Dark Souls 2


Does anyone else think Dark Souls 2 should consider implementing a hardcore mode?

I dont think the game should have an easier setting for players, as its not the nature of the game. But I think having a hardcore mode ala d2/3 would be nice. Take out the hollow asapect of the game, start as human. Go. You beat Dark Souls and think youre a baller gamer? Give this shit a go.


Hardcore Casual
Hardcore mode would be fun, especially if it had a sort of online leaderboard/ladder that you can compare highest characters with your friends list and world etc.


<Silver Donator>
The thing James is that I'm not saying they should add an easy mode. However they have said and I quote a post higher up on this page "The upcoming Dark Souls 2 won't be quite as obtuse as its predecessor, Tomohiro Shibuya told Edge. Shibuya will direct the game alongside Yui Tanimura, taking the reins from Dark Souls director Hidetaka Miyazaki. Shibuya promises a less ambiguous experience, something that will be friendlier to new players. Noting that he personally prefers to be direct, he added that the game "will be more straightforward and more understandable."

Considering they've already decided to make the game more accessible, I feel having an easy mode that is ONLY the normal game where you do more dmg and take less dmg is the easiest and less likely to be shit option to change the game without ruining it. You seem to feel like I want the game to be easier but that's far from the case, if anything it should be harder, Demon's Souls was harder than Dark Souls already(partly because it was new and dark souls reused a lot of tricks but still) and I'd rather they go back to being harder than make it even easier. I'd take an easy mode I can opt to ignore that rather than having a fucking map/compass with markers on it for example. It's the lesser of 2 evils if you will.

They might make it slightly less confusing early on as I pointed out before, by maybe soft gating the "wrong" paths early in the game but it's a slippery slope when you're trying to make shit more accessible for a game which main strength is the fact it's an alien concept to begin with. On the other hand, having a retard tick box at the start of the game wouldn't affect my game in any way, assuming they make the game for normal mode and then add an easy overall modifier like I suggested, instead of doing the contrary.

What's wrong with western developpers is they do the contrary. They first design the drooling retard mode then add a "hard" mode where you take more dmg and deal less, but since the mechanics are still retarded easy it doesn't fucking matter what difficulty you're on anyway. Recent example was Farcry 3, game is so easy that even on hard it's a snooze fest combat wise, you one shot everything with almost every weapon or even no weapon and you can't die unless you break your healing key somehow(and not from having to use it too often since enemies can't aim for shit) and the AI is about as good as qwerty's taste in video games. Results is even on hard mode game is too easy and while it has some good sides and is adequately enjoyable, it's far from being a great game.

Edit: Hardcore would be cool. Have to decide though, would it be hardcore with PvP or would being in hardcore automatically disable PvP? While the PvP would make it even more fun I feel Dark souls has proven that they can't balance pvp for shit for a while and they take months to fix obvious issues, so I don't know how good it'd be. Guess you could play offline and just log in to update your stats? But then it would open potential bug exploits like infinite soul shit in dark souls which can only be done with older versions. Or maybe the ladder would be version specific. Would be cool though.


the game doesn't have much of a narrative as most of the story serves as the backdrop. it's fun to fill in the blanks with your imagination, but that's not the allure of dark souls. if you lowered the difficulty, what would you be left with? you'd just be walking around for 50 hours, killing stuff for no reason.


I disagree. Whether I have to spend an hour applying 3 sets of user-created mods to the game to configure it correctly or not doesn't significantly impact my enjoyment of the game.

