Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Blackwing Lair Raider
No. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

'Homing' would mean they actually change course mid flight to seek a target, which strafe does not do with grenades. Rockets (for example) are homing. Strafe certainly doesn't miss often, as it fires grenades with more velocity if the target is farther, so something would have to be moving fast and in an evasive manner to be missed.
Right, which is why I at first said it is basically homing. Homing, locking onto targets, whatever you want to call it, its basically the same thing as I don't think I've ever seen a grenade miss.

Rapid fire (bombardment) is quite different in practice (I ran with both skills for various purposes for the greater part of a year). The grenades don't lock onto targets like they do with strafe, they don't bounce, and you can fire OVER intermediate obstacles using rapid fire (bombardment). Going up stairs or ramps can be a problem for strafe grenades, but for rapid fire it is no problem. Strafe grenades are fun, but unfortunately the damage done is too low to be feasible for fast killing at various torment levels. It totally fails when you run into elites on torment, forcing you to have some other damage dealer, which means your +skill gear is not going to be effective for one skill or the other.
Thats why I think I'm going to do two different sets, one for face rolling content and one for group play. I disagree about strafe though and do think it is viable at higher torment lvls, at the very least in solo play. I know people are able to do t2-t5, one guy did a t6 rift run in ~6 minutes with a strafe build, but he snapshotted and used gear swap macros to do so thats way too much effort for me. I love the skill because I can just mindlessly run around the map blowing shit up, reminds me of playing d2 frozen orb sorc. I can plow through t1 no problem, but I'd still like to get my dps a bit higher so I can at least do t2 and split t1 cache runs super efficiently.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Can we remove the people who quit to add the people waiting? I know last night we were still full but it looks like a few more quit?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm using a Messerschmidt's or whatever you spell it as Reaver, around 2800DPS - so it's not too bad. I just think Foote would be fun to play with. As it stands now I am basically destroying everything without it, so definitely not needing it. I think if I did found it, I would probably use it at least for trash killing. Throwing a couple shields and watching them ping pong everywhere is hilarious.
Screw Foote, Maximus all the way. Of course, I would probably think much differently if the loot gods had handed me a half dozen Footes over the last few weeks as opposed to a half dozen Maximuses. Maximii? Whatever. Still effective enough and 'essentially' no builder with Cindercoat/Reaper's Wraps. I say essentially because it really only applies when I am solo with the Templar out. Group play it is far more wrath starved, that templar makes a huge difference.


<Bronze Donator>
Depending on your group makeup, you might want to trade Steed Charge or another cooldown for Zealous Glare. I'm assuming you already have Provoke. What fire build are you running, honestly can't find one that works.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is my exact issue. I want the Zuni set, but I have no way to actually work toward it. I've yet to see a set drop since RoS was released, let alone a piece of Zuni. It's not that the carrot isn't good enough, it's that I make zero progress toward it when playing.
That being said, how are people finding complete sets? I've seen a few people have SEVERAL set/set pieces. I've found 2 since RoS not counting the compass rose, 2pc set rings and the 1h DH xbow Danetta's revenge.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That being said, how are people finding complete sets? I've seen a few people have SEVERAL set/set pieces. I've found 2 since RoS not counting the compass rose, 2pc set rings and the 1h DH xbow Danetta's revenge.
"Poopsocking", chest runs, and/or unattended macroing.


Confirmed Male
That being said, how are people finding complete sets? I've seen a few people have SEVERAL set/set pieces. I've found 2 since RoS not counting the compass rose, 2pc set rings and the 1h DH xbow Danetta's revenge.
RNG /shrug

On my Wizard I had 1 Tal's set piece drop for me, the other given to me, and I had a level 60 Tal amulet. That allowed me to go meteor bro. The Wizard by far has the most playtime out of all my level 70's (I have every class at 70)

On my DH, which I just started focusing on, I have had 3 marauder pieces drop, 2 nats, 2 shadow, and 1 IK (da faq) drop for me, and this is really only playing in 2 1/2 weeks.

Who the fuck knows, just random as hell.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I'm at 4 piece Firebird (that I'm not using except for the shoulder since it rolled well) and zero Tal Rasha for my wizard. It's all RNG, the question is do you have fun killing shit? playing just for upgrades for a "main" is as lost cause past two weeks or so, you either just enjoy mindless bashing and get lucky or you start other builds/classes to experiment. For the latter you have to accept that you'll probably kill slower and at lower torment then your "main" until you get a similar gear level.

I have blown all my shards for the last two weeks with my unplayed 70 DH to get a wolf shirt, finally got that from Kadala. I have no idea how many shards I spent but I had over a dozen other legendary/set chest pieces before getting the one I want. I just didnt want to play him with just one wolf pet but now I'm gonna start gearing him up alongside my wizard and Barbarian.


Blackwing Lair Raider
RNG is just RNG, I got DH & WD Set items playing my crusader on mobs back to back last weekend. This week I got 4 set items on my Barb the first day playing him.


