Comic Books


Avatar of War Slayer
Hey remember when Captain America was a teenage girl?
Tumblr doesn't.



<Prior Amod>
not really cap... but after cap was a success they wanted to recreate the super soldier serum (since you know the scientist guy died) so they gathered up a few hundred black ppl (specifically black) all died except for him. this is actually Weapon 1, like Weapon X (10).


Buzzfeed Editor
I just grabbed Hellblazer 1-300 and going through them slowly.
I loved Hellblazer but stopped reading after either 75 or 100. Whichever one had JFK in hell holding his brains inside his head.

I have Comicat synced up to my Drive account and am reading stuff off of my 1st gen Kindle Fire, which has shit for storage, so I am rereading a bunch of old stuff just to get it off my download list. Rereading the entire collections of Madman and Grendel right now. Just reread Sandman and I heard there is some new Sandman stuff out so I planned on getting that.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
black guy with braces. Pure uber.
It's a grill not braces. duh

So I thought it was stupid when it first started but I finally sat down and read the entire Superior Spiderman run and god damn if it wasn't really awesome. I'd love to see Ock become a hero/vigilante in his own right now. And I really liked Anna Maria. I imagine she'll be written off at this point but I haven't touched the new Amazing series yet so I'll grab that next.


<Prior Amod>
no, b/c disney princesses stay princesses, they won't have be replaced by the original 2 years later, which is what is eventually going to happen.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Was Thor selling THAT bad that they needed to come up with a shitty money grab like this?
Since January of this year, his monthly book has averaged about the 40th best selling comic and as of May was #21 in for sales of just Marvel titles. Interestingly, all of Wolverine's titles are doing worse than his.