in MOBA style, you need to gain enough currency in any given Story / Match to activate them and the nicer items cost a lot more to activate. While gaining crystals on some PVP maps is fairly easy, others only seem to garner a slow steady trickle and in either case having enough to activate your shiny new Gear is going to take awhile... it also means forgoing spending those shards on buildables which weakens your overall team. Even in Story missions I only get to activate my Gear towards the end of the fight and still by holding off on spending on turrets or other defense buildables that probably do more than my +8% attack speed or whatever. In many ways the really crappy white Gear that costs 0 to activate is better than the higher rarity items because, assuming you can live with whatever negative side effect is has, it provides an immediate benefit at the start of the game and doesn't take away from buildable support.

I know this sort of thing has been fairly common in MOBAs, but given that you only have a static loadout of items rather than a progression of things that you build to AND that they are relatively weak compared to other things to spend crystals on I feel that Gearbox needs to rethink how they handle Gear and loadouts in general.

I do wish more people were playing this game, but I fear that it is destined to be swept under the rug.


Yeah, I feel the same way. Like the game.

It may get a bigger audience once it's reduced in price.

If this game was released last year it would have done fine, but releasing this close to Overwatch hurt it.


Molten Core Raider
I'm still enjoying it quite a bit but the population situation is dire on the PC. Hopefully it will be a slow burn but I'm not holding my breath. As far as the gear I've stopped equipping legendary items at this point due to the high price to activate them. By the time I have enough to crystals to use them I would have been better off using a lower tiered item for a longer duration. I've also switched from mostly playing Miko to almost exclusively playing Reyna. She's not very good for the first few levels but once you get past the initial hump she's a beast.


Tranny Chaser
Today is the early release of the 26th Battleborn : Alani

Seems like a decent enough support, similar to Ambra in that the healing is more of a fire-and-forget rather than a constant application like Miko

I'll give her a whirl. During the Overwatch Open Beta I actually enjoyed switching between Overwatch and Battleborn to change things up from game to game.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I enjoyed the beta as a PvE player, biting on the humble bundle and hopefully will get my friends to do the same.