Dan Simmons' Hyperion - SyFy Mini-series


FPS noob
i don't see any way you could possibly translate the complexity and depth of the books to TV but SyFy has got a pretty good streak going so far with Defiance, Dark Matters, Killjoy, and 12 Monkeys so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I expect it to be kinda dumbed down and Predator shrike vs. pilgrims action TV though.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Damnit. I've got the books sitting right beside me, but I've not read them yet.

Would any of you who read them already recommend that I read the books first, or wait until after?

I gotta say though, SciFi (I refuse to call them SyFy), has really been doing better lately...the shows you just listed Spronk, + The Expanse which might just be better than any of them...and the very ambitious "Childhood's End" that is coming. Now Hyperion too??

Holy Hell, that is the SciFi channel I've been wanting. I hope these shows are successes so they don't jump ship again and start churning out non-SF crap.


<Silver Donator>
Read the fucking books. That is all...

Seriuosly, even if this wasn't getting adapted for TV, the books should be on your list to finish.

Edit: I'd give you a better reason, but I have to wake up early so I can go fishing tomorrow. I'm sure someone else from the forum will confirm that the Hyperion Cantos is worth it's salt.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Read the fucking books. That is all...
LOL, yea I have no doubt. I've read Dan Simmons before, and I have the Hyperion/Endymion books sitting here for a reason. I guess it just comes down to letting the books spoil the mini-series vs letting the mini-series spoil the books. Putting it that way, I'm sure I'd rather the books be fresh.

I'll move them to the top of my list and make sure I'm through them well before the mini-series airs.


Vyemm Raider
I used audiobooks, they are very high quality from audible, (also via torrent) the first has different actors for each roll, the last 3 are the same guy but really well done. I ended up downloading the first book for a 11 hour car ride and got hooked. The first book basicly a collection of short stories trying to mirror the cantebury tales.


<Silver Donator>
I did the audio versions, too. Was sort of a bummer when I got to the second book and found it was just one narrator, but he does do a fantastic job for the rest of the series. The first book is still one of the best narrations I've found for any audiobook, and really made it a tough act to follow.


Molten Core Raider
I see very slim chances of this being anything but crap but I guess I can hope for the best.

Pretty much every scifi book should be done by HBO or not at all. I still dream of a Dune / Culture HBO series.


Shit Lord Supreme
I remember trying to read this book in 6th grade and failing miserably, maybe I should give it another shot.


FPS noob
the expanse is sorta like the gap, with a lot less rape

if westworld does really well on HBO next year I could see them going after a marquee scifi show to be their new Game of Thrones. Maybe Star Trek, maybe Ring world or Commonwealth or Culture.

Christopher Nolan is still EP'ing a Foundation series too I think, not sure where its gonna land. HBO i think?