Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW


Ok I forgot the whole DK area was considered a instance when youre doing the quests but you can see others doing the quests too. So that means you died like 98 times to non-elite content which is considerably worse then dying in a actual 5man instance. Your awesomeness just amazes me, you really are doing something nobody in wow has ever done everyday.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
1 death in that starting area is pretty sorry, let alone 90.
Also you need to notice that that damage is OVER ONE SECOND meaning all hit at the same time. I can stun you with the chanter; hit you with 35K damage breaking the stun, and because in EQ you CAN put delays in your socials, time it so that I stun you again less then one second after the damage hits you and breaks the first stun. If I atctually started doing that people would be QQing all over the forums and quiting.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Also you need to notice that that damage is OVER ONE SECOND meaning all hit at the same time. I can stun you with the chanter; hit you with 35K damage breaking the stun, and because in EQ you CAN put delays in your socials, time it so that I stun you again less then one second after the damage hits you and breaks the first stun. If I atctually started doing that people would be QQing all over the forums and quiting.
Hey Sammie, nobody gives a fuck about your EQ dribble.
How many times do I have to say it. The armory shows ALL MY DEATHS ALL OF THEM in instances and that is just plain WRONG period.

Are you saying I have not died ONE TIME outside of an instance thats stupid.


Ok, from the number of times you have been rezed by your shamans and paladin you died in the world 21 times and 77 times in the DK starting area, how the fuck do you die 77 times to mobs lvl 50-55 in that area?
Sam"s posts are indicative of anti-social personality disorder. Symptoms from the wikipedia page:

# Persistent lying or stealing
Innumerable threads with grandiose claims.

# Lack of realistic, long-term goals ? an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals
Sam"s entire EQ and WOW careers.

# Inability to make or keep friends, or maintain relationships such as marriage
400 prostitutes because they"re cheaper per hour than a girlfriend.

# Narcissism, elevated self-appraisal or a sense of extreme entitlement
"I have the highest burst dps in teh world." "I"m the best at WoW under 66."

# Poor behavioral controls ? expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper
Threatens to beat everyone at imaginary computer games.


A nice asshole.
This thread needs hall of shame already, not because of Sam but the rest of you are fucking retarded to try and pick him and his skills apart. There is no getting through and there is no logic to any of it. Hardware battles and IQ tests...seriously?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Hatorade said:
This thread needs hall of shame already, not because of Sam but the rest of you are fucking retarded to try and pick him and his skills apart. There is no getting through and there is no logic to any of it. Hardware battles and IQ tests...seriously?
I"m sticking around because I laugh every time you quote someone and say SAMJACKED! Don"t stop this trainwreck!


Belefuu said:
Holy God, 74 deaths in the DK intro quests!?!? THERE is your WoW world first Sam!!! I"m pretty sure nobody else in all of WoW is able to die 74 times in the DK intro quests, if so prove with link or video. My 67 DK, whom I"ve sank less than a day of extremely casual playing time into to get to that level by the way, only has 22 TOTAL deaths. And honestly, that"s probably not even that low for a 67 DK. You nearly quadrupled that in the intro quests alone, where they give you tons of gear that"s way better than the average level 55 will have leveling up the first time and the NPCs heal you and give you buffs and pretty much won"t even LET you die.
It"s likely that the 13 million WoW players other than Sam combined have died less than 74 times while doing the DK starter quests.


Hatorade said:
This thread needs hall of shame already, not because of Sam but the rest of you are fucking retarded to try and pick him and his skills apart. There is no getting through and there is no logic to any of it. Hardware battles and IQ tests...seriously?
Meh, I honestly would have stopped posting awhile ago but everytime i do the dude just drives me to post. He"s an idiot that just spouts some crazy shit sometimes.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Sam DeathWalker said:
Same way Glostyn died 60 times in 5 man instances.
5 man instances actually provide some sort of challenge.

You die to mobs designed to be killed in loads of 3-4 by single characters... while playing 36 fucking characters.

Regular 5 mans in WoW are pretty easy but they are a level of magnitude more difficult than fucking world trash, which you struggle to kill with your raid.