

Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah that double OT was nuts, least no one can say C9's win was a fluke after the teams they went through. Probably the best major I've watched yet.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>


I've followed the Half Life community for ages now, and something extremely similar (aside from possible RCE) happened a few years back. You CAN actually gain access to the source code of source engine, as well as Half Life. But it's extremely expensive, and valve obviously has to approve it. That's how that failed abortion that was Hunt Down The Freeman came out.

So, a few summers ago someone in the HL2 modding community started leaking unused assets as well as beta assets which is very illegal because he had acquired HL2, and the dude hasn't posted shit since. Like he just went into hiding. Valve doesn't play any games, so if whoever leaked this is found lmao enjoy prison.

But I wonder if the two are related, because the the CS leak is from like 2017-2018 and that was around the time the HL stuff was happening.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>

In a statement to IGN Valve said, “We have reviewed the leaked code and believe it to be a reposting of a limited CS: GO engine code depot released to partners in late 2017, and originally leaked in 2018.”

Valved added, “From this review, we have not found any reason for players to be alarmed or avoid the current builds (as always, playing on the official servers is recommended for greatest security). We will continue to investigate the situation and will update news outlets and players if we find anything to prove otherwise.


Every year Cs Go reaches a new level. Although we see that Valve is doing everything for Dota 2 more, but they don't forget about the Counter Strike. In the game there are new skins, new cases with skins. Therefore, you can find Cheap csgo knives on different sites, or buy them on the steam trading platform, but it will be more expensive there. I'm sure everyone who plays Cs would want to run around with some kind of kerambit or butterfly. With beautiful skins, it is much more pleasant to play.
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Bronze Squire
I play it quite a lot in my free time. I agree that the new update had been too much, but it's not that bad. The only thing I think should be changed immediately is to make it, so it's still a 1 shot HS kill. The way it is, it just doesn't make sense to me. Anyhow, I look forward to the following skins. I trade CSGO skins and am finishing giving the ones from the last season. I hope the next ones will be as good, perhaps even better. Till then, I'll just be waiting for the next update. I miss the old CSGO sometimes.
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Molten Core Raider
Awkward to ask here, but the whole trade system steam has setup is kinda weird now with tradeholds and such.. but does anyone have csgo boxes they have collecting dust. I have a group who are trying to basically open in mass and issue comes down to a number of things.. one being 2 people get barred from buying boxes on the market place yet can buy keys, and the other being trying to cut corners in the not buying the boxes but the keys part.

If you're trying to make money on them, that's cool too.. majority are less than a dollar, but the cases that have actual price tag are things like Weapon Case 1 2 and 3, Esport cases, Breakout, Gloves, Winter Offensive, Huntsmen, ect.. there are 3 or 4 cases worth 50$+, a couple 5$+, and a few sitting around 1-2$.. but if none of that matters or you don't care c: and If you're looking for some sort of trade, we can definitely talk but it more than likely won't lead to cash in hand.


and here is a resource if you wanna look and see what its worth