Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

They thretened her with drug charges if she didnt testify so she testified at the preliminary and I took a deal for 6 months and got out in 3... She didnt go to the cops and had no interest in testifying against anyone. The 17 testified she never told me she was under 18 (and she drove a car). And she looks 22 plus.


I have finally figured out why Sam does what he does. The reason he levels so slow, he doesn"t actually care to reach the level limit. He doesn"t PVE or PVP and your level doesn"t really matter if all you are trying to do is gain the attention of young children in a MMO.

It"s just a way of striking up conversations with children naive enough to think it"s cool.
Then I pose to you, how then is it okay for 15 year old girls to engage in the exact same sexual acts, if 15 year olds are so uneducated in manners of sexual protection?
Is it better that both partners be unskilled in the use of birth control or better that at least one has skill it the use of rubbers?

A 15 year old girl working at McDonalds cannot even grasp as simple a concept as handing her a nickle with a ten dollar bill when the tab is $9.80.
Thats fine if you take the postion that everyone under 18 is stupid, then you would agree that we should not make them responsible for any crimes, including murder, they might comitt because they are idots in need of protection. I just say the age of consent should be the same as the age of criminal liability.

We have laws for when you can drive, when you can vote, when you can buy cigarettes, when you can buy alcohol. I would argue that citizenship would go hand in hand with the right to vote,
Fine then 18 it is and no one under 18 can be charged with a crime becasue they are just not responsible enoough prior to that.

How can someone under the age of 18 beat you at Wow?


Sam DeathWalker said:
Oh sorry how were you going to prohibit her? Assuming she insisted on having sex with some guy.

Well I"v never caught a STD so I didnt really consider that as a down side; yes you are correct, so have her tell her partners to take tests; and give her information about STD"s. I don"t have any problem with a law prohibiting those with Aids from being requried to tell their partners before doing anything.
Ever heard of positive/negative reinforcement? You have no right as a human being to be in the same city as someone under 18 male or female, let alone state. You are a gross abomination to society. Apparently 3 years wasn"t enough for you.
I have finally figured out why Sam does what he does. The reason he levels so slow, he doesn"t actually care to reach the level limit. He doesn"t PVE or PVP and your level doesn"t really matter if all you are trying to do is gain the attention of young children in a MMO.

It"s just a way of striking up conversations with children naive enough to think it"s cool.
When and where do I talk to children, judging from the SS section here at wow this is an adults place. Accusing me of a crime is kinda illegal in itself. Eronis derailed this thread. As I say I havnt had any charges or arrests for anything to do with minors since 1984. So save your BS.

I don"t level slow I level fast anyways.

And I been on this forum for the last 6 hours when I had planed to get my tailoring up. No wonder I am not as fast as I wish.
It sure is odd that it virtually the exact same people who attacked my WoW abilities are attacking my criminal history (well with one or two resonable execptions).

Well my disgruntled victims at WoW will say anything, its expected, why don"t you just attack me with a level 67 or less and die at my feet and we"ll call it a day.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sam DeathWalker said:
It sure is odd that it virtually the exact same people who attacked my WoW abilities are attacking my criminal history (well with one or two resonable execptions).

Well my disgruntled victims at WoW will say anything, its expected, why don"t you just attack me with a level 67 or less and die at my feet and we"ll call it a day.
lol mobs don"t talk back in WoW.
Well its off to bed for me.

The Mighty Eagle will reply to you Turkeys tommorow.

Please don"t be flappen yur gums so much that you be flappen and flappen and fly up and the air and fall down on yur kester.
Golbez said:
Ever heard of positive/negative reinforcement? You have no right as a human being to be in the same city as someone under 18 male or female, let alone state. You are a gross abomination to society. Apparently 3 years wasn"t enough for you.
I got 3 months for the 15 and 17 year old, the 3 years was for the railroad job I got for the escort service.

Well ok if you are not using force that is fine. What if she still does not agree with you after the positive/negitive reinforcement?

Wasnt the age of consent 14 in alberta prior to 2006? Based upon that would you say that everyone who was in your provice in 2005 or prior is a pedophile, including yourself for living in a place where sex with 14 year olds is legal?

