Camelot Unchained MMO


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I've said it before, but perma-invis as a mechanic needs to go. Shit is impossible to balance and a pain in the ass for everyone involved. No reason to fuck up the balance of an entire game just because Timmy Tenth-Grader likes sitting on a bridge with 7 of his best invisible friends 1-shotting everyone who runs past with rez sickness then vanishing as soon as a real fight comes along. It sucked in DAoC, it sucked in WoW, it sucked in WAR, it sucked in GW2 and it's going to suck in CU (have we decided on CU as an acronym?)
Maybe you shouldn't be running to a Milegate alone and then on top of it with rez sickness. You have no one to blame but yourself for doing something stupid like that. The only people that got ganked by Stealthers in the Frontier's were stupid people. If you go to a Milegate with a group you will never get ganked unless your group sucked ass. We had groups that would clean out the Milegates in Emain all the time on my server after they introduced that Realm ability to see invis(I forget what it was called). It was pretty much free Realm points.


I know where you are coming from. What I don't agree with is how it is being approached, how customers are now funding games through kickstarter where they shouldn't be, and the ultimate gripe of mine: If they cannot do this with millions of dollars thrown at them from a publisher, how the hell do you think they will be able to manage themselves without any reigns what so ever.

Publishers are good, and bad. Good in that they can fund, and keep people on track or they lose their jobs. Bad in that they sometimes can become victim to losing creative control. In this case, the creative control is a napkin. And the oversight is... no one.
I'm intrigued by CU, but you'll not get any arguments from me regarding Kickstarter and it's nefarious nature.

How do you determine the scammer from the legit project one should support? The only way one can really determine anything is via name recognition, and in my opinion the guys we know with the big bucks are the least deserving of the lot on KS. It's not a big risk to spend 20 bucks, but it's a waste of money, in my opinion.

When kickstarter starts selling actual stakes in companies with complete transparency regarding their project management, expenditures, and with actual contracts for said paid services then I'll consider them a valid entity instead of a simple method to boondoggle people out of dinero with no real accountability.


Rasterizing . . .
Careers never end here in this genre. They just find new homes. You know this.


Why do you care how expensive it will be?

He SHOULD. You are fucking FUNDING IT. You should also ask HOW HE IS GOING TO IMPLEMENT IT. You are now the publisher. Ask the right questions to make sure your investment ships!
Why do I care how expensive it will end up being? Because I was led to believe that the funds that I used to back the project were there to help kick start it. Needing more funding because the project isn't going in the right direction or they're unable to implement the features promised would show signs of mismanagement. Do you not agree?

Yeah I agree he should keep it transparent which is why I said it lol. I plan to ask how he's going to implement once the forums open up and we're given the green light to start giving feedback as I am sure many others plan to.

As far as him finding a new home in the space if this fails I disagree. With the level of visibility this has and the potential to be a catastrophic failure (or success) he will go back to working with the mobile platform at his current home. He won't touch another MMO at that point especially after the comments he's made about coming back to it in the first place.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Skyrim and Minecraft are the same game, at their very center they are about one thing...discovery.
Minecraft is not about discovery. It's aboutCreating. Like Legos. It's about being able to shape and mold your own world. Creating is completely different than discovering. Creating requires your imagination. Discovering requires curiosity.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
It's fine, I've been wondering how long someone would Google that massive amount of information I have dropped.
I'm sure that more people have looked you up that you might imagine, I think I did long ago - but most people are satisfied with sating their curiosity and letting it go.

I wish, WISH I could get into Eve... but I just can't get past the moment-to-moment gameplay. It really bugs me that something seemingly so small in the grad scheme of things is keeping me from a game I know I would otherwise really enjoy.
I could handle the gameplay in the near term if you didn't have to endure metric fucktons of boring shit in between what might be the actual enjoyable experiences.


Musty Nester
Ut's right. Daoc was so broken until SI. I played Hib for most of daoc.

I also remember how fucked up their RNG seed was -- and it had WIDE effects in rvr. A lot of what was blamed on HAX or OP was just the effect of their streaktastic RNG. You could -really- feel that in duo/trio frontiers roaming pvp. We used to /rand 10000 for loot in pve. Just because we could and 10,000 is a big number. We'd have 2 or 3 guys out of a group of 8 roll the exact same number doing that and it happened often enough to be memorable. Anyone who crafted in daoc probably still remembers the "masterpiece seed" and all of the tricks to determine when it was happening.

Being a hibbie though we took this perverse pride in our shit not working. FUCK YOU, WE HAVE BADGERS.
so you can still "donate" to them on their main page. it looks as though they put more thought into the tiers than anything thus far.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What still baffles me is that kickstaster is like organized begging, where millionaires come asking people's money for their petty projects. Marc Jacobs did a shitty job with EA's money on Warhammer Online, why the hell would he run anything different with people's money ? Because some random guy gave birth to a quite vague .doc where it basically says nothing beyond the kickstarter funding, while selling fan service ? I mean, besides reading notes at Gamescons telling everyone why they do thing wrong and how they need to do things better, what did he do ? The MMO genre needsdesigners, it doesn't need glorified directors and executive producers. It's a shame that nowadays the MMO genre has copypasted from point to point the sacred Hollywood business model. EA got fucked up the ass with Jacobs on Warhammer, and years later they did the very same error with James Ohlen's SWTOR. When will they learn ?


Rasterizing . . .
Mark is working on the forums as we speak but it sounds like he'll be taking vacation Tuesday. "Andrew liked Vanilla for the software and to make it easier, we're hosting with them for now. This way we could get this running quickly and easily for you folks."

Looking into it further, it looks like this is the same forumsoftwarethat Penny Arcade, Mozilla, and some others use.


Rasterizing . . .
you ask the public for money, you get public criticism
I couldnt agree more but there's a difference between criticism and ad hominem attacks. One of them is pointless and pretty much wasted here outside of the occasional chuckle I get when Ut starts to rage.

You do raise an interesting question though, I wonder if the development will be bound by an NDA going forward?


Rasterizing . . .
Ut "rages" and you "whiteknight" Mark. I get my chuckles too.
Good! Then a balance has been struck.

Still doesn't answer my question about the NDA but perhaps the next time Mark is on Guildcenter you can ask him that?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Good! Then a balance has been struck.

Still doesn't answer my question about the NDA but perhaps the next time Mark is on Guildcenter you can ask him that?
If thereisan NDA, it just goes to show how absurd all this kickstarter shit has become. I'm pretty sure that publishers aren't under NDA from the projects they are funding, which is essentially what the kickstarter backers are.