Commercial Real Estate


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Theres a 30,000 square ft warehouse for sale around here that i really want to buy. It would cost about $1/sq ft/yr to occupy at its current utility rate. I know a few connections to maybe store documents etc with local businesses. Would I be too crazy to assume i can walk around and find someone lease storage space to? The top 2 floors are original brick, steel frame, wood joists, and hardwoods (built in 1920s).. so i can see myself eventually taking the top floor, living there and playing golf inside.

I'm an engineer so i don't know shit about business but $1/sq ft a year... i'm just thinking why the hell not. It is sprinkled, and heated, roof looks ok. If anyone has any exp for that, or the conversion to commercial zoned warehouse spaces to lofts feel free to spill your guts.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It is cheaper here ofc but the lowest published lease rate I've seen that would be comparable is 3.80.


Molten Core Raider
Where is it? I am a Texas attorney but I have dabbled with this sort of thing in a couple of other places (Kentucky, Ohio). I would imagine getting the zoning on a big warehouse lot would not be easy, but it can be done. Usually you have to file a petition with the city council or county commissioners but sometimes the local government will have a some sort of comprehensive 'Land Use Plan' that you have to go by and it can be a bitch to try to get a variance (exception) deviating from the plan. As far as helping you figure out how to go about doing it, you need to provide more information. Specifically, it would be good to know what state, county, and municipality in which the property is located as well what it is currently zoned as.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The zoning is a smaller concern as the city is jonesing for this type of development and I deal with them regularly. Life safety, fire code, renovation costs, and mainly the business side of things are what I worry about. I may very well get in touch with you via pm after i see what the architect comes up with and how daring it is.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I have a guy who is very interested in buying and owning the building and then letting me do whatever it is i plan on doing to improve it incl recruiting future investors to build it out and eventually paying back the loan with interest. Does anyone want to go into the down and dirty on how they would set something up like this?

I hope it would be simple enough to have him buy it, as soul owner, with all the decision making -- but still accumulate an percentage of interest in the structure itself with my monthly materials and labor investment without complicating his option to offload it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Talk to a lawyer - that's who you're going to need to write up any agreement anyway, right?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Probably, my gf is a labor and employment lawyer and she says there's different options and a lot of it is boiler plate if i have an idea what I'm doing. Approaching a lawyer when I'm this clueless is not something i feel good about


Molten Core Raider
Let me see if I understand what you want to do. You have an investor that wants take sole ownership of the property and then enter a contract with you whereby he would grant you an undivided interest in the property (thereby making you a co-owner) in an amount corresponding to how much equity you add to the property via leg work you put in to get the place renovated/developed/etc. right?

Unless you guys are going to set up a formal partnership, this sort of arrangement is going to involve a very complex contract. You're going to have to come to terms on the method used to determine the value of the property, on the amount of ownership interest you would receive, when you would receive it, how you receive it (for example, is he going to give you a deed or is he going to give you shares in an LLC that he set up to take ownership of the property instead of his personal name), and on what conditions you would receive it. Additionally, you would have to address practical considerations such as you getting a power of attorney or some kind of agency agreement in place in order for you to actually do stuff with the property while not actually owning it. Also, getting a good real estate lawyer is a good idea, ESPECIALLY if you are clueless. The whole point of buying legal services is to have someone who knows way more than you about technical legal stuff show you the best way to go about your business. Just be frank with the lawyer and explain exactly what you want to do and ask for advice about the best way to accomplish it along with an explanation of all the possible ways the investor could rip you off.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I understand. The partner is a (future) father in law who wants to see this done and eventually be bought out so a formal partnership may be the way to go. His main concern is having money tied up and being hampered if he wants to eject.
I totally understand that the only thing i want to ensure that if the building ends up selling for significantly more i would see my share.

I just need to set down and read all i can and then hire someone.. but all free info certainly appreciated.


what Suineg set it to
I understand. The partner is a (future) father in law who wants to see this done and eventually be bought out so a formal partnership may be the way to go. His main concern is having money tied up and being hampered if he wants to eject.
I totally understand that the only thing i want to ensure that if the building ends up selling for significantly more i would see my share.

I just need to set down and read all i can and then hire someone.. but all free info certainly appreciated.
GF is a lawyer giving you legal advice for a deal with her father. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. No way to fuck up a personal relationship quite like adding business in... or vice versa.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Gonna put red pill in the operating agreement and grudge fuck her if she gets out of line.