Desktop Computers


I like the setup but man you need to add another table for your mouse and keyboard farther back, or at the very least a big pull out tray for them. I'd break my neck trying to look at the side screens.
That is the one flaw with this setup, the shallowness of the desk. It shouldn't be a huge problem, as the side screens are more for an enveloping peripheral vision feel than to directly look at. Games not optimized for triple monitor setups sometimes do have menus and maps and stuff that remain on the side screens, those admittedly are a pain. But for games that handle surround well, all the pertinent info will be on the center screen. I actually quite like them close and angled like that, all I see is game, feels more immersive /shrug. I do sit pretty leaned back in my chair as well, usually with mouse on the arm. Games that don't handle triple screen well I'll just run in 1080p on the center monitor. Went large to get the best of both worlds, nice surround setup, and big single monitor in one. Adding another desk further out to get some distance is a good idea though. These are cheap ikea linmon/adils desks, wouldn't be expensive to add another.

Don't the speakers wiggle the monitors? Those are speakers underneath the monitors right?
I haven't had a lot of seat time yet to work out the kinks, using the speakers on their sides as monitor stands was a sort of eureka moment when I was contemplating where to set up my speakers. Shouldn't be a big deal, as they are crossed over at 80 hz, all the really low stuff handled by the sub under the desk. You raise an interesting point though, could raise the crossover to 90 or 100 hz to minimize vibration further. Also keep the volume low being so near to my head, so should be all good. Once I have some hours listening and gaming I'll know more.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
You have to make a lot of concessions to get to $500, heck i still went 35bucks over (i could shave 5bucks here 5 bucks there), but you get a realistic breakdown.
PCPartPicker part list/Price breakdown by merchant

CPU:AMD A6-6400K 3.9GHz Dual-Core Processor($43.20 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard:Gigabyte GA-F2A88XM-D3H Micro ATX FM2+ Motherboard($44.40 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory:G.Skill AEGIS 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory($52.99 @ Newegg)
Storage:Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive($44.10 @ SuperBiiz)
Video Card:Sapphire Radeon R7 265 2GB Video Card($109.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case:Corsair SPEC-01 RED ATX Mid Tower Case($47.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply:Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply($61.98 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive:Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer($12.99 @ Newegg)
Operating System:Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)($86.88 @ OutletPC)
Keyboard:Logitech Corded Keyboard K280e Wired Standard Keyboard($8.99 @ NCIX US)
Mouse:Logitech B120 Wired Optical Mouse($9.90 @ SuperBiiz)
Speakers:Logitech S-150 1.2W 2ch Speakers($9.00 @ SuperBiiz)
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-22 03:29 EDT-0400
Cool, thanks for the help! If she wanted to extend the life of the PC and add in another $100 or so, which parts would be ideal to upgrade? CPU and GPU I'd assume?


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Damn, need a big ass lazy boy with some kind of keyboard/mouse set up to go with that.


<Prior Amod>
Cool, thanks for the help! If she wanted to extend the life of the PC and add in another $100 or so, which parts would be ideal to upgrade? CPU and GPU I'd assume?
Well i'm just trying to give you a real-life quotable "can i make a decent $500 computer" and yea you can-ish. Assuming there's no need for more "personalized" peripherals (like she wants a specific mouse, etc), yea to extend the pc life, def you have to upgrade the cpu, it's only a dual core, but it's 40bucks, so there's that, it's already provisioned for 8gigs (memory is cheap now again) a quad core amd would be like a8-6600k (k's at the end of amd or intel are designated as overclocking cuz they have unlocked multipliers, usually cost 10 to 30bucks more) is like 80bucks.

video card upgrade would really be a r9 280 for about 180 or gtx 970 but thats 300+


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Ok, we went with an i5-4460 3.2GHz CPU (and cooresponding equivalent intel mobo). I recall when I built mine a year ago Quaid had thrown in a separate CPU cooling/fan/sink assembly. Is that typical to always get those separately? Or will the stock thing that comes with this i5 be ok?


I like the setup but man you need to add another table for your mouse and keyboard farther back, or at the very least a big pull out tray for them. I'd break my neck trying to look at the side screens.
You're way too close to the front monitor too. Just get another table.
Damn, need a big ass lazy boy with some kind of keyboard/mouse set up to go with that.
You guys are right. Instead of another desk I'm going to grab a couple of shelves from ikea and attach adils legs to them and slide them behind the desks. Will give me another 10 or 11 inches of depth, should help a lot. Love the recliner idea as well. Currently using a Neutral Posture chair that is almost a recliner anyway, but it's pretty beat up these days. Maybe time to go full-on la-z-boy!


Potato del Grande
Or will the stock thing that comes with this i5 be ok?
Your stock fan will be fine on a non-overclocked, non-high-end-gaming machine. Especially for Intel. I don't trust AMD stock coolers as much, even just running basic games/programs.

edit: And at first didn't notice you already bought the processor, so most of my suggestions regarding not building a system are probably not relevant. Oh well, for posterity! :p

For Sims4 and Marvel Heroes I'd almost suggesting finding a private seller offloading an old system or just finding a good deal on a prebuilt. Maybe even a refurbished unit from Newegg or something? Maybe look at some Newegg bundles?

I dunno, building a system for $500 system for a GF to play the Sims doesn't seem cost effective. People build systems to get exactly what they want in a machine, not necessarily to save money or make things easier for themselves.

Why not just get a cheap SSD. If she needs more storage, tell her to stop digital hording! It's also easy to add storage later, even just remotely, so an initial build can survive a single 120/128gb SSD, which will save some money or allow other parts to be improved.

Paying 80 bucks for the OS on $500 system is a budget killer. There are other ways to get legit copies. You don't have an old win7 key laying around from an old system. My secondary build has the key from an old junked laptop that was being thrown away at my last job. Just downloaded the right install files from MS, entered the key, called the automated MS system, tadah. There are people that sell copies too on reddit and shit, but usually someone I know has at least one old key sitting around somewhere.

There are other ways to get a legal Operating System. Can use the key from an old, unused system if you or friends/family have one (the key I'm using on my secondary desktop was originally from a junked old laptop, just have to call MSs automated system to get it re-set.

Any local computer shop? Can often get old cases for next to nothing, and it's something that can be upgraded later if she's not happy with how it looks, or hell, get an old shitty metal case and paint it for her. It's not like you'll need premium air flow or anything.

I'd suggest not getting an optical drive, as it's not that hard to live without these days, but they're cheap and going without can confuse people :p


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Thanks for the reply on the cooling, we'll stick with stock. She got all excited and we ended up with a very solid machine for $675 or so.

Speaking of OS, are there ramifications of some sort for letting her use my win7 key?


Had to grab a 4790K + MB + decent SSD. My current CPU...3570k needs 1.3 volts to run at stock speed. And something like 1.6 to run Tomb Raider. It's days are numbered.

I wanted to wait for Skylake or whatever? This will be fine.


One last comment on the audio, since I'm sure I'm not the only one that likes good audio on his or her gaming pc. Ran audyssey calibration, 40hz crossover handled on these big bookshelves no problem. Sounds fucking fantastic. All 'budget' audio parts too, Polk speakers bought on sale at newegg, simple refurb Denon avr, Dayton Sub-1200 picked up as a restock for around 80 bucks. Buttery smooth sub by the way, shocked at how good it is. I'm excited about how it all turned out dudes, enveloped by video and sound now. This battlestation is fully operational.
