Black Desert


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm hating Draegan right about now. There isn't a zerker in PRX that isn't silently contemplating rerolling and seriously regretting his class choice. Not one.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Talking about PvE, this game has two levels of difficulty, one is Wizard/Witch, the other is everyone else. A class that can sustain itself indefinitely for both HP and mana hardly using any potion, that can destroy single target and aoe, that can heal others (and res them). Cons? It looks like a homeless beggar or a potato sack and even costumes suck balls.
I tried Sorceress, which is a cool class and Tamer, which also is quite fun, but the raw power of the wizard/witch and the fact that being ranged is a huge advantage, explains why everyone and their dog is playing one.

The game is great for what it does and to be honest, even if it's grindy, I don't give a flying fuck and have a lot of fun playing it, not using any shortcuts to get somewhere, because due to the nature of the game, it actually goes nowhere, only in its pretty sandbox.
As usual for me, I'll play more than one class and this game is pretty much perfect for us altoholics: everything except mounts is shared and gear is tradeable. Nodes, workers, warehouses, etc. all enjoyable by every character. Unfortunately energy is also shared, so are contribution points, but it's okay and I have no problems living with that.
There are a bunch of annoying things, such as the minipets that are tiny cats that eat like huge fucking lions and the food takes a while to cook (and costs a lot to buy at the marketplace). Now that I figured out I can stash away my pet (and it supposedly stops consuming food), it should last me much longer.
I'm going to work on my crafting much more now, it's strangely satisfying in this game, I'm usually not very fond of crafting, but here it's immersive.

Afk fishing is also amazing


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Mounts are account bound, at least the pre-order one. Log on to an alt, go to a Stable and your mount should be shown, click Remote Recover and it will automagically appear at the Stable your alt is at (not sure if there needs to be connected nodes or not).


I discovered hauling trade goods yesterday. I thought it must be just like archeage and grabbed a pack of something and walked to viagra from where I bought it in floozle. I was somewhat surprised when the fellow offered me 30% of what I paid for it. So... not like archeage.

So then it was learn about the nodes! What are nodes? Who knows? You invest points in them... I'm betting the choice of words node and invest are probably unfortunate because it really doesn't make any sense. Maybe it does in the original Korean.

I spent the day linking up these imaginary lines and eventually started doing some very archeage style trading. Thieves jumped me a couple times and I just outran them on Jimmy the donkey. Eventually though I thought I'd try carrying a big load of whatsits and carpets, so I loaded Jimmy up with near the max load.

When you do that, the donkey goes about 1kph. No more outrunning thieves. I encountered some outside gnoggoth on the way to Heidi, and hopped off and fought them, and the fight went on and on and on with me zapping and running and getting shot full of arrows. I drank 30 potions. I wanted to tab over to irc and ask for help from friends but I had to keep running.

In an ordinary game in this situation you hit autorun and then tab over and "omg halp". But in this one, if you are in a fight, you hit autorun, your character stops, looks ponderous and thoughtful for a moment, put away your staff, slowly sheathe your dagger, think about something complicated for a few seconds, and THEN you start running. All the while you are getting shived in the butt.

To overcome the 10 freaking seconds it takes to start autorunning I had to get far ahead. After sending my help request I discovered that I got too far and they had gone back and shived down poor Jimmy. Friends arrived and we fought those things for 30 minutes and never killed one. Not sure how much we damaged them because of the fun knowledge/healthbar thing, but we eventually gave up and poor Jimmy is unavenged.

It will be like when you hit 40 or so in Everquest and you suddenly remember all those bastard npcs that murdered you in Qeynos hills when you were young. I'll take a journey to murder Konem Matse and Holly Windstalker, Jimmy shall be avenged.



Look at all them carpets! Also see that tough looking guard up there? 2 or 3 of those passed right through when I was fighting those thieves. They couldn't be arsed to help. Thought I was saved.

Also hilariously, when Jimmy died he just sort of fell over and vanished. I figured he was gone forever but friends said to check the stable and there he was! They wanted 10 grand to fix him. I paid up and out he popped... with all his bags and carpets intact...

So the thieves, they aren't really thieves, just assholes.

About the maintenance, I haven't been to their forums or anything. Is this a scheduled thing or do they do this every day? Five hours is a long time.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I can play an underpowered class and not care, but I can not play a "broken" class. Berserkers are currently fucking BROKEN, as in you might as well shit cardboard.

Our class resolves around a three grab CC combo and without it we're nothing.

Black Desert - Grabs, Lag, and You - YouTube


Not only do they not work, they don't grab people when people are moving, but people end the grab on their feet instead of knocked down (so you can't frenzied destroyer), and then not only that when you miss you're stuckin a 4 second fucking animation where people can shoot you in the back. All this in a class that has the survivability of a moist pancake. 115 DP and I get one shot by Sorcs.

