Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Lord Nagafen Raider
It was funny to see people getting all worked up over an obvious bot, even so we had people test it and debunked it in minutes.

Sunday is just the day I played a ton without interruptions, usually that means more chances at set loot. More time = more chances loot, I think I might have found something here.
For people correctly understanding the theory, it's impossible to debunk it in "minutes". You'd have to spend hours and hours and hours in a single game grinding for legendaries before you could try to prove anything one way or the other. There's a ton of anecdotal evidence in that thread now of people succeeding, but obviously that's anecdotal and not significantly useful. If it's true, it basically gives people a ghetto way of target-farming for certain legendaries, which at this point it seems like people want (because of the still overall low instances of meaningful legendary drops). If not true, it's just giving people the illusion of targeted farming and Blizzard will come out and say something eventually.

That other blue post doesn't really properly address these claims. Part of one statement of it can be interpreted as addressing it, but the blue was talking primarily about item generation (stats), not loot tables, which are different. Loot tables are what may or may not exist. How items are generated has been known for forever, it was just a blue rehashing that unless he's terrible at actually explaining what he meant (which is possible)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Debunked and blue posted on and you still think its up for interpretation and its some compicated theory...

Man I dont know if you are being serious but if you are I have some goddamn unicorns and smurfs under my bed who want to meet you.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I really hope Blizz doesnt cave to the group of people that wants to target their specific BiS items asap and "be done". That's MMO thinking based on the expectation that there will be a content update with a new tier of +gooder like WoW taught them. It's entirely ok to 'be done' with an arpg because you've had your fill of monster-bashing.


<Bronze Donator>
It's not that he, or anyone else here, thinks it's up for interpretation. We all realize it's easy troll bait. The takeaway here is that people WANT it to be true. They want targeted farming. If I spend 2 hours in a low level game and get a legendary that I can gamble to drop, that feels like progress. That feels like my blood shards will be well spent. I don't get that feeling from running rifts and spending shards currently.

Not that it really matters since you can't gamble set pieces. On that note, blue posted that the 4 piece Inna's bonus will be fixed in next patch. Here's how bad monk sets are: I didn't even know that bonus was bugged.

Mr. Creed, I disagree. Those sets radically change how your character plays the game. Or, at least, the properly designed ones do. Leapquakes and perma Arakkat's Champion are prime examples of this. I want to play around with those sets, mix and max other items and abilities, see how things work. Since the last time I've complained about this, I've actually gotten some set pieces. All Blackthorne's and one Invoker. It's quite discouraging to a player to hide exciting gameplay behind an extremely vague amount of farming. I can't stress this enough, it's about progress. Most people voice this as "gimme loot", but developers can be smart about it. You can portray the feeling of progress without having to give loot. Targeted farming would accomplish that.


Confirmed Male
Debunked and blue posted on and you still think its up for interpretation and its some compicated theory...

Man I dont know if you are being serious but if you are I have some goddamn unicorns and smurfs under my bed who want to meet you.
Agreed for the most part, time = loot. I still think the whole theorycrafting of the loot system is very interesting. His target farming seems plausible, although I have not seen it debunked or proven yet. Either way, not something I am going to do, but interesting nonetheless.

Edit: Vyr's being bugged makes sense. Both of my wizard groupmates gave up Vyrs because it was not as good as Tal's. The downtime on Archon seemed to long for them, although we never tested to see if the Improved Archon rune was actually taking effect.


Blackwing Lair Raider
We maybe misunderstood his magical theory. We thought we needed a new toon to level up & get a leg (powerlevel to 34 then kill Malth for leg) then bring in higher level toons to gamble for that leg in the lower level game which was supposed to make it a smaller pool. Three people dumped 1500 shards saved up and got level 50-70 legs immediately in a level 34 game.


<Silver Donator>
Ya that has zero to do wit the 'theory' this guy was offering.

Anyone timing out a lot more than usual? It's not lag related, just random disconnects from B-net with no lag and no warning.


