Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW


A nice asshole.
Laven said:
This thread is easily RRHoS worthy, I dont think any thread in the HoS right now is as good as this one. The only 2 posters that were as entertaining as SAM DA MAN were Blarney Blackstone and Searyx.
and 2 out of three are pedo"s that isn"t good.


Sam DeathWalker said:
I have nothing positive to say about drug use, best to avoid completly, thats why my IQ is 144.
take the other 4 off the end Sam, no way you are at 144 IQ.

diseases deseise desise desices

all within 2 or 3 posts. unbelievable. you disgusting sick pedo. You need some serious mental help ASAP.




why is your hair sticking out all over the place in that pic sam, and man you look cheerful!

when you were in prison for 3 years for your escort service, were you allowed to use PCs? Is it true every prisoner has to select a gang like the aryans, mexicans, black panthers, etc? Which one did you join? Did your gang play a lot of games like dungeons and dragons? I played a lot of D&D with my friends in high school and we thought of ourselves as a gang, but we never got jackets or shirts made, did you ever get tshirts made?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
spronk said:
why is your hair sticking out all over the place in that pic sam, and man you look cheerful!
He probably didn"t show up so the police picked him up and tasered him.


As much as the whole "Same is a pedo" thing is internet gold, I"m going to really miss the updates of WoW fail when this gets moved to the hall of shame.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Everlast said:
This thread kind of cant go to the RRHOS yet, he still has several years of fail left in WoW for all of us to enjoy...
This thread will never really be about WoW anymore. Nobody wants to discuss anything WoW with this guy at this point. So Shame this thread and ban him.
I didnt join any gangs in prison. I figures as I was the strongest, best looking, and smartest I should be the leader; the current gang leader had other ideas and I didnt really feel like hurting the poor guy.

I wasnt in PC, I was in prison for a sex crime; pimping and pandering. I had a cell cause I has so many legal papers they had to put them someplace lol.

I smileing in the photo cause well I have hot grill and I have nothing to be ashamed of engaging in an activity that is legal in all of France and Spain and all of Canada up to 2006.

Another point I forgot last night.

No one would argue that a 15 year old male who is sexually attracted to a 15 year old female is in any way not normal. At exactly what age should a male NOT find a 15 year old female sexually attactive. The female dosn"t change why would you expect the male to suddenly wake up one morning and say "uggg she is to ugly to have sex with". And what of Runway models who are under 18? You would say they are not sexually attactive? LoL.

Also if I was playing wow to meet people online you would think I would have at least one allinece character. I don"t have any. And when people send me tells in game it ususally gets lost in the battle spam or if they start asking questions (endless...) I just send them to my web site. I just dont have time in game to talk while running 36 characters.

Spain, France, Germany, almost all of South America, China.

Thats a lot of people who live in a society where sex with 15 years olds is allowed. They are all pedophiles? LoL.


Molten Core Raider
The real question is when Sam dies, will we remember him for having the highest burst dps or for being a pedo? Will the reverend Al Shaprton speak at Sam"s funeral about how Sam made it possible for gamers everywhere to be pimps? Will Bill O"reily find it ludicrous that we immortalized a man whose views on children were not in line with the rest of society?

Ah, I keed, I keed.
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California Megan"s Law - California Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General

Notice where it says "a person", that resonably means you must have a spicific person who could be "at risk". That would be a spicfic female between 15-18 that I have contacted through this site as this is where you are posting. Even contact is insufficent unless there is some talk of sex.

I own all likeness of my image, I dont see how the state gets my likeness there is nothing in PC 290 about that.