Darkfall Unholy Wars


1/14 Patch:
These are the notes for today's patch. There will be a wipe today since the new persistence system is going in with the patch. As you can see by the notes, this is a very large patch and there are bound to be some issues we couldn't catch during our internal testing. Once more we'll ask for your patience and your feedback. We'll do everything we can to fix all issues as quickly as possible. After the patch is stable, the user experience should be much improved on many different levels.

Another point I need to mention here is that we understand the logic behind small and frequent patches, and we will operate this way whenever possible. This time it wasn't possible with many of our resources on the persistence system rewrite, we had to work in parallel but this is probably the last time we'll go anywhere near this long without a patch

Also, this is not all we've been working on, there are many more things in the works that are not yet completed or properly tested, we just wanted to get this patch out as quickly as possible after the new persistence system was finished.

Thank you for your patience while we were getting this done, and thank you for your initial feedback leading to many of the following fixes:

Complete rewrite of persistence to fix bugs related to: Duping, lost items, various crashes, game servers lagging.
Fixed an issue where the organization bar would not empty after death
The organization bar will now update stackable item quantities
Fixed organization bar crashes when using an item
Fixed visual problems occuring when attacking while turning fast and jumping at the same time
Use Key (Default F) now switches from UI mode to Game mode
Fixed a bug where 'hitboxes' of some races were not right
Fix for F key not working when using oven
Fix for deployable strongboxes not closing when exiting UI mode
Fixes for missing terrain
Fixed some errors regarding water around the coastline
Fixed leaks that caused the client to slow down and then crash
Fixed various issues causing client crashes
Fix for monsters attacking mounted player at the wrong position.
Fix for black screen crash usually caused by alt-tabbing during loading
Fixes for loading crash responsible for many client crashes.
Fixes for various module crashes
Fix for top and bottom notification bars appearing on top of other windows
Fix for mounts walking instead of running the first time they are used - if player started running immediately.
Fix and optimization for chat length
Fix for typing in xml/html in chat caused text formatting issues
Added left menu bar notifications for received friend requests
Summon button is now disabled if player is missing the required portal shard
Minimum number of characters required for searching in social is now 3
Fixed separate chat mode when enter is pressed during game mode
Added more messages to be displayed during social searches.
Ctrl + ~ now cycles through visible chat tabs
Fixed randomly generated name lengths limited to 12 characters in Character Creator
Fixed button positions on left chat menu bar
Added chat timestamps and adjustable font size
Feat tray window now blocks drag and drop from skills window
Fix so item mouse over to invoke its tooltip no longer causes drop in FPS
Fix so there are no longer duplicate party markers on the map when a player in a party teleports
Fix so input field on item splitting now accepts empty text as a representation of 0
Fix so that selecting the input field when splitting items clears the input field
Fix so that pressing ESC when in portal chamber map view now closes the GUI
Fixed FPS drop when clicking an item to drag it
Pressing backspace in GUI menus will now take you back one step
Fixed crashes related to using the crafting window
Fixed crashes related to using the item container window
Fixed crashes related to using the skills list window
Added rank to monster spawns markers. (the tooltip now shows rank)
Fixed erroneous scrolling when the number of items that fit the item container area matched the number of items in the container.
You no longer need to be unarmed when summoning a player.
Repair can no longer be performed while inside a protected area.
Fixed a bug where banded mail torso was not added in the backpack when crafted.
Fixed a bug where crafting building modules, front doors, ship modules would not yield skill-up.
Starter weapons now have new names.
Fixed Mahirim nose popping out from Leather Helmets.
Terrain fixes in Flaming Skull. Also, lowered the chains near the Bind-Stone.
Fixed Water Hole in Maghnir
Fixed Flying Props in Nurenfau
Fixed water in the following areas, so players can no longer walk under water: Ul'Hamra, Mount Eyrkla, Saenal
Fixed monster spawns in Ul'Tannek, Alhali, Arahak, Erinthel, Huelhucan
Changed collision parameters of the Snow-Covered Pines to fix players getting stuck in their leaves.
Fixed camera attachment on Ship Cannons
Tweaked Captain camera for the following ships: Pirate Raft, Wherry, Launch.
Moved the Spider Spawn out of the Player Spawn in Jakudun
Various Female Armor fixes
Fixed the Mehnir exploit in Aeodyth
Fixes to the Waterfalls of Quica
Fixed Flying Props and remade the Troll Spawn in Eronetil
Fixed the Troll Spawn in Sandbrook
Fixed Spider Spawn in Azak Tuun
Fixed some flying props in Shadowbourne
Updated visuals for Swamps
Covered holes that players were falling in and couldn't get out of, in Spiderfang and Fire Hall.
Terrain and Prop Fixes in Iceford
Terrain and Prop Fixes in Laurgul
Prop Fixes in Lyran.
Prop Fixes in Espenhal.
Prop Fixes in Shadowbourne.
Road Fixes in Firun.
Fixed the position and the "leaks" of the Acid Lakes in Yannedar.
Fixed flying Signs and Road Problems in Whiteclaw.
Made the bottom of the sea in Algazar deeper so the Ships can cross between the mountains and the islands.
Made the sea deeper in Ul'Feraz.
Fixed the entrance of the Celestial Mountain in Odmanfau so the player will always be pulled up when they move towards it.
Changed the Position of the Demon and Black Knights. For now they?ll be under the Citadel, guarding the Portal.
Fixed an issue with character Hair and Head becoming transparent in certain conditions involving liquid.


