Battlefield 3


Potato del Grande
Anyone else still playing this? I picked up a copy of premium the other day. I played my bro's account a bit when the game first came out, but finally got my own copy now. With all the DLC and whatnot, I am quite enjoying it, and my PC actually plays it a lot better than I thought it would. It's such a good looking game. Makes me even more anxious for the Battlefield 4 release. Also it is on sale right now until 2/27 for $10 for vanilla, or $35 for premium + game (all DLC's including upcoming one, and other perks and unlocks). Other BF games are on sale too dirt cheap.

Trying to find some good servers to play on, and some info as to what are some of the good weapons to aim for for assault. Any advice? Leveling seems a bit slow so far, almost 4 hours and only level 5 so far. Thank god for the starter kit that comes with premium, I have a feeling I'd be getting owned even harder otherwise lol.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I go back to it every now and again. All the buddies I've played with are on different services for it though. On ps3/ 360 / pc I think I ranked the highest on the ps3 since they had gotten a few of the addons first. Was good to get away from the pc for a little while and forget mmo's for a bit.


I'm downloading as we speak. 35 bucks looked like a pretty good deal so I went for it. A buddy of mine is downloading it after work tonight as well. I wanted it on pc for a long time but got it on ps3 as a gift so never took the plunge. I look forward to seeing how it runs tonight. It is gonna suck not having any of the unlocks I have on the ps3 though, haha. No biggie though, between this and planetside2 I should be busy for a while.


FoH nuclear response team
Can jets still float at 50mph and snipe troops on the ground?(non harriers). This was the most frustrating thing to me with this game.

I might download it and play as well with PS2.


Trump's Staff
Was meaning to play since Aftermath came out but could never get the maps to load. Took me giving a shit to realize Aftermath had never actually downloaded (it would let me load the Aftermath servers but then just sat at "loading...").


Visuals in this game are amazing.. Fully maxed and no lag whatsoever. My name is SaulonWeck, play times are a bit retarded for me right now, but keep an eye out.


FoH nuclear response team
Jets could never do that. Don't know if choppers still can though.
Some of the really good pilots could do it and it was frustrating as hell since you could never blow them out of the sky.

Visuals in this game are amazing.. Fully maxed and no lag whatsoever. My name is SaulonWeck, play times are a bit retarded for me right now, but keep an eye out.
I'll add you tonight or tomorrow.


<Gold Donor>
This game just does not have the feeling of the older BF games like my favorite, Brothers in Arms. The PC version is still serviceable, but IMO the console versions are shit because of the 12 player limit. Even the cropped maps are shit because you get like 2 people in tanks, 2 people in jets , helis or tanks and that leaves like 2 people to battle it out on the ground. LOL?

It seems like they tried to cater to the CoD people yet trying to keep the BF vibe, but they IMO, failed. Don't get me wrong, the engine overall is gorgeous, the destructible environments are sweet too, it just does not have the "meta game" of the earlier versions of the BF series.


That guy
Aftermath has the best maps since classic/Karkand in my opinion, but I'm a sucker for large urban maps. No jets or attack helis makes me happy in the pants.


FoH nuclear response team
GD I forgot how much sun flare they added in this game, anyone have tips for seeing things better in this game?


FoH nuclear response team
look up INI tweaks if you are playing on PC.
I'll check that out but I'm not sure if it's something that I can change in game aside from Sun Flare. The problem I have is everyone blends in so well with the environment that I don't see them til it's too late.

Also, I bought all the BF3 expansions since they were on sale but when I try to play those maps it says I need to download the game but I can't find anywhere to initiate said downloads on Origin. I fucking hate Origin.
I'll check that out but I'm not sure if it's something that I can change in game aside from Sun Flare. The problem I have is everyone blends in so well with the environment that I don't see them til it's too late.

Also, I bought all the BF3 expansions since they were on sale but when I try to play those maps it says I need to download the game but I can't find anywhere to initiate said downloads on Origin. I fucking hate Origin.
Yup. Until I trained myself to look for movement and not shapes I had a hard time picking people out against backdrops.


Trump's Staff
I'll check that out but I'm not sure if it's something that I can change in game aside from Sun Flare. The problem I have is everyone blends in so well with the environment that I don't see them til it's too late.

Also, I bought all the BF3 expansions since they were on sale but when I try to play those maps it says I need to download the game but I can't find anywhere to initiate said downloads on Origin. I fucking hate Origin.
Origin is balls. That said: Launch Origin -> Right click BF3 -> click Show Game Details -> at the bottom are your owned (and released) expac's; click them to see if you need to Install (it will say Play if they're fully installed). I had this issue with Aftermath and that was the fix.


FoH nuclear response team
Origin is balls. That said: Launch Origin -> Right click BF3 -> click Show Game Details -> at the bottom are your owned (and released) expac's; click them to see if you need to Install (it will say Play if they're fully installed). I had this issue with Aftermath and that was the fix.
That is the most retarded shit I've ever heard of, you shouldn't have to hunt to find the games you've purchased. Thanks for the help though.


FoH nuclear response team
Got it all downloading before I came to work last night, I'll be on some this weekend if anyone want's to play a bit. I added Hinadu but it looks like he's uppity and denied my request.

Thanks again Brikker.


Trump's Staff
Got it all downloading before I came to work last night, I'll be on some this weekend if anyone want's to play a bit. I added Hinadu but it looks like he's uppity and denied my request.

Thanks again Brikker.
Np. I think we've played together before back when Regime was playing a lot?

Either way, I'll probably try out Aftermath tomorrow and Saturday. Feel free to friend Brikker!


FoH nuclear response team
I'm not sure if we did or not, I know I added you on Planetside 2 but never saw you come online lol. I'll add you for sure tomorrow morning when I get off work. Fair warning that I die a shitload because of my colorblindness.


I don't think I got a notification from you Heko. I'll check again, I mostly interact with bf3 through the battlelog and not steam so maybe that's it. I've been playing a fair amount and its a lot of fun, the maps are quite a bit larger compared to the console versions.

My buddy has a problem where origin is stuck in offline mode, anyone have a fix? Looking online reveals some genius ideas such as servers are down, which is not the case as we were playing together and mine is fine. It's been stuck that way for two days now.