Date Nights with the Mrs or Mr


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Not to be confused with Date Nights with the girl you just met on PoF.

Once you get the babysitter figured out for the night (if applicable), what do you do on date night with your wife/husband/longterm girlfriend/longterm boyfriend/fiance? For me and the Mrs, by the end of the week we're usually pretty burnt out and settle for a nice dinner at a nice restaurant and a movie (optional). In the summer we go for hikes. I could definitely add to our date night repertoire.

What's your Date Night plans?



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think you could make date night much more exciting by starting the fun during the day with some well placed flirty texts. Get her going and let it build. Tell her to put on a sexy dress you like and take her out dancing. If you don't know how to dance take up some salsa lessons with her. That's a great date in itself. Point being.. Don't wait for the actual date to come before you turn on the charm. Let it build all day. She'll love it


Musty Nester
And remember to send that bitch a smiley face. Bitches love smiley faces.

Since this is grown up and we have to be grown ups, I'm not being entirely sarcastic. It's not gonna get your dick sucked or anything but it takes all of 10 minutes and the bitches smile at smiley faces. You don't even have to do this on date night. Probably better if you dont, and it's probably better than roses. Smiley faces: The roses of the new millenium.

Maybe you could go to kinko's and make her a stack of upvotes. Don't tell us... we'll pick on you for it. But it's so dumb it might amuse her! (If she knows what upvotes are).


The new dine in movie places with recliners and waiter service have been a big hit. Broadway style shows are great when in town as well. Other than that it gets pretty tricky if you want to break out of the nice dinner out pattern I have found. It is even worse in winter months when parks/zoos etc are out.


Buzzfeed Editor
Every single time I have tried to take my wife out to a nice restaurant it has backfired. At this place in DC there was hair in her soup and they tried to charge us 100 bucks for hairsoup, at this place in AC the waitress was rude as fuck and it was loud like a club or something, at a place in Florida they just had poor service to the point that dinner ate up the entire night, etc. We have just kind of decided that it isn't for us. At least right now.

My wife loves musicals so I have taken her to see quite a few in DC. The first one was Phantom of the Opera at The Kennedy Center, and I had never seen the show before so when the chandelier fell I said "Oh shit!" rather too loudly, I think. Whatever, fuck those people. Those have been our best dates, I think. We go see a show and afterwards maybe just do some desert, nothing mind-blowing but it is special to us.


A Mod Real Quick
That reminds me of when me and my fiance went out to eat at a place and there was a beetle in her drink (after she already had some). The waitress said "ooooh, sorry about that, want another?" I could've raised a stink, but I'm not an asshole generally speaking, but they didn't offer to comp anything. Not a penny. A fucking beetle, how do you miss that?


Buzzfeed Editor
How did the hairsoup fiasco turn out?
I went to the maitre d' and when he gave zero fucks about my presence my wife loudly asked him about the hairsoup, after which it was taken care of but by that point you know, the night is pretty much gone.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I may be the only black man in the world with no rhythm, so I took salsa lessons with the better half. It may have been the funnest thing we have done together since that early dating phase 16 years ago.. She loved it. The other couples taking lessons there were pretty damn fun also. After our weekly lessons we usually went out to eat, sometimes with another couple, sometimes just us two. Either way it's a cheap fun way to get some fun back into marriages/relationships.

Also we started going to these wine tastings lately. I really don't care for it (just not my crowd) but you do meet some interdasting people once in awhile. She loves wine, I get drunk. So it works. Most people there I feel are there for the social aspect lots of times, more than the wines.

Last but not least...Hit the sex store together. Rent a room. Tie her up, and bang the shit outta her. We TRY and get away just for a day or 2 every six months or so and do this, make it a surprise by arranging everything.