Bill Gates Says AI Will Be As Dangerous as Nukes

There was a journalist killed that they theorized his car was hacked and crashed on purpose, I don't remember what the scandal he was reporting on was about.

EDIT: Found it -


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
From 2011:

I think a lot of the "hackers" out there just don't want to take lives. I'm also fairly certain that there are plenty of people out there that want to do just that. To me it would not be surprising if all of a sudden people can't use cars anymore, because someone has be slowly rolling out an attack and waiting to execute it for maximum effect.
Yep. And those security vulnerabilities are largely caused by convenience or OBD systems which are only going to become more prevalent along with driver assistance. The potential has been there for a while, it's just going to get easier when you have a multiple ECUs who are there to explicitly take control from or share control with the driver.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think a_skeleton_03 read a few blogs and now he thinks he is an expert on all things ai. Dunning Kruger effect ladies and gentlemen!


I think a_skeleton_03 read a few blogs and now he thinks he is an expert on all things ai. Dunning Kruger effect ladies and gentlemen!
Expert? No. Interested? Yes. Look up pigeon chess maybe?

You came in arguing that a single application robot was AI because it could pass a Turing test, not your finest moment.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The two times Turing has been mentioned in this thread:
as we continue to creep on the boundaries of what people define as real AI the goal posts will shift and move around as the defined tests mark something as being AI, but no matter how well it performs at a turing-like test, we humans will still reject it as being a living entity.
You came in arguing that a single application robot was AI because it could pass a Turing test, not your finest moment.
With that reading comprehension I don't know if you could pass Turing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Also I don't know why you keep shitting on the Bartender-bot. You think it's easy to mix drinks and converse with drunks simultaneously?


Unelected Mod
If a bartender bot could pass a turing test while mixing drinks and interacting with customers, that would be fucking amazing (as in a HUGE breakthrough). To say it would be absurd to call such a think an AI is silly. Though I agree with Tuco that plenty of people would still reject it.


Because it isn't AI until it is independent. You just have a slave by another name in this bartender bot.

You are totally a free man, free to work as a slave in my field ....


The two times Turing has been mentioned in this thread:

With that reading comprehension I don't know if you could pass Turing.
What test would you say a robot could pass that talks to you and pours you drinks and can sense your emotions and pour you a double?


Shit Lord Supreme
AI is a misnomer, the topic isn't about fake intelligence, it never is, we already write applications that emulate intelligent decision making. Machine intelligence is the more accurate term, and the only way we would measure a created intelligence would be against our own, it's all we can compare against (we could posit and associate intelligence levels with say, other mammals but we haven't fully reverse engineered any other creature's brain anymore than we have our own; at least as far as I know). It's very conceivable that at some point in time we successfully reverse engineer the human brain and build a construct which emulates that.

As it stands the human brain is very powerful and capable, and for the most part everything it is collectively conscious of compares against it poorly. The biggest thing that people see in a Machine's is total recall and speed, which is rare or unknown amongst humans. Evidence is starting to point to human brains as having an intentionally cloudy area for memory to be lost, for reasons that supersede the value of total recall, like for example mental health.

The fact is the intelligence that most people, laymen or otherwise are discussing is not a procedural routine. It's structuring is similarly dependent on the structuring of our own intelligence, while its also conceivable that we could blindly create an foreign intelligence nothing like human intelligence, its more likely that we would at least at first use the blue prints of our own design in constructing this intelligence, and thus that intelligence could very likely be based on similar conditions like emotions, the same as humans.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
What test would you say a robot could pass that talks to you and pours you drinks and can sense your emotions and pour you a double?
Haha, you missed the entire point of my post. I didn't think you would.

Lurking, I saw this a few months ago, it's a pretty neat hobbyist robot.

Food prep robotics will be a huge field in the future, but I feel like bartenders will be the most resilient to being replaced by robotics because the human element is so important for bartenders in ways that other food service employees aren't.

There will probably be a lot of 'specialty' restaurants with this kind of usage of robotics that makes it a new experience:

But I think the biggest market for robotic restaurants is stuff more in this direction:

Where everything is contained and automated. It's just a matter of making it profitable, I mean we technically had this stuff 50 years ago


I didn't miss the point of your post. You were being a smarmy cunt trying to pretend you weren't talking about a one application robot that could pass a Turing test just because you never said Turing test ....


A nice asshole.
AI will never be dangerous until we or it invents a small battery with infinite to near infinite life.