Colonies Online


Bronze Knight of the Realm

-Multiple planets to explore (all seem to be procedurally generated). Supposedly, can spawn an unlimited number of planets.
-First planet is Pvp safe.
-Base construction.
-Open Pvp on all planets except first one. Destroy other player's bases.
-PvE consists of killing bugs, aliens, and nests that yield random loot.
-UO style character development

-Slow development cycle.
-Very buggy
-Base components very weak, any player can pretty much break into your base loot your stuff. Supposedly they are working on this. Turrets won't defend against players.
-Can get grindy
-Pay to Win cash shop. Although proponents claim the in-game weapons/armor eventually far outrank the "crutch" weapons you get from the starters.

Other stuff:
-No full loot PvP. You have two loot stashes, a safe inventory stash that has less space and a large "general loot" stash that has a lot of space. When you're killed, players can loot the stuff in your general loot stash. Equipped armor/weapons suffer 10% durability loss and 10% gold loss. Equipped gear and anything in the safe inventory stash is not lost on death.
-Anything stored in a base can be looted however.
-Vehicles supposedly coming.

Anyhow, anyone give this game a whirl? Was thinking of picking it up. Seems to me a bit too green in development so was holding off. Currently the only things to really do is PvP, raid bases, and grind bugs. Building a base is a bit useless do to how easily anyone can destroy its walls.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ive had enough early access crap. If you want my money, talk to me when your game is finished.


Looks like you can get in for $20?? Hard to find any form of entertainment for $20. Might give this a try.

Edit: Just noticed that the citizen pack gives 4 keys for entry. Anyone interested in splitting the price 4 ways? $49.99/4


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Kind of wanted the Dreadnaught armor. One thing to note is if you buy any of the starters, only you get the gear and bonus stuff. Your buddies just get a key (they don't get the armor or any bonus items).

Love the concept, lost me on Pay to Win.
This is up in the air. It seems (coming from their forum shills) that the starter kit armors are mid level gear. These are same armors and weapons you can get in the cash shop. So they'll give you a crutch but eventually you'll want to farm gold to get better stuff in-game. Again, haven't played the game so I'm just going by what the forums say.

Wouldn't mind teaming up with others if we do some sort of RR Merc Clan or something.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
ive had enough early access crap. If you want my money, talk to me when your game is finished.



Golden Baronet of the Realm
Game looks interesting, but from whats in the videos Im thinking its rather one dimensional. They need a better trailer than whats being offered. Build your house was laughable when they only showed all walls with the same look in a square configuration. Procedural-generated also screams to me that youll be running the same content thats only slightly different because of set variables to farm an obscenely low drop rate for items, only to graduate to the next tier and do it all over again.

From what I gather, ill only enjoy playing it for 20-30 minute stretches every once in a while.
Anyone got to try this one, close to giving in

Or is anyone aware of something similar to this?

Really itching to play a scifi sandbox MMO, could be a civ-like game or something more action oriented like this


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Give it a wide berth for now. It has nothing really.
-Population is non existent
-Utterly and excruciatingly boring gameplay do to lack of content of any sort, aside from killing the same bug artwork over and over.
-Lack of skills or any form of progression aside from grind money to buy the next better rifle that does slightly more dps. Armor really doesn't do much.
-There just really isn't much to see here really. Give it at least a year before checking it out again. Otherwise forget about it. Rumor has it it's just two devs working on it after coming home from work.

The ideas and such are pretty cool, and it's among the few open pvp games I'd be willing to dive into (although repair costs could use some work). Getting money is a serious (think Korean Lineage 1 era) grind to get anything decent or to even think about base building. There is no crafting and it could be years before it's implemented.

