Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


<Gold Donor>
Yeah BF3 broke my shooter cherry and I struggled for a long time until I got it. Im still lacking, but way better than when I first started. Play smart use cover and use the mini map. Don't just run into shit willy nilly. I loved how in BF3 when you started to run into a bloodbath your dude would yell out "Im gonna kill all of them!"


Golden Squire

It looks like that guy was throwing down the medikit a lot. Should I be playing as a medic? Does that make a big difference?
Matimio and levelcap often do videos together, matimio is an incredible shot and both of their videos are excellent in terms of information.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Matimio and levelcap often do videos together, matimio is an incredible shot and both of their videos are excellent in terms of information.
Eh, neither are particularly great players, but they're certainly better than your average Joe. I'd recommend my friend Ravic:, though I should note that most of what you would glean from his playstyle (i.e. his videos where we're not screwing around) would be from observation rather than him explaining it all to you. No one SRAWs better than he does.


<Gold Donor>
Thanks bros, good tips. Learning a lot from these videos. I'm getting better at using the map. I can't believe I played Call of Duty instead of this for so long.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea, I haven't tried CoD since 3 and roughly 2007? The EQ crew I played with dabbled in the Halo routine until BF3.


Golden Squire
Thanks bros, good tips. Learning a lot from these videos. I'm getting better at using the map. I can't believe I played Call of Duty instead of this for so long.
I got BF4 and CoD on the same day, I've never played a CoD game online until last week.

18 players tops, lol.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Since one of you asked, I suppose I should share the following tidbit to give you an edge against the unfamiliar with respect to a particular vehicle mechanic.

Any vehicle weapon type which works off of magazine-based ammo pools (e.g. LAV main cannons, Zunis, Chopper Main Cannon, Rocket Pods, etc.) can be extended by firing one round off when you're at maximum capacity. Doing so will start a reload which will give you the equivalent of 1 round short of an extra full mag relative to what you'd typically have.

So whenever you find yourself in a vehicle utilizing said weapons, be sure to fire off a round and start the reload as soon as you spawn. It's particularly fantastic for zunis, and has probably saved my ass many times.


<Gold Donor>
I got BF4 and CoD on the same day, I've never played a CoD game online until last week.

18 players tops, lol.
This was also the problem with BF3 and BF4 on the old consoles too. Just not the same having 12-18 players max, or whatever it was, on smaller cropped maps. It just does not give you that epic BF feeling that 32 or 64 player does on full maps, shit even the close quarters maps with 64 people are its own game play mode, lol.

Especially the maps with vehicles in them. You get six out of the 12 people in vehicles which means that only six to eight more people are infantry per side. Not even close to a true battlefield experience.


<Gold Donor>
BTW new patch notes....

Players will no longer be able to pick up deployed AA mines

Players will no longer be able to equip an AA mine together with rocket launchers

Fix for an issue where players could have two Javelin projectiles in the air at the same time

Javelin damage has been reduced from 34% to 30%

Active Radar cone on the Ground Active Radar Missiles has been reduced from 5 degrees to 2 degrees

Reduced the resupply time of the Flares from 25 to 20 seconds

Reduced the resupply time of the ECM from 30 to 25 seconds

Increased the resupply time of Active Protection from 30 to 35 seconds

Bullpup weapons with 1x sights should now all properly benefit from increased movement speed while aiming down the sight

Increased the damage of the CBJ-MS all ranges to better balance its low rate of fire

Reduced the direct damage of the Attack Helicopter Zuni rockets as they were slightly too powerful after the last adjustment - as a result that last increase has been toned down to 50%

Increased the side to side recoil of the AWS to balance it with other 800 RPM LMGs and keep its unique firing behavior

Reduced the damage of the FIM-92 Stinger and SA-18 IGLA to 35% from 45% against Scout, Attack Helicopters and jets

Toned down the helicopter flip caused by FIM-92 Stinger, SA-18 IGLA and Starstreak HVM-2 impacts
So welcome back helicopters and fuck you AWS you were just too good.


