books on College algebra through Calc


Molten Core Raider
Hello everyone, I'm reviewing and cramming for my college entrance exams. I was doing calc in HS but that was 14 years ago. I tested into pre-algebra(off by 1 point for college algebra) and I'm trying to test higher.

I'm reviewing the fundamentals with a pre-algebra "For Dummies" book. I'm wondering if anyone has had luck with any specific self study books for college algebra through calc. I would love to hear any recommendations that people may have, with a dl location/link if available(via pm i'm guessing).

I do not have a reliable internet connection(sad in this day and age), making websites such as khan, little use for me atm.

thanks much!

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Art of Problem Solving is good stuff if you want to be able to solve shit on test.

If you want a truly understand the material, do Basic Mathematics by Lang and then Calculus by Spivak.


Trakanon Raider
Unless you are some math wiz, just take the college pre algebra. I was in the same boat being out of school for so long before going back that my math became shit. It still is, but comparing a failing grade in a algebra class verses a non gpa rated course that will help rebuild your blocks into algebra isn't a tough call looking back on it. Besides if you do the pre algebra/prep course and pass, just take the clep test for the algebra class. There is a good chance you can pass it without having to take the course.


I also just returned to college. I petitioned (successfully) to be allowed into Precalculus sans testing, and I'd recommend you do the same if they'll let you. I found it pretty hard, but no foreknowledge was really required. Basically an overview of algebra, geometry and trig, and repeated hammering away at common but mathematically illogical errors - sqrt(a^2 + b ^2) != a + b, for example. You'll also do some limits without knowledge of limits. You'll also do derivatives without knowing they're derivatives, and you'll do them the hard way - that (f(a + h) - f(a))/ h shit.

Seriously, though, it's been 14 years for you and it had been 10 for me. Save some time and skip any class you can up to precalc, do as much work is required, and you're good. Calc 1 was a joke after Precalc for me, and Calc 2 wasn't much harder. I did find Calc 3 pretty tough, though.

For Calc 1 and 2 I didn't attend class because so fucking useful. The text book -Calculus: Early Transcendentals: Jon Rogawski: 9781429208383: Books- was also good, but it'sveryproof-based for an undergraduate, mostly single-variable Calculus book. If you're going into engineering/compsci/physics, it's probably good. If you're biology or pre-med or something like that, it's probably more than you need.

The first site I linked requires the internet, obviously, but it's in a printable format, so it'll be more convenient than Khan for you.


Molten Core Raider
Thank you everyone for the suggestions, I will be looking into the books. While I'm not a math wiz now, I was all throughout my school age years. Taking honors and advanced classes. If I wasn't sure that I was capable to actually learn and understand the material though self study I would forego it and take the courses.

Draegan, I will definitely take you up on your offer.

I seriously love the community here. No homo.....ok maybe a little......


Molten Core Raider
After reading some reviews I decided to start with "Basic Mathmatics" by Lang. I'm only able to find the 1971 edition and no the most recent revision in 1998. I doubt there' are any important differences though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I love me some patrickjmt have used his videos from trig to differential equations, also search his youtube channel its great!


Molten Core Raider
As I stated in the OP, I would definitely use Khan as my main go to,if I had access to a reliable connection at home. When I get to the library I take full advantage of khan while I can. I'm really glad wormie suggested the books he did.



Its a pay to use site that's like $15 a month. you'll start with a math assessment to determine what grade level your at then to progress you just answer problem after problem it also gives a break down when you get questions wrong. its a mind numbing everquest style math grind but it works.