Confirmed Male
We maybe misunderstood his magical theory. We thought we needed a new toon to level up & get a leg (powerlevel to 34 then kill Malth for leg) then bring in higher level toons to gamble for that leg in the lower level game which was supposed to make it a smaller pool. Three people dumped 1500 shards saved up and got level 50-70 legs immediately in a level 34 game.
I thought his theory was:

1.) Pick a leg you want
2.) Look up ilvl
3.) Get appropriate level toon to start game on T6
4.) Level 70 joins the game, and starts doing rifts (Low level stays in Town so as to minimize him leveling)
5.) When target leg drops (which will be unusable because it will be ilvl of game) that means it is on THAT level 70s loot table
6.) Start gambling shards, which shard rewards are all the same on T6 regardless of game level


<Bronze Donator>
We maybe misunderstood his magical theory. We thought we needed a new toon to level up & get a leg (powerlevel to 34 then kill Malth for leg) then bring in higher level toons to gamble for that leg in the lower level game which was supposed to make it a smaller pool. Three people dumped 1500 shards saved up and got level 50-70 legs immediately in a level 34 game.
No, that's not the theory. And I'm not saying his theory works either, but this is how it goes:

-Level up character to minimum legendary + 3.
-Make new game at T6.
-Bring in level 70, slaughter shit in rifts until enough drops reveal what might be on your loot table. Since the level of who created the game restricts what can drop from mobs and chests(but not gambling), the legendary you're looking for has a higher chance to drop since higher level legendaries that might be on your table can't drop.
-Once you have confirmation from a drop that the legendary you want is on your table, go gamble away for a lvl 70 version.


<Silver Donator>
I thought his theory was:

1.) Pick a leg you want
2.) Look up ilvl
3.) Get appropriate level toon to start game on T6
4.) Level 70 joins the game, and starts doing rifts (Low level stays in Town so as to minimize him leveling)
5.) When target leg drops (which will be unusable because it will be ilvl of game) that means it is on THAT level 70s loot table
6.) Start gambling shards, which shard rewards are all the same on T6 regardless of game level

That's the theory yes.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
By the time a Foote drops I'm going to have everything else it seems, so when the next FOTM build comes along I'm ready. Got the blessed hammers get dominion this morning, have the fires of heaven flail and condemn sword already and I think 1-2 other Crusader weapons too.


Blackwing Lair Raider
We did it completely wrong then, not even going to waste time trying the other way but we did it wrong for sure.


A Mod Real Quick
If we find out this is clock-based, I have serious issues with the programmers at blizzard. Wasn't the max gold issue because they used a 32-bit UINT instead of 64-bit or something?


I thought his theory was:

1.) Pick a leg you want
2.) Look up ilvl
3.) Get appropriate level toon to start game on T6
4.) Level 70 joins the game, and starts doing rifts (Low level stays in Town so as to minimize him leveling)
5.) When target leg drops (which will be unusable because it will be ilvl of game) that means it is on THAT level 70s loot table
6.) Start gambling shards, which shard rewards are all the same on T6 regardless of game level
Which is probably not worth doing, considering the likelihood of running dozens of rifts without finding the item in question even if it can drop. It's not as though you can just "do rifts until it drops" as if it were a certainty. It seems more sensible to just slightly improve your odds of getting a given legendary by joining a game of the appropriate level and simply gambling. It might not be on the loot table, but at least you know there won't be a bunch of higher-level legendaries on the table to dilute the chance. It would take no real investment of time or resources, and even if it turns out that the theory is bogus (which seems likely), you won't have lost anything.


<Bronze Donator>
How do you read it in a step by step format and still not understand it fully? The level of the game only restricts what can drop from monsters and chests. Your loot table can have anything on it. Gambling immediately, in this context, is stupid.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Time might have a lot to do with it, it might just be more chances at RNG but Sundays we did play a ton when set pieces dropped.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't see where a blue post debunked this theory. The blue post posted in this thread was regarding whether items were generated at character creation, and referred SPECIFICALLY to when items were generated, he did not dismiss or acknowledge loot tables. Item stat generation, once again, has been known about for forever. The 'items generated at character creation' may be a similar theory to what TealDawn's theory is but the underlying systems are completely different and TealDawn's is more feasible, if still unlikely. There are some possible reasons for using loot tables (none of them good or reasonable in this day and age), there is no reason or potential for the other theory, the one the blue dismissed.

There's still been no blue post in TealDawn's threads as far as I can see, although they did move one of his threads around in the forum so they've seen it, they just haven't responded to it yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Whats stopping the tin foil brigade from diving in and filling ther inventory with end game items like your boy posted if his theory even works in some sort of way?


A Mod Real Quick
If his theory was correct they'd patch it. They didn't, so I don't believe him. I also haven't seen anyone else claiming this works.