Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW


For the love of god would you learn how to operate the forum. One would think a Mensa member could figure out how to link an image or quote posts. I see many half retarded 12 year olds do those very same things every day and you can"t? Figure it the fuck out already.

Forums are obviously harder then programming in binary and all that other shit you claim to be able to do. Maybe if you pay Mensa a little extra they can come up with some type of certificate proving you are good at the internet.


Stomping you in wow was pretty fun but I have to admit that sitting here watching your internets go down while mine go up in real time is pretty neat

Is that a rather big point of pride with you, the claim that you are the most liked person on this forum? I"ve seen you make posts about it a couple times, too funny!
Blowing the pay check from your minimum wage handy man gig on video games is a sign of extreme intelligence in some societies.

I OWN 3 properties in San Jose.

I just make sure they take a bath and spray with 70 percent isopopol alcholo before I do anything. Unless you have a cut (in which case I dont have sex or anything) on your body or in your mouth its really difficult to catch anything. And I use a ton of alcohole after words all over (bed sheets myself mouth eveywhere).

410 Women and zero STD .... WHO DA MAN!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If I have to pressure clean and spackle before hand, I would rather just jerk off.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Blowing the pay check from your minimum wage handy man gig on video games is a sign of extreme intelligence in some societies.

I OWN 3 properties in San Jose.

I just make sure they take a bath and spray with 70 percent isopopol alcholo before I do anything. Unless you have a cut (in which case I dont have sex or anything) on your body or in your mouth its really difficult to catch anything. And I use a ton of alcohole after words all over (bed sheets myself mouth eveywhere).

410 Women and zero STD .... WHO DA MAN!


Sam DeathWalker said:
You either scammed your way into the Mensa society or you have experienced massive brain degeneration in the last 28 years.

LoL Scammed ....

Like you Scammed your way into the GoodWill Sales Department.

Maybe arguing with Turkeys all day every day has cost me a few brain cells. But I am sure I could lose 80 percent of what I had and still be a becon of erudite elucidations in the darkness of the drivil spewed forth by those who dare to argue with me.
Odd, I don"t recall claiming to work at the "GoodWill Sales Department". I believe like most other intelligent people on the internet I refrain from putting any type of personal information on public forums *shrug*

Your drivil[sic] per second has to be much higher then anyone I have seen posting in this particular thread.
Ya my internets have taken the initial hit but you would think with 20,000 views, and probably what 10,000 of those new people since the Megans law thing that I would have more then just 20 people giving me negs lol ....

Apparently a lot of viewers arn"t FoH members or my viewpoints don"t piss off more then 20 people enough to neg me.

By the way... this thread has a direct link from his website!

Like I said I don"t care the purpose of the ML website is to inform people and I really have nothing to be ashamed of, considering 3 Justices of the United States Supreme Court agree with me, as to the Countries of France, Spain and Chaina.

There is nothing crazy or extreme about my postitions.

No one has commented on a law that prohibits people as stupid as you from having sex, why not?

Now that pregnancy prevention and STD (by the way STD wasn"t a real big concern in 1984 prior to Aids) have been given up as an argument your argument reduces to:

You took advantage of someone stupid.

Well generally the way we determine if someone is stupid or not is intelligent tests. Some individuals over the age of 18 are stupid and some individuals under the age of 18 are smart.

100percent of those who score low on intelligent tests are stupid and 100percent of those who score high are smart.

Why use age as a determination if someone is stupid to consent to sex; better to use intelligence to dertemine if someone is to stupid to consent to sex.

To be a doctor you have to pass a test; you dont become a doctor at some age. DRive; a test. Lawyer; a test. Contractor; a test. Age is really very poor indicator of skills/knowledge of a particular field. Thats why a 12 year old can beat you in WoW because they have spend more hours playing the game then you have.

Now from the standpoint of society wouldn"t it be better that only those with high IQ"s (like me) be allowed, by law, to procreate, and those with lower IQ"s (like you) be prohibite by law from engaging in sex except with someone with a high IQ. Thats way the offspring would at least have a 50/50 chance to be intelligent.

I mean think about it; do we really want stupid people to have sex and reproduce?

Thus a law which allows those with IQ"s in the 99th percential to have sex with anyone and those who don"t have such IQ"s to only be allowed to have sex with those who do (i.e. if you are not as smart as me you can only have sex with those who are as smart as me). Such a law of course would be enforced at gunpoint.

Your whole argument against me at this point is that I took advantage of someone to young to be smart or who was stupid. Well then why should you be able to have sex with someone who compared to me is also stupid? Are you not also taking advantage of your stupid sexual partner?

Would anyone have any problem with a law that insures all our childern have at least one intelligent parent?


Sam DeathWalker said:
And I use a ton of alcohole after words all over (bed sheets myself mouth eveywhere).
Wait a goddamn minute.

... you putrubbing alcohol, which breaks down into fuckingacetone, in your mouth?
If you"re going to claim to have a superior intellect, then the least you can do is spellcheck your bullshit before you post it. People might be more forgiving if you wrote long, thought out, counterpoints, but when you slap down three sentences and half the words look like you slapped a condom on the head of a dirty street walker then slammed it down on your keyboard...well...I digress.

I would say you"re trolling at this point (despite the fact that your mental conditions T H R I V E on attention), but seeing all the real-life information on how much of a nuclear train wreck your life is, I have to pause.

Mr. Ferris, you are a literary Trisomy 21. I think it"s time to let your renters know who they rent from.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Alcestis said:
Wait a goddamn minute.

... you putrubbing alcohol, which breaks down into fuckingacetone, in your mouth?
Now, now. Let"s not be hasty in giving medical advice. This could turn it around for planet earth...
Ahh well it appears that Glo and his Feeble DK"s have fled from the Field of Battle; Once agian Teh MIGHTY DEATHWALKER Regins Supreme over all his competiors!

... you put rubbing alcohol, which breaks down into fucking acetone, in your mouth

Humm I better look that up. Well I am sure you will agree acetone kills germs .... lol.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Ahh well it appears that Glo and his Feeble DK"s have fled from the Field of Battle; Once agian Teh MIGHTY DEATHWALKER Regins Supreme over all his competiors!
No idea what you are talking about. Killing you has gotten pretty boring but I don"t get where you think I have fled.

Also, I thought Prepared was your only competition?
