Destiny - Gamertags


Molten Core Raider
PS4 came in last night and took most of the night to download Destiny.. PSN is slow as shit. I decided to make a new PSN tag though since the one I used for PS3 didn't really have anything of note on it since I rarely used it for anything but Netflix and it wasn't a very good name. I'll be starting at level 1 tonight.

PS4: Diamyr
since i logged into my account from the ps3, fuckers didnt give me a free month of Plus. Just used the 10 bucks they give you in the bundle for it lol.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I have all three classes at 32, and seem to be stuck. (I rarely play PS4 so I don't have console buddies)

(I have played just part time solo, can someone get to 33 or 34 solo?)


FPS noob
getting to 34 is pretty easy. run the new story mode missions to unlock POE. Run POE 28 (matchmaking) to unlock POE 32-35. UseDestinyLFG.Net | The Original Destiny LFG Siteto find a group for POE 32, its easy at 32-34 and you get an armor core. Buy a piece of new armor at the reef, and ascend an exotic (different slot) to 34. You are now 33.

This is where it gets trickier, in the first week everyone ran POE 34 at level 33 and while it was a touch harder it was not that bad and you got a etheric light. Two etheric lights will turn any 33 into a 34. But you will have a harder time now getting into a POE 34 group as a 33 since so many people are 34. Maybe find a group of 33s and knock it out.

Or just wait 2 more weeks, running POE 32 each week for a core and buying a different armor slot each week and you will be 34. Also Iron Banner is once a month and you can buy two etheric lights (rank 3/5) for extra. You may get lucky and get an etheric light in a nightfall too.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Thanks for the tip..grouping for 32 POE seems to be a pain in the ass.

I do not seem to have the correct rocket launcher atm..I guess farming coins are my only option.


Useless lazy bastard.
Intresting, but I would think that is more relevant to "Destiny 2". I cant imagine them throwing much more resources on the current game when it is so limited by the old gen platforms.


Destiny 2 is coming out late 2016/ early 2017. We will be on 1.5 when Taken King launches in 2 weeks.

Their model is base game with 2 DLCs, One true Expansion and 2 more DLCs

Destiny 2 will be exclusive on the newer consoles.


Silver Squire
PS4-Lanludar is the gamertag. 40 warlock and am at 234 light atm. I would like to hit the old raids just to see them before jumping into the taken king raid stuff. No mic yet. Anyone shooting me a friend invite is welcome.