Fun, I'm rerolling.
I told you. Play your wizard.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm hating Draegan right about now. There isn't a zerker in PRX that isn't silently contemplating rerolling and seriously regretting his class choice. Not one.
Don't take class advice from Draegan. He's the IRB of class and build advice.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
In an ordinary game in this situation you hit autorun and then tab over and "omg halp". But in this one, if you are in a fight, you hit autorun, your character stops, looks ponderous and thoughtful for a moment, put away your staff, slowly sheathe your dagger, think about something complicated for a few seconds, and THEN you start running. All the while you are getting shived in the butt.

To overcome the 10 freaking seconds it takes to start autorunning I had to get far ahead. After sending my help request I discovered that I got too far and they had gone back and shived down poor Jimmy. Friends arrived and we fought those things for 30 minutes and never killed one. Not sure how much we damaged them because of the fun knowledge/healthbar thing, but we eventually gave up and poor Jimmy is unavenged.

It will be like when you hit 40 or so in Everquest and you suddenly remember all those bastard npcs that murdered you in Qeynos hills when you were young. I'll take a journey to murder Konem Matse and Holly Windstalker, Jimmy shall be avenged.
not sure about with donkeys or whatever, but if you're running manually you can manually sheathe your weapons without stopping, then auto-run once they're sheathed.


Trakanon Raider
For some ugly reason i still have this message poping (yeah i like to run in combat-stance and the message often appear in a middle of a fight)


I tried edit UI and remove the combo windows stuff, without any result. Any idea ?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
That happened to me too, but went away after a while or I changed stuff.

This game has way too many alerts active by default.


Trakanon Raider
Ok, i'll just hope it goes away too, im lv 43 still have it :/ Maybe low level quest trigger it idk. Maybe switch channel...

I can agree with the sentiment but I notice there are crafting titles for costume crafting so I'm not sure if that's a 'release' concern or a permanent one? I haven't followed KR at all so no idea.
In the KR version i think there is an item to turn an armor into a costume... So basically you can get this crafting armor, and change them to a costume so you have a free new look. How to get the item changer ? Cash shop ...


2 Minutes Hate
Don't take class advice from Draegan. He's the IRB of class and build advice.
Fuck you. My builds are fine for each class. Berserkers are fine in KR. I can't predict shitty technology in North America.

If I could spend a solid 4 days poopsocking I'd tried to reroll, but I'm to committed at this point. I'm nearly 46 right now and I've spent most of release interview for jobs and doing meetings. Plus PRX says no no no to rerolls so I'll continue to plug away.


<Silver Donator>
Anyone still have a guest pass? My specs are borderline but I've read people are running fine with lower. I'd like to try it out first.


Molten Core Raider
How much of a hit is rerolling assuming you didn't Visa up for hundreds of dollars? Cp and energy are shared. Gear isnt no trade, right?

Is it just the leveling time that sets you back?


2 Minutes Hate
Time for one, which is valuable for me with family and new job stuff coming up.

Second, all the conqueror pack stuff. New costumes and a horse. Personally, dropping another 30$ for a costume and stuff isn't that big of a deal. It's the time for me and the fact that I'm still not level cap. Rerolling just sets me back. If I had a solid two days to reroll and play without distractions I might think about it. At this point that's not reality. That and I might get kicked out of the guild. lol


Vyemm Raider
How much of a hit is rerolling assuming you didn't Visa up for hundreds of dollars? Cp and energy are shared. Gear isnt no trade, right?

Is it just the leveling time that sets you back?
gear is tradable, its really going to be leveling and replacing a weapon since your mains weapon is likely to be different. Maybe there is something I'm overlooking, but rerolls should be more or less painless


Trakanon Raider
Anyone still have a guest pass? My specs are borderline but I've read people are running fine with lower. I'd like to try it out first.
Running on medium settings at 1080p resolution just fine with a really old rig.
Intel Dual core[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */,6ghz
4go ram DDR2
GTX 580 1750 mb
WIN 10
The game still looks good and run around 35 fps and 50 fps in some area.
Well optimized game i would say.


2 Minutes Hate
If you want the same leveling speed it'll cost $$ for costume stuff (weapon/armor skins and the underwear).

Personally for me, I have +5 gear in almost every slot except one (+3). I could get all my stones back. I have a +9 axe though for my zerker. That would be the only "loss" in the conversion gear wise.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How much of a hit is rerolling assuming you didn't Visa up for hundreds of dollars? Cp and energy are shared. Gear isnt no trade, right?

Is it just the leveling time that sets you back?
The plus side of rerolling is that you can twink out your alt pretty well with gear from your high level toon. So the grind will go much quicker.

But haven't tried it yet. Still like my sorc. Probably wait for blader / ninja before doing another toon.