Desktop Computers

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
looks like ill have to be returning this monitor. horrible gray bands all over it, extremely noticeable on a white screen;



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't plan on running anything other than movies in full screen, and the newest game I play is D3/WOW. Newest. Only. Whatever. I also have my vertical at 1080. 1440 is too small for my eyes.

That's an absolute waste of pixels if you paid for that monster size / resolution and only running 1080. Go into your DPI scaling settings. You can keep native monitor resolution and windows will scale icons / text larger. You can also scale in your browser for webpages, if needed.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Intel has had more than a decade of monopoly on performance. Monopolies tend to keep innovation at a minimum. We need AMD competing again. Back when we had AMD's FX lineup of the mid-2000s toppling Intel's performance crown. Shots were bring fired by both companies driving innovation and performance boundaries. We, the customer, were the winners.

Growing more and more processor cores is great and all, but we need to see raw processor speed (GHz) increases. We have sat around the 3-4 GHz mark for an eternity now. I know all of the power / heat / dissipation obstacles that stand in the way of that on current tech, but this is what needs the greatest change.


EQOA Refugee
A comment from that thread sums up exactly what I feel:

"As soon as AMD is taking what Intel feel it is more than it should, Intel will release whatever they have been sandbagging for so many years."

Yeah that's why I hope AMD kicks Intel in the dick. Help stop this stagnation. I have a 3570k and Kant Lake still isn't that big of an upgrade, tbh. No competition has caused some stagnation.


The Big Mod
mmmm and i bought in @ 3.06
I bought it at 2.40-something last Spring and sold last Summer around 6? The stock is currently well above any reasonable valuation of the company and is floating of hopes and dreams of Zen taking AMD back to profitability.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yeah thinking the same thing. I cant imagine how bad the stock will take a beating if Zen is anything remotely close to their old piledriver architecture.
Yeah that's why I hope AMD kicks Intel in the dick. Help stop this stagnation. I have a 3570k and Kant Lake still isn't that big of an upgrade, tbh. No competition has caused some stagnation.
Intel really pisses me off. I remember the first i series processors all supported overclocking, all had HT, all supported triple channel memory and came with more than 16 pcie lanes.

Now? Oh you want to be able to OC? Buy a K series. Want Hyper threading oh buy a 7 series. Oh you want more than 16 pcie lanes? Oh buy a -E series. Fuck you intel. All that shit used to be standard.
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<Prior Amod>
Intel has had more than a decade of monopoly on performance. Monopolies tend to keep innovation at a minimum. We need AMD competing again. Back when we had AMD's FX lineup of the mid-2000s toppling Intel's performance crown. Shots were bring fired by both companies driving innovation and performance boundaries. We, the customer, were the winners.
Remember when Intel had that piece of shit P4 that overheated like shit? then AMD said

Athlon XP

Then Intel did Pentium-D (first dual cores) that again sucked then AMD said

Athlon x2

Fucking AMD was rocking the first half of 2000, until Intel got their shit together and pulled out the Core2Duo out of their ass and started owning shit

Man once Core2Duo got out, AMD just tried to play catch up with cores, Athlon x4 then shitty Phenom.

I mean fuck if you don't care about modern graphics or ram or noise you could live with a pimped out Q6600 and it could give a AMD 8350, a run for it's money, a fucking 9yr old quad core could make a pretty recent octo-core AMD sweat.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You're absolutely right. AMD was owning the first half of the decade of the 2000s. C2D was a hell of a breakthrough though and AMD never caught up. We need competition again!
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<Gold Donor>
Remember when Intel had that piece of shit P4 that overheated like shit? then AMD said

Athlon XP

Then Intel did Pentium-D (first dual cores) that again sucked then AMD said

Athlon x2

Fucking AMD was rocking the first half of 2000, until Intel got their shit together and pulled out the Core2Duo out of their ass and started owning shit

Man once Core2Duo got out, AMD just tried to play catch up with cores, Athlon x4 then shitty Phenom.

I mean fuck if you don't care about modern graphics or ram or noise you could live with a pimped out Q6600 and it could give a AMD 8350, a run for it's money, a fucking 9yr old quad core could make a pretty recent octo-core AMD sweat.

I had that Q6600 that I bought in some shitty dell that I got a deal on in like 2006/7? Might of even been in 2005, I forget. That fucker worked for like 6-8+ yrs with some video card updates until I finally replaced it with my i5 2500K system I built.

In other news just bought my kid a RX480 for like $200 for x-mas. It was the last piece of his system we built him this spring. We ran out of cash at the time so he was using my old ass 6850 lol. should be a good improvement, wouldnt you say?


<Prior Amod>
I had that Q6600 that I bought in some shitty dell that I got a deal on in like 2006/7? Might of even been in 2005, I forget. That fucker worked for like 6-8+ yrs with some video card updates until I finally replaced it with my i5 2500K system I built.

In other news just bought my kid a RX480 for like $200 for x-mas. It was the last piece of his system we built him this spring. We ran out of cash at the time so he was using my old ass 6850 lol. should be a good improvement, wouldnt you say?
which rx480 did you get, one of the reference models or the ones with the bang ass super cooling?