Crazy Neighbor Need Advice


a sex chair could be a variety of things

but im assuming the crazy lady was implying some sort of vibrating sex chair

ala a sybian or something of that sort

but really im sure the sex industry has created about 10,000 different kinds "sex chairs" at least a third of which vibrate

on another note this thread is hilarious and if i knew i wouldnt get kicked out i would buy some sort of sex chair and have the loudest sex possible right under where she sleeps


I"m really pretty curious as to what her deal is. Try this. Set up one night where she will call you when she feels the vibrating. When she says she feels it, start turning off stuff one by one until she tells you its gone. Have the LL with YOU just to make sure your not moving your sex chair in and out of the room (LOL) and he can verify your not doing anything wrong. If after going through your entire appartment and nothing is causing it, your off the hook, verified by the LL.

I know everyone is telling you not to put up with this, but I think you should drag it out, for hilarities sake. This is gold!
Wait a minute....

So now were on the subject of sex. Who was it that said all she wants to do is have sex with you? That is why she is doing all of this.

Now she writes the LL about a possible "sex chair"!

Holy Foreshadowing Shit!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Should fly a plane into her apartment and then cover it up and make it look like the evil terrorists did it because no one in the 500 million bajillion man crew it would take to pull it off would ever leak any portion of the cover up to anyone anywhere. Fly one into her mom"s house too, for misdirection.


What a crazy coot! Sex You sick fuck. That is funny as hell. What a headcase. As if we didn"t have enough proof that she want"s to job you...

Keep up the good work!


This woman wants you to take her on a trip to poundtown.

What the hell does she do when you"re banging out your wife?

Sex chair, ridiculous.


stehle said:
This is basically the last straw. We are being harassed and we are no longer going to walk to eggshells in the attempts of being a "good neighbor". I"m writing a letter to the LL to explain that this needs to stop now. Once I have it completed, I"ll post for some more creative editing.
Understatement of the year.

Really though, what you"re putting up with is total bullshit, on your part and the crazy ladies. You should have a cop, a lawyer, and the Landlord all get together, determine what if anything is the vibrating, and if nothign can be found, have the law enforcement and the lawyer absolve you of responsibility and end it.

Honestly, you are such a different person than me. I"d have had legal action taken on this a long time ago. You were being harassed, and you let yourself be exposed to whatever this lady wanted to do for however long she wanted. Even if she "Wasn"t doing anything wrong" you have the right to tell her NOT to contact you and not to harass you any longer. If she does, you get a lawyer.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It"s usually a chair that enables the users to engage in various positions of sex that beds would not make easy.

I think the one that the neighbor is thinking of is one that vibrates the users.


The letter which I sent out today. The LL should have it by Thursday.

I"m copying this by hand because the file is on another ignore the typos.


Since [wife] and I have moved into the first floor apartment on [address] we have sincerely tried to be good neighbors with the tenant on the second floor--[the crazy neighbor].

When we first moved in to the apartment [the crazy neighbor] and I worked together on resolving any small issues that might come up between us. For example, when I first setup my computer in the office I unknowingly placed my speakers directly underneath her bed [this was about 2.5 years ago]. The sound was an issue so we reached an agreement whereby I would use headphones after 11 pm EST so she could sleep. Over time I continued making concessions until eventually I agreed to just use the headphones all the time.

Over the past four months, however, another disagreement has developed over supposed vibrations which are keeping her awake. I have gone to great lenghts to make changes to accommodate her. I have moved my computer (three times), I have shut down my wireless router, and I have even gone to the great lengths of replacing four fans and installing gaskets in an attempt to dampen any possible vibrations my computer could be generating.

We have done everything in our power to try to resolve the issues [the crazy neighbor] has and it is now getting to the point where we feel we are being harassed. Every night we worry about whether we are making too many "vibrations" which will wake [the crazy neighbor] and cause another furious exchange of e-mails and telephone calls. A perfect example of this is the back office--we pay rent on this room but do not use it during the weekdays because it is directly below [the crazy neighbor"s] bedroom. At this point, we are questioning whether it is worth the hassle of continuing the lease on this apartment.

In summary, I find it unreasonable that we have to walk on eggshells in our own home to keep the upstairs neighbor appeased. I would like you to take some action to resolve this situation immediately.




I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
if she ends up getting kicked out of the apartment, you had better have the balls to point her to this forum so we can continue this hilarity.

Isn"t that a fuck swing?
Not neccesarily. I"ve seen variations as simple as


To as complicated as motorized pushers/lifters to simply flexible/bouncy chairs that enable lazy people to hump each other.


Are you going to carbon copy this chick too? At some point you"ve got to let her know you feel you"re being harassed, not through proxy of the LL.


ashatumar said:
Are you going to carbon copy this chick too? At some point you"ve got to let her know you feel you"re being harassed, not through proxy of the LL.
I was actually advised to go through the LL on all of these matters. We will see how this plays out over the next couple of days.


Murder Apologist
Well Stehle mentioned earlier that his wife found this thread hilarious. Which means his wife reads or will read this thread in the future. Which means that if Stehle has taken pictures of his upstairs neighbor naked, spent and duct-taped to her soggy mattress after a 6-hour plow session, he couldn"t post it in this thread.

The solution is clear: Private Messaging.