Vyemm Raider
AWS was retarded overpowered but then, so is the DAO and they haven't fixed it. A cynic would think it is on purpose (buy the DLC bitch!)

And lol @ scout helis getting even stronger. Yeah, they totally needed that. Wiggitybear can't quite keep that k/d over a 10 while playing completely solo.

Meanwhile, I feel safer on foot than in a tank.


<Gold Donor>
I thought they nerfed the DAO already in the mar 6th patch. I never bothered to open it up but I see less people using it now.


Golden Squire
AWS was retarded overpowered but then, so is the DAO and they haven't fixed it. A cynic would think it is on purpose (buy the DLC bitch!)

And lol @ scout helis getting even stronger. Yeah, they totally needed that. Wiggitybear can't quite keep that k/d over a 10 while playing completely solo.

Meanwhile, I feel safer on foot than in a tank.
Attack helis remain complete dogshit however, slow as fuck, no repair seat, relies on both crew being exceptional in their roles to be effective at all.

Bullpups are definately improved though from the quick play I've had today.


Golden Squire
I thought they nerfed the DAO already in the mar 6th patch. I never bothered to open it up but I see less people using it now.
I just find shotguns in general suck balls, unless you sneak up to knifing distance and shoot them point blank their RoF and poor accuracy means eveyone not using a shotty will destroy you.


Vyemm Raider
Heh, I had no idea DAO was fixed because, of course, it wasn't in the patch notes. And I was just using it for the first time. Dammit. It still has twice the ROF of a pump with 20% less damage, though.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Heh, I had no idea DAO was fixed because, of course, it wasn't in the patch notes. And I was just using it for the first time. Dammit. It still has twice the ROF of a pump with 20% less damage, though.
I hope you're using Flechette.

Regarding the AWS nerf: I'll wait until Symthic releases the stats to see just how bad it was hit with the nerf bat; even if it's horizontal recoil was nerfed say, by a margin of 0.1 in either direction, it's still much more useful than the other LMG's given its low vertical recoil and 1.0 FSM. Just stick a compensator on there, with a stubby to negate the spread increase, and bingo.

The bullpup change is a welcome addition; the strafe speed bonus is a huge boost for pulling off efficient corner peeks.

They still need to address the misalignment between visual and actual recoil for certain weapons, as well as strafing misalignment (e.g. QBZ family, and certain others).

Let's see if the flip actually is negated now, that has been full retard mode since day 1.

And lol @ scout helis getting even stronger. Yeah, they totally needed that. Wiggitybear can't quite keep that k/d over a 10 while playing completely solo.
Should've been in the round where Hide (3rd in the US for Scout Helis) and I were playing with Widgity (using another alias, as he tends to do these days to avoid being followed) and we ended up stealing their scout chopper. Having both of them flying around simultaneously for the same team was absolutely hilarious.

On the topic of farming baddies, here's a recent screenshot of when my platoon gets together for what we call "Casual Meet 'N Greets".


I don't understand the love affair devs have with the scout chopper.

Personally, I would up their dmg output limit their counter-measures to refresh only while sitting within cap range of friendly uncap/cap point. Massively increase infantry launcher system dmg (all), decrease carried ammo, and make refresh time longer from ammo boxes higher / shorter from cmd drops.

Making a gun platform perform realistically I think would go a long way towards making them not so retarded to fight against in pub servers.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Limit their counter-measures to refresh only while sitting within cap range of friendly uncap/cap point. Massively increase infantry launcher system dmg (all), decrease carried ammo, and make refresh time longer from ammo boxes higher / shorter from cmd drops.

Lock on spam in aircraft is bad enough as it is; the amount of skill necessary to avoid the endless locking spam relative to the herp-derp ease with which any drooling retard can pick up lockon_weapon_01 is already a problem. Non-guided damage is just fine. Limit counter measures to what amounts to a few % of the entire map? How dense are you?

Decrease carried ammo? So I can pick up ammo from the non-existent support players who are fulfilling their role? And when I do win the Battlefield powerball lottery and do find one, I'll have to sit on it longer than necessary?

My head hurts.