Dark Souls 2


Yukiri you need to equip the sun seal ring you get in order to get them. As you will get a different currency without it on.
I'll try farming those mobs for a bit, since online is really wonky :\ i keep getting DCed

Although assisting people at the skeleton lords @ level 71 is pretty easy lol
Actually I got one Medal without wearing the ring from when I summoned a fellow Sunbro to help me slap the Lost Sinner. The problem from what Ive found elsewhere online is that I had been using the small white soapstone to place my summon marker rather than the regular one. Supposedly that makes a difference but Ive not managed to get summoned since I found that thread on gamefaqs, so I dunno how accurate it is yet.


<Silver Donator>
There's 2 of these mastodon, one at the entrance and one past the bonfire with a rat, they're basically in the same place. Can find more mastodon later. But yeah the limited spawns suck for farming items without using ascetics which can be very annoying since they also buff a bunch of other stuff. For example I farmed the statues in the castle right before the mirror shield boss, I did it cause I just wanted to clear the fuckers so I could try the boss in peace, there's one spawning right in front of the fucking fog gate so running back was annoying plus I noticed they dropped slabs. Ended up with 9slabs which is cool but only one weapon(stone twinblades) and one llewelyn armor piece, the chest, which is fucking awesome btw. There's 4 of these mobs and I farmed them with covetous ring+1 and jester hat and yet that's all I got, so kinda shitty if I wanted the whole set or if I didn't get the chest. I used the chest for the rest of the game and it's by far the best one I've found, in terms of protection/weight. It's like chainmail weight but offers much higher protection than everything else in that weight category I've seen, plus it looks cool as fuck, like leather black armor with a cloak and shit, kinda like game of thrones night's watch's armor.

Using an ascetic there I assume also respawns the boss, so it's not viable to do it unless you're already fairly far in the game and can actually kill a NG+ boss np. Granted it's far enough in the game that it should be possible, but still point is you can't ascetic only certain mobs so it's quite annoying. At the same time, with how many bosses have fucking mobs RIGHT ON THE DOOR as opposed to a bit in front of the door like in DS1, I don't mind it too much since running back to the boss sucks if you don't annihilate the mobs.


Trakanon Raider
Finished the main game myself. I was Soul Level 166 when I beat the final boss and had just over 60 hours on the clock. The last boss was a joke. She did kill me a few times but, overall, she is pathetically easy. I'll probably play through NG+ at some point but I need a break from the game for a bit.

Here are my overall thoughts though:

This is, definitely, easier than Dark Souls 1. I remember Demons' Souls being difficult but not overly so. My point is that with Demons' Souls, every time I died, I could point out exactly where I did something wrong and got killed as a result. That made the game very satisfying because you could learn and get better. Dark Souls 2 is very similar I think. So it's easier than Dark Souls 1 and about the same as Demons' Souls. The difference is that Dark Souls 2 is MASSIVE compared to the other Souls games.

There is, definitely, an emphasis on Boss fights in Dark Souls 2. It seems that there is a Boss around each corner. My only complaint about this is that SO many of the bosses boiled down to circle strafing until it launched a combo and then counterattack once or twice until it was dead. Sure there was some variation here and there but not as much as in previous Souls games.

Anyway, I loved the game though. But I just need a break for awhile. I never did kill Vendrick, The Ancient Dragon or Pursuer v2.0. One of these days I'll get back and do those things and start NG+. Just not today.


Molten Core Raider
Holy shit, I just discovered that you can fast-climb ladders in DS2. My mind is blown.
And don't forget down, you can fast slide down those same ladders


Toe Sucker
I find it very sad that there isn't a non cracked red eye orb

brotherhood of the blood is fun though lol


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I find it very sad that there isn't a non cracked red eye orb

brotherhood of the blood is fun though lol
I love that they added the dueling options to them and Sentinels to allow progress in them concensually since I hate dickwraithing people.


Toe Sucker
I sat at the statue for 5 minutes without any duels so i ended up just invading people outside of old iron king hah
I'm a jerk, i know~

I'm going to stay at level 100 though, seems to be a good level for pretty much anything


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I did it after 1.02 and got fail messages when it didn't find someone on Sentinels.


Toe Sucker
How does that burning shit at the bonfire work? I see that the brotherhood of blood merchant is supposed to actually sell cracked red eye orbs.. but only in NG+
If i burn one of those things and make that area NG+ would she sell them to me?

I don't want to have to farm that shit just to invade people...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think Titchy is a guy, but on ascetics and vendors it's weird and not consistent across all of them, not seen any reports for Titchy.


A nice asshole.
I am destroying invaders with various mind games, namely look like melee move toward, roll past switch to soul barrage and fuck them up from behind.


Anybody know how armor works? I wore the sturdiest shit I could find on my first playthrough, which took a huge investment in vitality. Then on my second playthrough, I killed the armor shop guy and decided to wear his clothes for the bonus to souls (+30%) until I could no longer survive without armor, and... that just hasn't happened yet. I'm more than a third of the way through the game now and I feel precisely as survivable with this character as with my other one in full heavy armor. Anyone got any numbers?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Poise is screwy right now, armor very well is right now too. Dark Souls 1 was the same until they patched a bit in.


Trump's Staff
What you're realizing is that dodging > all and armor doesn't really mean shit. I have been rocking the Aurous set for almost the entire game just because it allows me to use heavier weapons or equip more of them at once. Seems the difference between good armor and bad armor is only one or two more hits.