If I did what I was accused of doing in 1984 where you live it wouldnt even be a crime.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don"t really care anymore now Sam.
You are among the worst scum to ever walk the earth. Raped a 15 year old girl at 30+. It"s a shame that the death penalty does not apply there, because this is exactly what you deserve. No matter how bad you suck at WoW, you already hit rock bottom a long time ago and there is no getting back up from there.


Sam DeathWalker said:
I didnt have sex in prison.

My victim saw me after she was 18 and the police could no longer threaten her with drug charges if she didnt testify against me.

When people have free choice they dont see themselves as victims. She testifiedshe charged me money so it was clearly her choice.

For every female that says no there are 50 that say yes. There is no reason to force or even waste time trying to talk the uninterested into it.
So you, at 31, had to pay a 15 year old girl to fuck you? WoW...


Sam DeathWalker said:
When and where do I talk to children, judging from the SS section here at wow this is an adults place. Accusing me of a crime is kinda illegal in itself. Eronis derailed this thread. As I say I havnt had any charges or arrests for anything to do with minors since 1984. So save your BS.

I don"t level slow I level fast anyways.

And I been on this forum for the last 6 hours when I had planed to get my tailoring up. No wonder I am not as fast as I wish.
You level so amazingly slow it looks like you are standing still. You have the worst case of denial I have ever seen in a human being.

As far as your claim that you have been with 410 hookers without contracting an STD I really don"t think anyone believes that to be true. Condoms only stop the spread of certain STDs. You can still catch herpes and syphilis just to name a couple. It"s the latter one that I feel might pertain to you. Tertiary syphilis is the most advanced form of the disease, at this point the disease has spread to your major organs. I would say it"s cause the most damage to your brain considering your posts.

Anyway, as I tell you daily, you are truly too stupid to insult. The fact that you are still posting here proves you aren"t bright. The fact that you are trying to defend the position of being a pedophile proves the "too stupid to insult" part.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
15 year olds cannot consent to having sex with a 31 year old pretty much anywhere in the world

arguing your twisted logic is funny when it comes to video games but when people actually get hurt over it, it"s a disgrace that you are still allowed to live.
As far as your claim that you have been with 410 hookers without contracting an STD I really don"t
think anyone believes that to be true. Condoms only stop the spread of certain STDs. You can still catch herpes and syphilis just to name a couple. It"s the latter one that I feel might pertain to you. Tertiary syphilis is the most advanced form of the disease, at this point the disease has spread to your major organs. I would say it"s cause the most damage to your brain considering your posts.
I get tested every 6 months and I am HIV free. With my lightnight reflexs displayable in game you can see that I don"t have any physical problems. You might want to get tested seeing you let me pull you down with my DK the other night.

Look the simple fact is I use rubbers, and Im large enough so that they stay on. What can I say.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Wasnt the age of consent 14 in alberta prior to 2006? Based upon that would you say that everyone who was in your provice in 2005 or prior is a pedophile, including yourself for living in a place where sex with 14 year olds is legal?

If I did what I was accused of doing in 1984 where you live it wouldnt even be a crime.
The age of consent in Alberta is the same as all over Canada:

If you are 12 or 13 you can consent to have sex with someone no more than two years older.

If you are 14 or 15 you can consent to have sex with someone no more than 5 years older. (Sorry Sam, you still can"t have sex with 15 year olds here!)

For everyone else the age of consent is 16. But if the older person is a teacher, parent, guardian, doctor, etc, then the age of consent is 18.

The law was old and was revised for a reason. Myself and many others still think 16 is still too low.

Back when it was 14, the person had to be within 2 years of age to legally consent. (You"d still be SoL)

I will never agree with you, that having sex with someone under 18 when you are 30 is right. You are registered a sex offender for a reason.
Sam DeathWalker said:
Fine then 18 it is and no one under 18 can be charged with a crime becasue they are just not responsible enoough prior to that.
They are responsible enough to know right from wrong on matters of murder. They are not responsible enough to subject themselves to diseases and pregnancy during a period of hormonal development when their judgment is not that of a well rounded adult.

By your caveman logic it should be legal to drink and drive because driving is legal and drinking is legal.