Not much of an update, at least any closer to a diagnosis, but I need to vent. Last Wednesday after flossing my teeth, I had thought that maybe there was something stuck in between my two last upper teeth toward the back. After messing around with the area back there, I had so much jaw pain that I was CONVINCED it was a dental issue. I was still sore and in pain the next morning, so I called out and made an appointment to see the dentist that day. After getting examined, I get the usual perplexed statement that "There's nothing there! Everything looks fine!" which is always just crushing for me emotionally. That same day I was having more and more pain, so I called my health plan and they brought me in to see a doc. There wasn't much help to be done there... he knew I had the neurologist appointment on the 3rd and beyond that there wasn't much he could advise me on, other than to double the medication which I had been prescribed 3-4 weeks ago.
Over all, I just feel like absolute shit. I can't describe it, but I feel like I have something constantly squeezing my head. I'm having 3-4 headaches a day... most often in the afternoon / evening. Sometimes it seems like the pain is triggered by neck movement, which is always sore. Sometimes it feels like it's triggered by talking (my right side of my jaw often feels sore). The burning sensation which I had originally gone in for seem to be mostly gone, but since doubling the meds, I'm still getting the temple headaches, only they are sometimes stronger. When they happen, it's like I can just feel a vein pumping up the back of my neck, through the side of my head, usually it's painful just to talk when it's happening, and the temple just feels tight as fuck. They usually only last 10-15 minutes... they're bearable, so despite me fearing maybe cluster headaches, they're not suicidal pain, and I'm not getting any eyelid drooping or eye redness (but...I am getting this strange sensation behind the right eye at times, sometimes both eyes, they both look a little shot). Sometimes it feels like the headache sort of moves to the left side during the day, only briefly, which is equally frustrating, cause there's hardly any shit that I've read that matches with that.
The 3rd can't come soon enough. Whatever is happening, it's wearing me down. I can't even look forward to things that will be happening in the future, like a new years party at my house, because all I can thing is "How many times am I going to be in pain that night and need to retreat to the bedroom for a few minutes?" Fiance is being supportive, but I can see her getting upset now as well.
Anyways... sorry for rambling, just needed a place to vent.