As mentioned above, since the worlds are procedurally generated (as one fills up with players new ones randomly generate), content consists of the same bug nests you grind on kill and get the same meaningless bug guts you sell for money.
Give it a wide berth for now. It has nothing really.
-Population is non existent
-Utterly and excruciatingly boring gameplay do to lack of content of any sort, aside from killing the same bug artwork over and over.
-Lack of skills or any form of progression aside from grind money to buy the next better rifle that does slightly more dps. Armor really doesn't do much.
-There just really isn't much to see here really. Give it at least a year before checking it out again. Otherwise forget about it. Rumor has it it's just two devs working on it after coming home from work.

The ideas and such are pretty cool, and it's among the few open pvp games I'd be willing to dive into (although repair costs could use some work). Getting money is a serious (think Korean Lineage 1 era) grind to get anything decent or to even think about base building. There is no crafting and it could be years before it's implemented.

As mentioned above, since the worlds are procedurally generated (as one fills up with players new ones randomly generate), content consists of the same bug nests you grind on kill and get the same meaningless bug guts you sell for money.
Wish i had read that before buying lol

Game is a great skeleton for a scifi game with this concept, but its missing a shitload of stuff to make it interesting.

Heres a suggestion thread i posted for this so u can get an idea what i think is missing to make this interesting for me:


Why re-invent the wheel, take good ideas from earlier scifi sandboxes like Eve and SWG.

Taming skill: taming a creature, probably a young one, that needs specific food item to tame.
They then become your pets that you can train, feed, and then sell to other players or use in combat if thats what the creature is good at. It could also give also all kinds of other advantages, like carrying space, healing aura, detecting stealthing creatures, could go on and on.


Botany skill: Being able to tell what a plant is and having the technical knowledge to harvest it

Intuitive quality level synergy: For example, a particular type of flora would grow to top quality level around water. So either you plant the seeds there, or if you are exploring, stumble upon a body of water, you know if u find that particular kind of plant itll be good quality. A creature could grow to a stronger version of itself around salt or silicon resource and give better materials and better creatures to tame.


Farming: (in a lab inside a base maybe, or when we have large amount of planets this is more viable as people wont find your farm so easily) using seeds that drop from picking up plants. Like the terraria potted plants for inside a base.


Weather/environment that you need special gear for: Radioactive, cold, hot, toxic to breathe, high gravity.


Hunger and thirst with top tier items filling that up for longer periods of time


Day/night cycle for each planet, longer nights or days, depending. Different color of light depending on which star the planet orbits around. Red dwarves, Blue giants, yellow sun.


Seeding creatures, planting a nest. (with some skill involved), if creature can live there (so creature that likes cold cannot be planted on hot planet)

Diverse planets. So eventually remove the planet 1 = easy planet 6 = hard scheme. Instead, use something more like Shadowbane where you have harder types of creatures mixed in with easier ones. Maybe make the starter planets easy, but after that it would be nice to have planets that you have to explore to figure out what kind of creatures live there. You could still have planets that are hard all around, i guess variety would be nice.

A planet with mostly easy mobs mixed in with medium mobs, mostly easy with one super hard type of mob that spawn, one mostly hard a few medium spawn planet, mostly medium with some hard and easy spawns, etc, etc... that way a player can lose himself in the galaxy and not be a target because everyone knows if u come to planet 2 youll find some noobs to gank. If you can seed monsters even better, a player can hide himself somewhere on a "5" (mostly hard mobs) planet and seed some "4" monsters near his base.


Alot more creatures: Use multiple color palletes to cut corners, adding more creature variety. Just like on earth, similar but different creatures. So that "bug" monster, but one variety is black with orange, does corrosive dmg, etc, etc... Totally new creatures would be nice but playing with palette is a good way to add more creatures easily.


Like someone mentioned, territory control, sort of like eve online where the best alliances compete for the best areas

Again from eve online, buying crafted items from an area that produces the raw materials for it is cheaper because the crafters dont have to risk moving it out of the area. All sorts of economic pointers from how eve online works.


More than 1 biome type for a planet. A planet could be one big giant jungle, or an arctic desert once in a while but would be fun to see some arctic areas and some hot areas on a single planet.

(how do i add spoilers in these forums?)