

Trakanon Raider
Reminds me of ESPN's new site design - which I assumed was an april fool's joke. I assume this design type is becoming popular because of tablets and smartphones?


2 Minutes Hate
The right hand side is not going away. There will be additional content there eventually. I have a few options for the center columns that I'm looking through however.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Like Draegan says it uses responsive design which is big in the graphic design community right now because it cleverly handle adjusting to handle both desktop and mobile devices by having large frames that adjust based on the width of the page.

There's nothing wrong with responsive design at its core, but it's not to blame for the problems with how it looks in your desktop PC's web browser.

My #1 beef with a lot of responsive designs I've seen is that designers create very content-sparse designs. The left side bar is a good example of this. We're talking about 8 links that take up an acre of space.


I think what irks a lot of people is its departure from the top left to bottom right readability. There's content spread across the entire screen and I admit I am still not 100% comfortable trying to scan through it all. Partially because I'm ADHD, but still.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Think the site looks good on mobile and desktop. Easy to navigate and looks clean. The name is kinda gay but no biggie.


Have you guys thought about releasing audio versions of your casts? I spend a lot of time in the car and listen to podcasts pretty much exclusively. I am not really apt to watch your videos but would totally download and listen to your podcast.


<Bronze Donator>
oh man just looked at on my desktop that shit is atrocious.

i've been viewing it on my mobile and was wondering what the big deal was, but now I know.

remember when everyone just had a mobile version of their sites and a real version? I get the idea behind trying to consolidate, but oh man try again, you are nowhere near close. I would never view your site in anything other than a cell phone, ie only while i'm pooping. If that's your target audience then ok, but just understand everyone else who is actually looking at sites for information and such while actually on their computer, perhaps, ya know, while playing the actual game, will be on a different website than yours.

edit: to add some constructive criticism, and i'm sure you guys have put some thought into this already, but if you wanna be "the" site, you kinda gotta figure out what people are going to want. Alot of this is speculative of course but once alpha 1 starts you'll get a better understanding of what people are looking for and what tools/api stuff is available. Nobody gives a shit about a blog but for now a blog is all you can be.

I would start by considering what Eve has, and then try to merge that with what Shadowbane players would of wanted had that game lived beyond web 1.0. Your standard leveling guides and magelo/armory style gear profile builders are useless, but a character/skill builder with archetypes adv/disadv disciplines is fine. But I would go more meta than that. Not sure if the game will have "leaderboards" which is an option for you if they don't include them, but even if they don't, I don't think something like killboards would really work in this game as the losses aren't nearly as punitive. But all those things are merely methods of gathering intelligence about the people you are fighting in the campaign you are in.

I doubt this game will have the meta that Eve has but, in a limited capacity something simliar to the influence maps per campaign would be pretty cool. Now if they end up with thousands of campaigns running concurrently this would all have to be api driven and probably not worth the hassle but if it's only dozen's as they've indicated what they expect then it would be very useful. Start with a copy of their campaign interface, you click on the ring you are interested in (shadow, dregs, etc), then click on the campaign in that ring you are interested in and as the world is discovered and POIs are conquered you see influence begin to spread for the various groups/factions, with randomly assigned colors for each showing the spread of their influence (3 faction and god's war could have dedicated colors obviously). With random maps you probably wouldn't be able to render a true map but an overlay over a generic map or even just a grid would work.

Also as campaigns are temporary I would store all the map changes and have the ability to watch and replay the map, so you can watch the progression of each faction/group as the campaign goes on. At campaign completion you can move the map to an archive area so people can rewatch them later, figure out the "style" of their enemies from watching their previous matches, etc.

here's a youtube video of eve's influence map over time to give you an idea of what i'm talking about:EVE Online influence map 2007 - 2014 - YouTube

Again just an example and i'm not really sure how deep the meta will go in this game given that the campaigns are temporary but i perceive animosity and rivalries developing and persisting from campaign to campaign.


<Bronze Donator>
It's advice. take it for what it's worth, it's all speculative anyway. While it's fine for mobile, on pc your site looks like all the other bullshit clickbait sites out there. Which 90's tv sitcom are you? take this facebook quiz to find out.

this is your site:

ZergNet - Discover Interesting Articles

it's fine for mobile, clickbait for people while they are taking a poop. But it's not a style i'd use for a site with any substance at all.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I wouldnt say bad idea quite yet, but imo there's a very real danger of campaigns turning out less like EVE/DaoC/Shadowbane and more a slightly longer GW2 match-up or a much longer Winterspring/Tol Barad.


2 Minutes Hate
Always a possibility. Gw2 was poorly designed because castles and keep were easily flipped a hundred times a day. And the whole supply system was superficial.

I think if gw2 was designed better where points of interest were not only more permanent or harder to take and supply lines had more of a impact with a much larger map, it would of been much better.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Keeps were primarily flipped because you could PvD easily. The large-scale strategy when we played was based on weakening an enemy's position, distracting them and then capitalizing and taking the keep before they could respond.

If you organize your game such that keeps have to be baned this won't happen as often. You then just have the problem of 50man guilds having to fight 500 man guilds, which is a much different problem.