Fixes to Clan Cities:

Added an extra gate and walls to cover the underground entrance.
Added more scaffolds.

Added more scaffolds.

Added more scaffolds.

Added a Guard Tower near the Harbour outside the city.
Fixes to the terrain from the underground entrance to make it harder for players to just jump in from the side of the gate.
General Fixes to the terrain inside the city.

Added more walls and changed the terrain to make it harder to access the top level of the city by just walking into it.

Fixes to Terrain and minor adjustments to the building's position.

Added more scaffolds.
Minor adjustments to the building's position.

Added more scaffolds.
Minor adjustments to the building's position.

Added more scaffolds.
Minor adjustments to the building's position.

Mar Shral:
Minor Fixes for building positions.
Fixed the Tar Lakes in and around the City to behave normally.

Aer Tithil
Added a Grove in the Hamlet

Updated collision schemes for the following Clan props: Harbor, Farm, Blacksmith Store
New Model for the Bone Armor.
New Models for the 3 Starter Weapons.
Fix for mounts being stuck in the running state after dismounting and pressing forward.
Fixed a bug where Clan members could not capture a holding even if they had all the permissions required to do so
Fixed Clan permission "View Clan vault contents", also fixed permissions to allow characters to withdraw items from the clan vault
Fix for a bug where milliseconds being used (instead of seconds) when displaying the amount of time that must pass before a clan's political stance can be changed again,
causing the time displayed in the notification message to be 1000 times longer than it actually was.
Fixed issues where players from allied clans were not allowed to bind to a clan?s newly captured cities
Fixed a bug that caused notifications of players entering/exiting cities to be sent twice
Added a notification when a player without a clan attempts to interact with a clan stone in a free clan holding.
Added a notification for when a player attempts to interact with a bindstone in an owned clan holding they are not allowed to bind to
Fixed a bug where Clan Guard towers in a city were attacking the new owners of that city.
Fixed a bug where Clan Guard towers could attack players outside of their range
You can now open chests while you have your weapon unsheathed
The system will now auto sheathe any non-melee and non-single handed weapons when riding a mount
You can no longer craft while mounted.
Corrected mount jump animations
Fixed Summon Friend so that a player is allowed to turn around while the summoning process is active.
Fixed so that a mount can die from falling damage
Fixed a bug where you would not get environmental damage (e.g. from lava) when stoic defense effects ended.
You can only skill up to a certain level in protected areas now.
You now have a 2 minute mount ownership timer in protected areas
Fixed a bug where the progress bar would not appear when binding to a clan stone
You are now allowed to use teleportation chambers while having a weapon unsheathed
Fixed a bug where empty loot chests were not removed from the world
Added timers for protection in protected areas: 20 seconds before protection kicks in when entering protected zone and 2 seconds before you lose protection when leaving.
Fixed so that players are no longer able to spawn strongboxes and siege stones in protected areas
There have been various sounds fixes
Addressed issues where some players would spawn into the void when entering the game or teleporting within the world
Optimized and reduced loading times
Fixed bugs related to players lagging or bandwidth limiting themselves in order for their character to appear moving erratically to other players.
Added a character deletion option to the lobby.
All data files are now validated on patching.
Full screen and resolution settings are now saved between play sessions
Fixed a bug that prevented some players from creating a new character
Applied a fix for game crashes related to some integrated graphics cards.
Fixed issues with window borders when switching from fullscreen to windowed mode.
Fixed position of Accept button in video options.
Fixed tailoring crafting gains to match the other crafting skills.
Fixed a bug where the nourishment duration of consuming carrots or onions would only last 1 second. It now lasts 60 seconds.
Fixed an issue where players controlling ships would get instakilled when health reached 0.
Hit sounds are now available. They can be turned on and off in options.

