Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Ugh. Only at 4 piece of Uliana's and I can't get lucky with the last 2 (fucking Kadala!). I'm still short a Madstone and Gungdo as well. It sorta sucks to be perpetually stuck in T4, yet knowing that you're only 4 pieces away from obliterating T10. I really wish the progression through torment was more gradual than middling around in T1-4, then an immediate jump to 10.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I forgot how terrible it was to re gear from scratch, and going for deaths breaths makes me not want to play seasons.
Not sure if someone answered this, but if not. For breaths, you can wear the "Sage" set, its crafted, which gives a chance for extra breaths to drop. Can get 3 per pack from T10. My brother wore the set for a while when he was trying to get his other set peices and was mainly leeching(not dying, but not really helping with dmg either) and had something like 1200 breaths when he finally finished his first 6 pc set.

Ugh. Only at 4 piece of Uliana's and I can't get lucky with the last 2 (fucking Kadala!). I'm still short a Madstone and Gungdo as well. It sorta sucks to be perpetually stuck in T4, yet knowing that you're only 4 pieces away from obliterating T10. I really wish the progression through torment was more gradual than middling around in T1-4, then an immediate jump to 10.
Are you using the cube also? Upgrade rare armor pieces. Mainly though would save for weapons. Loot all the rare daibos/fist(for monk) to upgrade, decent chance at the good items because the legendary/set pools for those two are pretty small. Same with like barbs, they should be looting all the rare mighty weapons they can to upgrade. No point in passing free opportunities for gear.

Also don't throw away doubles of the set you want. Use them to re-roll for a piece you are missing(aka you have 2 gloves, use one of them to roll into say boots or legs etc, whichever you are missing).


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Are you using the cube also? Upgrade rare armor pieces. Mainly though would save for weapons. Loot all the rare daibos/fist(for monk) to upgrade, decent chance at the good items because the legendary/set pools for those two are pretty small. Same with like barbs, they should be looting all the rare mighty weapons they can to upgrade. No point in passing free opportunities for gear.

Also don't throw away doubles of the set you want. Use them to re-roll for a piece you are missing(aka you have 2 gloves, use one of them to roll into say boots or legs etc, whichever you are missing).
Eh, using the cube pretty sparingly. Using the cube to target boots and helm ends up being a huge waste of mats, honestly. And the only way I'm going to get boots and helm from duplicates of what I already have, is by getting lucky on drops. It seems pointless to target pieces I already have, when I can target the pieces I don't.

As far as weapons go, I already have Az and Lion's Claw, and I also have the SSS daibo already cubed, so I'm mostly set there, aside from ancients and slightly better rolls. I'm currently using a Meserschmet, because Az+Lion's Claw only really work well at 6pc (they're pretty shitty otherwise). Literally, I'm just waiting for Madstone, Gungdo, and Uli's helm/boots. I need 2 helms and you'd think I'd be able to get at least 1 eventually? Fuck no. Apparently, all that Kadala ever spits out is Mempo.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Anyone playing a Crusader? Thinking of starting one up tonight to take a break from my Wizard grinding. How are they doing?
I play hammerdin and I enjoy it. The survivability is pretty shit even with 2 huge extra lives (passive + prophet for akkarat) and I feel really squishy, but the damage is intense. I haven't leveled my gems to 25 yet (heck, I hadn't even gotten them) but at paragon 200ish I could do a greater rift 40 solo easily, aside from getting instagibbed now and then because my toughness is shit

There's a few items you _need_ to have though. I don't have an ancient flail yet and my shield is like level 61, but still the best I could use


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Eh, using the cube pretty sparingly. Using the cube to target boots and helm ends up being a huge waste of mats, honestly. And the only way I'm going to get boots and helm from duplicates of what I already have, is by getting lucky on drops. It seems pointless to target pieces I already have, when I can target the pieces I don't.

As far as weapons go, I already have Az and Lion's Claw, and I also have the SSS daibo already cubed, so I'm mostly set there, aside from ancients and slightly better rolls. I'm currently using a Meserschmet, because Az+Lion's Claw only really work well at 6pc (they're pretty shitty otherwise). Literally, I'm just waiting for Madstone, Gungdo, and Uli's helm/boots. I need 2 helms and you'd think I'd be able to get at least 1 eventually? Fuck no. Apparently, all that Kadala ever spits out is Mempo.
I got 6pc Uliana's, Lion's Claw and Az, but without the Gungdo, Madstone and that Diabo/Staff, the build just doesn't work. I got lucky though...complained to global chat that I hadn't seen any of Inna's set pieces drop, and then I get 3 within an hour. So now I have a frankenbuild; 2pc Raiment, 2pc Uliana's and 2pc Inna's with the Crudest Boots (allows 2 mystic allies to be up), pretty fun!


