

Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well thanks for the tips guys, seeing as I am almost at the first boss, I'll give it another try tonight to see if I can reach him at least so I can start levelling.

While I find the game hard, I really really like it...maybe if I can start levelling, at least the constant trying over and over and clearing the map with reward me with some levelling, since right now it feels pointless.

I guess I missed a shortcut, gonna have to look for that tonight when I get home from work.


I feel like even grinding out some levels the game just doesn't give a shit and will still put it in your ass lol. Altho after being a casual shitlord complainer about two bosses, I knocked both of them out on my first attempt yesterday. When they told us Bloodborne you are on the offensive, I took it too literal and yolo'd a lot of bosses and told them to come at me bro. With slowing down a bit and keeping a distance with short bursts of attacking, it helped out a lot.


Trakanon Raider
I lied when i said yesterday was gonna drag as i waited to go home to play... today is the day that will drag, cause now i got a taste for the game....
It's really so freakin awesome, i love how they pace battle this time vs the Souls games.
I currently left my PS4 on with my guy stuck on rafters with no way down lol, i'll have to use the Bold Hunter Marks i guess... but i'm close to the boss and don't want to lost my blood.
Game just makes you sit on the edge of your seat in fear and anticipation, have not had that feeling while playing a game in a long long time.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You just gotta get all Zen on this shit. Don't care about blood/souls. Don't care about dying. The cost for dying is relatively minor, unless you're foolish and save up like 50k/100k souls/blood before bothering to level, which you should never do until you're at a point where it takes that many souls to level once anyway, and then the cost isn't that bad again.

Take a long view: These are more like classic RPGs in the initial difficulty learning curve. Once you've plugged away at it for awhile, you'll start to improve. And each time you improve, the game will throw something new and unexpected at you to force you to adapt and improve again.

The themes of these games are suffering, death, decay, and rebirth. So the challenge sort of fits the themes, as well. You're supposed to struggle. If you're struggling, that's pretty much the game working as intended.

I lied when i said yesterday was gonna drag as i waited to go home to play... today is the day that will drag, cause now i got a taste for the game....
It's really so freakin awesome, i love how they pace battle this time vs the Souls games.
I currently left my PS4 on with my guy stuck on rafters with no way down lol, i'll have to use the Bold Hunter Marks i guess... but i'm close to the boss and don't want to lost my blood.
Game just makes you sit on the edge of your seat in fear and anticipation, have not had that feeling while playing a game in a long long time.
If you're on the rafters in the sewers, you can get down, there's some mobs and shit down there, and there are ladders back up from there.

Just look carefully about where you choose to fall, don't jump too far, or fall on an enemy without attacking him, you should be able to get down there. I was in that part last night before I crashed, where the guy with the hunter's marks is, and you can totally fall down to the lower level and then climb back up. There are spots where if you jump down its too far and you will die, though, so be wary of that.


A Mod Real Quick
If you're sort of near the two wolves and "stuck on the rafters" where I think you are, there's actually a ladder that goes up. When you go up you can break the coffins and get to a path that leads back out to the dogs. I sat there for a minute and said "what the hell is the point of this?"

Starting as Waste of Skin I did grind out like 3 levels, but I also grinded out buying equipment and blood/cocktails/urns. My HP just felt way too low when I fought the first boss, I think he could kill me in 2 hits.

Friday night I might drunkenly stream this


Here is a gem of a quote from the ign comments section of the Bloodborne review (currently at 23k posts. Console war in full swing)

people who think they have skill because they play the dark souls series can go play Trials and come pack crying


Trakanon Raider
yea, the area i'm in has an NPC that gives you 4 Bold hunter marks, and if you talk to him again you get a new emote as well. There are 2 chains with lamps on them that you can hit and they drop down. below me were mobs that i cleared out prior to going up here. Seems there are 3 layers to the area... very bottom seems to have rats (not been down there). Middle, then the rafters at the top with the NPC through a door that you have to break coffins to get to. I searched for a way down for about 45 min, then went to bed leaving my guy up there.
I'll look for a ladder, but did not see one.
NPC Name is 'Eileen The Crow' Here is a video of where she is that i just found... vid did not show how to get outta there



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
There's definitely a ladder in the very bottom that leads up, its before the hallway with the broken down boats that has the two rats at the very end. Like if you are walking out of that area with your back turned to the rats, turn right at the end of the hallway, and there's a ladder just to your right. Leads back up.


Trakanon Raider
Interesting, i'll have to check, I saw a ladder from the rats to middle Rafters but not from middle to Top Rafters.... now i wanna go home and search more, i may have been tired as it was about 3am when i was there, my poor guy is sitting up there, system on like old school nintendo days of leaving game on not to lose progress haha.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Think it leads up to a door you open with a lever that is only openable from the side you come up the ladder to, so yeah. Then you get a shortcut back down that way or something.


Karazhan Raider
yea, the area i'm in has an NPC that gives you 4 Bold hunter marks, and if you talk to him again you get a new emote as well. There are 2 chains with lamps on them that you can hit and they drop down. below me were mobs that i cleared out prior to going up here. Seems there are 3 layers to the area... very bottom seems to have rats (not been down there). Middle, then the rafters at the top with the NPC through a door that you have to break coffins to get to. I searched for a way down for about 45 min, then went to bed leaving my guy up there.
I'll look for a ladder, but did not see one.
NPC Name is 'Eileen The Crow' Here is a video of where she is that i just found... vid did not show how to get outta there

Ya I know where you are, I ended up attacking Eileen and she is hard. You can drop from the rafters down to the next level (with the hunchback guys and a rifleman) without taking much damage. Never tried dropping all the way to the rats further down.

This is the area just past the dog cages and the door with someone asking to find somewhere safe for her


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Just try to drop down a level at a time. Don't try to go from the rafters to the rats in one leap.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
It does. You can exit the game anywhere, and you'll restart where you left off, but its best to quit the game through the in game menu prior to closing the application through the ps4 interface, because it will also save right then and ensure you don't lose anything.


A Mod Real Quick
One feature I didn't really pay attention to but I like is that the enemies will pick up your blood and just walk around with it. Neat little feature. Makes it so you can't just ninja into an area and peace out


Trakanon Raider
ahhh i was unaware it was saving as we went, assumed it saved at lanters/dream world. So i thought if i quit and came back, i'd still have all my blood but it would put me back at the lantern thus having to fight my way back to where i am now.
since i was unsure, i just left it on, good to know quitting and starting puts you right where you were.