1/16 Patch:
Fixed issues causing characters to not be protected within protected areas.
Mercenary contract lists (in conquest details and clan overview pages) are now refreshed automatically when a contract is sent/received or withdrawn/rejected.
Fixed an issue so that a player does not get immediately kicked from the clanstone he's bound to if he switches his clan affiliation to a clan that is allowed to bind to that clanstone.)
If you're allowed to bind to a clan City, Guard towers will not attack you regardless of political stance, or guard tower policy)
The Clan-to-Player politics window will now automatically switch from "add player view" to "list view" when a player is added to a list from the search results.
The Clan-to-Player politics window will now reset its' state properly when closed and reopened.
The Clan-to-Player politics window will now drop received search results when a player is added to a list from the search results.
Clan members without permission to open/close holding gates now receive a "permission denied" notification when they try to interact with the gates.
Fix for players on a clan's allowed-to-bind list not being removed from the list when they then join the clan
The minimap in dungeons will now appear without needing to enter GUI mode first
Added automatic activation of the vendor sell window when double clicking on a backpack item during a vendor session.
Fixed input focus after pressing ENTER on bag renaming/splitting items/selecting multiple items to buy from vendor.
Fixed an issue with getting a black screen when changing resolution multiple times.
All GUI elements now shut down when entering action mode (pressing ESC), with the exception of chat windows.
Added missing damage icon for supernatural damage


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So...waht the hell happened with this? Its already Feb 11 and I havent heard a fucking peep. I never pre ordered and havent fucked with beta due to the bad reviews, but did they make any progress? Did it launch? Is beta still going and is it still bad?



Golden Squire
Nope. Check back in another Month.

The posted a big patch last week that was "good", but they still have a ways to go to get it close to release ready.



Beta Rofl.

They mean Pre Alpha.

Here are my predictions below.

Alpha will be in end of 2014
Betas in 2015
in 2016 will be launch
then they realize that most of the stuff they redid is to dated so they have kickstarter to redo character models, enviroments.

Pre alpha late 2017

they do 2nd kickstarter to finish to alpha.

Alpha,betas 2018.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This is a fucking joke lol. Darkfall wasnt even that horrible of a game early in its life. Obviously it fell far short of whatever expectations they or we had, but the games combat and world were fun and interesting for the most part, its just the macro bullshit that fucked up the balance with how retarded the skill progression was etc.

But for them to fuck up this bad is awful. SO glad I didnt pre order this horseshit. I feel like an idiot now for trying to gas my bud up to play this with me lol.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I can't but chuckle over how fucked their reputation is now.

When they tank I hope Tasos and his ilk never get hired again.


Trakanon Raider
I guess it is one of those cases where you don't know who was a good dev until the team splits up. It is apparent to me now that guys like Claus who were there for original DFO were really the ones keeping the project on track. Tasos seems to have no idea how to run a company with limited resources and just wastes time on shit no one wants. Updating the graphics and the engine and all that is great if you have a big budget, but when it comes at the expense of other features you wonder wtf they are thinking.

They had a game with a decent engine, that ran well, that could handle big fights, and they decide to use their resources to rewrite it? And succeded in making it crash alot, lag alot, and look like one of those games from the early 2000s when devs thought that better graphics meant MORE BLOOM. All of this while making all the races look the same so the game lost alot of its charm, since race graphics were one of its strong points.

Then they spend a ton of time reshaping the world but fail to even try to seperate the pvp areas from their new pve areas. And then they immediately cave to crying from the hardcore and really limit how much noobs can skill up in the starter areas, which is gonna mean the game will have all the same problems of vets vs noobs as the first game had.

Its gonna be a great game for hackers for about 2 months, you can cheat up your skills, map hack and pwn noobs until they all quit again. All while pretending that pvp combat where you win because you hack and have a bunch of +morebetter gear is really skill based.

Game is gonna fail hard and fast, AV will be out of business by September.
Is beta worth playing right now or is it still just terrible? I wouldn't mind paying 15 bucks to fuck around and won't get hung up on comparing mechanics. Thinking about Darkfall's potential always makes me a little misty.


Trakanon Raider
There is a big overhaul to the progression in the game coming 'soon' along with the addition of the final class.

Beta is pretty dead now because that patch is gonna include a full server wipe.

Details on the new progression system are pretty thin but its really their last chance to turn it around and make it a game that isn't just about afk macroing.

They are gonna use their prowess system for pretty much everything it seems, so you will now buy stats and skillups with prowess rather than grinding them up by using them. If thats what they do I will give it another shot. The prowess system was actually pretty good because you had to go out into the world and do shit to get prowess and there was no work around to macro it or abuse mobs by getting them stuck or any of the bullshit that plagued the rest of the games old progression systems.

I still think for it to last long term they need to rework how the safe zones function but a work progression system that didn't revolve around macroing is a start atleast. They really need to just make a big safe zone and let newbs stay there as long as they want and skill up as much as they want, with some restrictions on the type of resources you can gather and the quality of safe mob spawns.. but I doubt they will do that.
Wow. I'm a little disappointed they're moving away from an activity-based progression, but it's easy to appreciate why it's being done. Macroing is a fucking scourge... huge bummer when those considerations dictate design. I guess I'll just check back when the new patch drops.

How do safe zones work right now? Kicked out at a certain skill level?