Toe Sucker
not sure if i've been removed over the weekend but hopefully not lol, been busy~ i'll have to check later tonight


A Mod Real Quick
Screw Foote, Maximus all the way. Of course, I would probably think much differently if the loot gods had handed me a half dozen Footes over the last few weeks as opposed to a half dozen Maximuses. Maximii? Whatever. Still effective enough and 'essentially' no builder with Cindercoat/Reaper's Wraps. I say essentially because it really only applies when I am solo with the Templar out. Group play it is far more wrath starved, that templar makes a huge difference.
My Crusader is 70 as of this weekend, so RNGesus hasn't been too helpful. I got the shield immediately and then found the Reaver. That's pretty much all i have. I do have reaper wraps, but I was drunk and rerolled a secondary stat on accident. It's cool though, as they serve their purpose until I get another binding to drop.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Foote+Jekangbord is the most boring way to kill mobs in this entire game, I'm sure. It's silly to say "screw foote", because it is extremely effective and can instantly make higher Torments doable. For me, the day the Blessed Shield patch came out, I switched to my Foote+Jekangbord and went from T2/3 farm to T5/T6 farm simply by using that combination and stacking some Life on Hit. Later, when I found my Unity duo, T6 has become a non-issue and the only danger of death is when I am extremely lazy (I stand and facetank everything 99% of the time), or a particularly nasty elite pack(s) get me--Waller really hurts the build and can mess with your world, especially combined with Waller minions.

I say this because I'm trying to say that, while it is extremely fun and hilarious after you get the combination because it is so strong, it is actually an incredibly boring way to play and I would not consider it an "end game" build. I definitely wouldn't shelve my crusader until I completed my 6 piece and found a more exciting build to farm T6 with. It's a great progression item combination, but I don't think it should really be looked at as more than that at this time.

an accordion_sl

Essentially what I detailed a couple pages back. If I can do no builder with a 2H, why would I need a foote? It's just a dps downgrade and locks another slot for a build that already locks shield. My wrath is just fine using Provoke, which you should have anyway because it's good dps and procs Rally really well, and Reaper Wraps. Only time I'm out of wrath is towards the end of a rift boss. And I feel the extra dps you gain from using a 2H probably equals out the time you'd spend tossing free 1H shields, and more than makes up for it throughout the whole rift.

This way, you can equip any 2H you want. I'm hoping to get a Mortal Drama or Burst of Wrath eventually.
You talk in such absolutes, have you actually played with a Foote or are you just making assumptions? Sir Funk is spot on about the play style.


Blackwing Lair Raider


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
drop rate on greens sucks. I've only played since expansion. I've only played on my wizard, for 200 paragon levels, almost exclusively in t1+ rifts. I've had -0- class set pieces drop.

Really, not even something shitty. On top of that, a grand total of 4 blackthorne's (3 pants :S) items have dropped. I have gotten very lucky with legendaries. I have an amazing stone of jordan, a solid cindercoat and good maximus, and lots of desirable legendaries that rolled decent (thunderfury), but my total lack of greens does seem like RNGesus spite atm.


Blackwing Lair Raider
NM the guy made a thread about it. I'll just... read that

RNG: Debunked and explained - Forums - Diablo III

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Tbh I would be fine with getting a *good* Blackthorne piece once in a while, the set bonus is decent. Unfortunately the RNG only delivered bad ones so far.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Title should be "Clown of the Day Discussing RNG" what a fucking pain and joke it was to read through that.


Trakanon Raider
NM the guy made a thread about it. I'll just... read that

RNG: Debunked and explained - Forums - Diablo III
What the fuck... Talk about some tin foil hat shit. Ok I am reading this correctly? Let's say I want a blade of prophecy which happens to be a level 50 item. I would either have to join a level 53 game or have a friend/secondary account with a level 53 character to greater my chances of getting one? I don't buy it and I can't imagine Blizz would code it like that. How was it done in D2?


What the fuck... Talk about some tin foil hat shit. Ok I am reading this correctly? Let's say I want a blade of prophecy which happens to be a level 50 item. I would either have to join a level 53 game or have a friend/secondary account with a level 53 character to greater my chances of getting one?
According to that, it's slightly more complicated, since you would be getting level 53 version of it in the game. According to that post, you would have to play for enough hours to ensure it was on your "loot table" and then gamble from Kadala in that game, because she'll always give you the level 70 version so long as your character is. I don't know how you do that, exactly unless you play long enough for a level 53 version to drop. Doesn't sound very good to me. Plus you can't gamble any class set pieces from her, so I don't much see the point unless you want a specific, very low-level legendary.

It's tinfoily but who knows. One day I got 4 lidless walls in a row. Yesterday I got 4 BK rings and 6 shitty set pieces: 4 jewelry and 2 pieces of the invoker set. I do feel like I get a lot of streaks like that, but those were across different games so I'm not sure I buy that it's based only on the game/server you're in.