Obligatory burn: If you want your hand held when you install a game maybe Dark Souls isn't for you.
Tuco, you're better than this! It's not about enjoyment of the game, or the quality of the game itself. It's the quality of the port - which was shit, and they should be beaten with a stick for releasing it like it was, when fans made them look like schmucks for quickly and easily applying fixes to their game. Took me like two seconds to go in and rearrange some files with the mods and get it all sorted; they didn't have two seconds? Obligatory counter-burn towards the devs: Did they want their hand held while they ported their game to PC? :p

As far as difficulty levels go, I'm going to go elitist here and say that I don't know I really want to end up in a situation where someone is talking to me about how awesome they are at beating dark souls and it was on easy mode. Talking with friends about the game has always been along the lines of "And then when you went down the path and ohhh, yea and he fucking came out of nowhere and raped you?" It's all vague but it's always commiserative, like "Know that feel bro". For me, that's almost part of the dark souls experience.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I always imagined a bunch of Japanese businessmen sitting around the table discussing whether they should port to PC. Half didn't want to port it, half wanted to do a quality port. In the end they compromised and did a shit port and I'm happy with it because it's better than the red dead redemption, demon souls or halo3 port to PC.


Hardcore Casual
I pretty much agree with what everyone is saying. The PC port was shitty, and I really think this is a whole other discussion. I'm really sick of PC games being limited or shitty thanks to the consoles.

In the end I'm glad they ported Dark Souls to the PC and I love it, I still play it. I hope the Dark Souls 2 port is better though, if not, I will be really disappointed since this is supposedly in line to release with consoles.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Does anyone else think Dark Souls 2 should consider implementing a hardcore mode?

I dont think the game should have an easier setting for players, as its not the nature of the game. But I think having a hardcore mode ala d2/3 would be nice. Take out the hollow asapect of the game, start as human. Go. You beat Dark Souls and think youre a baller gamer? Give this shit a go.
This would be insane
Anyone that could gruel through this wouldn't be human. 90% of the game is dying horribly while learning about new boss mobs, tricks of the trade for defensesm, easier kills, mistakes, learning to play, etc. I cannot imagine having to go through a 25-30 hour game over and over again because at each boss you die. Not to say people wouldn't play it, i just cannot imagine going through something like this.



<Silver Donator>
Once you finished the game a couple of times, you don't die nearly as often, plus you'd play extra safe setups and farm levels to pump vit(or whatever stat increased hp I haven't played in forever so I don't remember most of that shit, vit was stam maybe). It would be retarded to do on your first playthrough for sure but for a 4th or 5th? Why not.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
This would be insane
Anyone that could gruel through this wouldn't be human. 90% of the game is dying horribly while learning about new boss mobs, tricks of the trade for defensesm, easier kills, mistakes, learning to play, etc. I cannot imagine having to go through a 25-30 hour game over and over again because at each boss you die. Not to say people wouldn't play it, i just cannot imagine going through something like this.
It wouldn't be that bad. A lot of times players will do two simultaneous playthroughs, one hardcore and one not. The not hardcore account will be used to master an encounter.

Consumables really help hardcore runs too. You can see it in this run:



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dying in Dark Souls is for noobs. I can't even remember my last non-pvp death.


Watching that guy do Sen's Fortress in a couple minutes made me hate myself for spending hours trying to get through it.


<Silver Donator>
where does the guy in the speed run video get the consumables? i thought some of that stuff wasn't available until later on
The lightning shit you get in the chest before the first mini boss(minotaur or ogre or whatever), you need the key to open the door to that or buy the key from the vendor guy. That's one of the rare you can loot in a chest and it's conveniently placed in one of the first chest in the game.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
What is he throwing at Mimics to make them open up and be lootable without munching him? That thing that says it feeds hungry souls or whatever? So many items in this game that I had no clue wtf were for lol.


<Silver Donator>
You do the parry move(L2 iirc on PS3) and if you time it correctly, you can basically get a frontal backstab. You can only do this when you're not holding a weap with two hands, and every "offhand" has a variable window of time to get it done. Iirc the parry dagger has the highest, but it's a dagger. The little round shield has the best time for a shield but it offers shit for protection the rest of the time.


I've been thinking about getting the PC version of Dark Souls for a while now. Like LadyVex I'm not too pleased about the state the PC port is in but if mods fix just about everything then I'm pretty tempted. If I'm going to be running the game with better performance, better graphics and who knows what else then it seems I might make the switch.

The only thing that really bothers me is the amount of hackers that seem to be rampant with the PC port. I don't really have first-hand experience with that issue though. How bad is it really?