DAOC: Origins - New Server


Having so much wicked fun fun in the frontiers with my Skald. It's mind boggling that in 12+ years, nobody has been able to create a next gen keep sieging MMO.I was very active in GW 2 but they fell way short of replicating the feeling you get in DAoC RvR. Felt way too arcadey and the massive scale was nowhere to be found. Just wish these Origins guys weren't using a Commodore 64 for their server.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That video made me want to download this and roll an Albion friar, I never gave this a fair shake when it came out.


Has there been any word of an imminent wipe? It seems like the correct thing to do.
A wipe would kill the server completely.

And its not the right thing to do. Noone gives a fuck about leveling "like classic" except the people who missed out on the zerging. If they wipe the server, 90% of the population wont come back. Has nothing to do with right or wrong, daoc = pvp. not fucking lame ass pve.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You guys who think its cool to give people free levels 50s THEN turn that function off are retarded. Yes daoc is about pvp but the pvping starts at 20 and goes all the way to 50. Why do you think they added the /20 command?
The fastest that you could level during this era was with a geared out necro and cleric PLing ONE person at a time and that still took 8 hours with only one spot to do it. Letting vast numbers of people hit level 50 then and on top of that it mostly be on one realm is epically fucking retarded.

Even giving a big xp bonus to normal groups fucks things when you have a good amount of people playing. There was an entire market that evolved around low level play and twinking.

Good luck starting a new character now and trying to be competitive. By the time you hit 50 the RR 6 people that have had 2 months to farm all the other people that didn't get multiple free level 50s will be shitting on your face.

And still yet. All those 50s can go straight to farming money for crafting and epics. No no, its not a pve game but it sure does give them a huge fucking advantage.

Don't waste your time on this.


You guys who think its cool to give people free levels 50s THEN turn that function off are retarded. Yes daoc is about pvp but the pvping starts at 20 and goes all the way to 50. Why do you think they added the /20 command?
The fastest that you could level during this era was with a geared out necro and cleric PLing ONE person at a time and that still took 8 hours with only one spot to do it. Letting vast numbers of people hit level 50 then and on top of that it mostly be on one realm is epically fucking retarded.

Even giving a big xp bonus to normal groups fucks things when you have a good amount of people playing. There was an entire market that evolved around low level play and twinking.

Good looking luck starting a new character now and trying to be competitive. By the time you hit 50 the RR 6 people that have had 2 months to farm all the other people that didn't get multiple free level 50s will be shitting on your face.

And still yet. All those 50s can go straight to farming money for crafting and epics. No no, its not a pve game but it sure does give them a huge fucking advantage.

Don't waste your time on this.
Yes, please do not play on this server if you agree with his statements.
Im gonna go with it for a while, maybe give it a couple weeks see where it ends up cuz not many MMO alternatives to play and the lowbies i was with yesterday were too busy having fun to think about all that.


Golden Squire
I'll stick with it too but I already don't get a whole lot of time to play and the constant shit-tastic lag and server up/down shenanigans is making it hard to enjoy what's there.


Golden Squire
You do realize that he's 100% correct in what he's saying, right? And that you're 100% wrong?
I understand his frustration but he is wrong on how fast you can level and get competitive. You can easily take a new char to 50 within a few days (assuming the servers are running right) and be as geared as the majority of the current 50's the same night you hit 50. Also ive been RvR'ing almost non stop when stable for the last few days and the action is pretty slow (im 2l6). There are a ton of people that are leveling mains/alts that havent even done much RvR yet.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There was no way to level that fast during shrouded isles outside PLing and then MAYBE pbaoe groups chain pulling entire zones but that wasn't until the 40s. This leveling to 50 in a few days is not classic at all. The reason I know these things is because during shrouded isles all I did was pvp and PL people for tons of cash.


<Silver Donator>
Well from what I see the complaint isn't that it's too slow to level or that you shouldn't be getting 50s, it's just that you could get 50s for a bit and then they turned it off, I assume because it wasn't intended, but didn't bother taking any measures to fix the disparity. If everyone has direct access to 50 it's fine, if everyone has to level it's fine, just stops being fine when some people get free 50s and some don't.

Typical private server shit though, GMs creating shit or teleporting people or otherwise influencing gameplay when they shouldn't and people exploiting, it's always the same drama regardless of the game.
I think people are making way too much out of this. People are talking about months behind when i got to 32 in the first six hours (edit: the first day or something, it didnt take long), and i know nothing about the game. Only after getting to level 32 did i learn about those zerg group and fast tracked to 50. By next week theres gonna be alot of new 50s.

Much bigger problem i think are the server shutdowns, they gotta kill that shit quick.




I think people are making way too much out of this. People are talking about months behind when i got to 32 in the first six hours (edit: the first day or something, it didnt take long), and i know nothing about the game. Only after getting to level 32 did i learn about those zerg group and fast tracked to 50. By next week theres gonna be alot of new 50s..
The problem is 40-50 is very slow in game. The fact a bunch of people zoomed through it with multiple characters why us dirty casuals have to grind it is not cool.

Anyways, this server will be dead in two months. They've managed to piss off most of the playerbase in the first weekend. I have no desire to grind out a 50, even if it only takes me 2 weeks, after people were basically allowed to level multiple ones with no effort.
The problem is 40-50 is very slow in game. The fact a bunch of people zoomed through it with multiple characters why us dirty casuals have to grind it is not cool.

Anyways, this server will be dead in two months. They've managed to piss off most of the playerbase in the first weekend. I have no desire to grind out a 50, even if it only takes me 2 weeks, after people were basically allowed to level multiple ones with no effort.
I agree it sucks but i dont see this as a huge problem. Theres no MMOs out there i feel like playing so im ready to give em a chance as they seem dedicated to fixing stuff and im not detecting a "its free, so fuck you" project 99 attitude from them.

I wouldnt get caught in the hyperbolic complaints and give it at least some sort of chance to recover from that Day1 Day2 mistake because as i said i dont think its such a big deal.


It's just because of the way RvR works in this game. The fact that some realms have such a huge advantage in level 50s early is going to mean that RvR is going to be heavily skewed in their favor early on, which means that RRs are going to be off from what they "should" be, which will make it easier for those people to dominate later RvR, and it just snowballs.

If it were a PvE focused game like EQ, nobody would care. But DAOC's competitive environment is delicate.
I dont have much experience with this game, but from what i can gather, there will be a bunch of Albions to slow down their progress while the others catch on. The zergs in eyll camps were huge. I would be saying its disastrous if only one faction had a spot to farm xp rapidly but everyone had one.

I agree it was a fuck up and it should have been wiped, but to my new to DAOC eyes it dont seem like such a big deal. I was so hyped for this im not gonna let it kill my fun, hopefully other people give it a shot too and we can get a healthy server pop.