Designing a Card Game


Trakanon Raider
When do you think I should make what I'm doing a project of an official "company" - I have the name and logo, but I'm thinking instead of worrying about locking all that in and spending capital I don't have, just have all of that unofficial until the funds do come and if somehow it gets taken, shrug and come up with another name.

This should definitely be done before you acquire any funds for your project via KS or other means. It is in your best interest to make a clean money trail for the IRS. If you take in the money as an individual, only later to form a S-Corp, LLC, or whatever, and then transfer money, this will be flagged as an attempt to avoid taxes and you will have a higher chance of being audited.

If you want to save money upfront just form an LLC with as little help as possible, although I would advise the use of a lawyer or accountant. Just get the company registered, worry about the Articles of Incorporation and the paperwork later on once you get the ball rolling, all of that can be back-dated.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Frantic Parent.1.jpg

I'm by no means a professional artist, but I'm having fun with the designs, dad pants and all.

Game Cone Games, Blog #4
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Blackwing Lair Raider
The way your cards are worded, it's pretty hard to just intuitively tell what it all means.
Good feedback and needed commentary. Another person got tripped on basically the reverse of Binoculars. I think new frames will clear that up. I'll work on them today.

Because I used Munchkin cards and their small text box area, I had to create this short-hand language and it makes sense to me because I've looked at it for so long. Fresh eyes help walk it back when needed.
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I've been designing off an on my own card game since October.

It's more of a deck building game then a card game but with different faction specific cards.

It's generic fantasy but I based it off of an idea I had about two groups of EQ guilds recruiting members and camping items to attempt to slay nagafen at the end.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been designing off an on my own card game since October.

It's more of a deck building game then a card game but with different faction specific cards.

It's generic fantasy but I based it off of an idea I had about two groups of EQ guilds recruiting members and camping items to attempt to slay nagafen at the end.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours

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Blackwing Lair Raider
The program is Card Creator. It's growing on me and I usually don't back down from using something if I pay for it. But if print/export, all font/images/margins reset and resize.

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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm disciplining myself to create art for a new card each day.

Zombie Sheep.1.jpg

Zombie Sheep.2.jpg

Zombie Sheep.jpg
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Got inspired by the locals today

View attachment 236041

Hey this stuff is great. I'm digging the art style for the characters.
I'd say the card design itself is rather lacking though.

I hope you don't mind that I decided to quickly make some adjustments on where I think you could go to hopefully pump it up a bit more.

1.) Make your art bigger and fill more of the card, less empty space

2.) I added some feint background detail.. I was thinking your cartoony design in a realistic setting might look cool, but I didn't want it to take away from your art or distract from your text. I went with a dramatic graveyard scene, other idea is to go much less serious and do funny backgrounds.. or keep no background, idk.

3.) In my mockup I kept your text designs & orientations but they are kinda bothersome.
  • Name of the creature & Type, could be more prominent, in this case I put it in the foreground, probably could change the font and coloring, enlarge the text maybe.
  • Vertical text seems like a bad idea, but idk, could be fine, depends how detailed this gets... if a creature can combine with 5 things, might get crazy.
  • "Level 2" text could just be the number "2", maybe have a different border depending on level, or some other icon that stands out.
  • Description text isnt on this one, but it's kinda tough to read on the sheep cards. Right-Aligned & not a crisp font makes it more difficult. I'd make sure descriptions are very clear to read. Use a sharper font, remove the black outline, maybe replace outline with a sharp drop shadow so it appears to "pop" out of the card.
I really like the minimalist designs you have going though. But with a few minor tweaks they could really stand out imo.

Also, I really hope you have some sort of template system that allows you to change card design quickly. If not, I'd look to finding a template solution before creating too many cards. Maybe even just MS Word, Excel, or the equivalent in Google Docs.

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Blackwing Lair Raider
I definitely like the background idea.

All your comments are welcomed.

My 6yo is a major inspiration for the design. Loves zombies but not if they're too gross or scary, so I'm walking the line and leaning to cartoonish

Plan is to mock up the whole set with the current template (unless i receive a course changing epiphany), print them out and see how they look. Because cards combine, it may get messy so I'm hesitant to make individual cards busy.

The way i have words now currently is to facilitate seeing your combine options while holding a grip of cards
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Anybody else use Card Creator? I'm currently stumped as to how to add fonts
Edit: Download font > Unzip > right click > install for all users
Note: right click options seem to be available only on new downloads


Metal Pipe.jpg
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Started working on my game again after a friend came over and wanted to give it a go.

In the game, each round is started with a minigame. Each player discards a card to determine turn order.
I'm looking for a short simple word to represent this value.

The picture on the left uses "Plan" and turns go in ascending order, the highest last. This phase could be called the Planning Phase.


The picture on the right uses "bluff" which modifies Level and future expansions could care about bluffing.

Seeking feedback from the group. Will also hear name alternatives.

I think I figured it out:

I do like the flexibility of Bluff and the minigame implication. but the complexity level may be too great going that route
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