Murder Apologist
I just got my full helltooth+jerams bracers on my seasons WD earlier tonight. I started the season char on Monday morning so this guy is only a little over 24 hours but I've got much of the beartooth build in place already (albeit mostly shitty rolls):

Dindunuffin - Community - Diablo III

I got lucky crafting an ancient scrimshaw after like 2 attempts and that ancient totd was the first ancient mojo that dropped for me. Guildies had been telling me seasons chars ramp up fast but wow yeah, at this rate I'll prolly manage a furnace to cube by friday whereas I never got one in 400+ paras on NS.


Bronze Knight of the Realm

If you're going to use rend, a 2H is pretty much required since rend ignore any IAS benefits. I've seen some weird builds using rend with 2pc wastes and 6pc ik, but even in your best case scenario(4 stacks via Lamentation and Bloodbath) you're still only dealing 5280% WD per second. That's barely more two 6pc dust devils, which a decent build can pump out over 6 per second. Oh, also, rend doesn't proc bloodshed.

Still doesn't seem up to snuff as a damage unless you're on really high HP and density maps.
2pc wastes may not be required the more I was playing. However it makes a fantastic rage dump. With WotB + CotA up my Seismic was critting for around the 150-200m mark. Another added benefit of SS over HotA is that you aren't actually required to stand toe-to-toe with the mobile. You can SS them from a fairly safe distance. And remember my gear is pretty shit. Outside of the required uniques to run the build and possibly my mainhand Bul Kathos my gear is garbage tier.

I also got the "Damage on Knockback/up" bracers last night that I'll melt down and replace with Leorics. That should be a pretty much flat 30% increase since I'm using SS fire rune which knocks up by default.

I also wasn't using bloodshed. The site was slow to update. I was doing semi-low Torment so I had sprint slotted. However doing more thinking about it I was thinking maybe swapping Sprint with WW would be better as my movement skill since it would ignore collisions.

The site looks updated now though

March - Community - Diablo III


<Silver Donator>
Now on the last step of the season journey, but the difficulty of some of these achievements is uneven as fuck. Clearing a T10rift in 3mins and getting 3gems to lvl 60 is A LOT more annoying than getting 100kanai cube powers or even GR60 solo. Wish the gem one was 55 and wish the T10 rift shit wasn't dumb, 3mins pretty much requires a group to split farm to make it unless you get a really crazy rift setup and even then I'm not sure and gems to 60 means you need to do at least 60 rifts and probably higher if you don't want to do a ton of rifts just to get +1gem level at a time. And then you have the really fucking dumb achievement, clearing Greed on T6. Why is this even in the last tier, I got that back at paragon 100 or some shit.

Oh well, the GR grind continues.


<Bronze Donator>
Bloodshed is pretty nice, why wouldn't you use it?

Keep in mind that Strongarms is DIBS, it likely won't be a straight 30% increase.

HoTA is more dangerous, yes, but has a couple things to compensate for that. LpF(yes, it's actually useful here) + 2+ APS mean you can gain at least 200k life per second. Also, most barbs use FC to proc the generator side of FnR. But it's also a great repositioning tool. Getting swarmed? Charge to another part of the swarm that's not as dense and hammer for a bit, repeat.

Why are you using Frenzy?

I checked the seasonal leaderboards and I'm seeing a couple top spots, like Alkaizer, that are gears 6 IK and 2 Wastes. Is it actually a good gear setup with the stricken gem? Or is just gearing options at the start of the season? None of top spots in non-season use that build.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Frenzy was slotted because I was running Bounties. It isn't actually required in most cases. Honestly I only played with the build maybe 1.5 hours yesterday so I'm still tweaking it. I honestly believe it has potential. I think when running rifts I'll probably take away Frenzy and Sprint and swap in War Cry and Battle Rage. Though I'm dubious if I actually need War Cry. Maybe put in Threatening with Falter. Though it doesn't look like Threat + Falter is very popular. It seems like +25% damage is pretty big to me.

That also begs the question of if the additional movement speed granted by Sprint outweighs the damage/survive increase of the other skills


<Bronze Donator>
I'm not seeing how Frenzy helps with bounties. Did you have the run speed rune? Even then, it's debatable.

Falter is for group play in high grifts where the targets will be taking lots of sustained damage and the cooldown on TS won't be a factor.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Since with bounties I'm not constantly spending Fury I often times would need to Rend dump my fury to gain back WotB. So I'd spend my entire fury globe, WotB, Frenzy something to quickly get back enough fury to continue seismic spam. It appeared like spamming Sprint wasn't enough of a Fury dump (though it was spending it as fast as it was coming in) so it appears like I need Weapon Master Fury gain procs to maintain 100% WotB uptime. So if I'm not gaining those procs there can be times I need to just dump my globe to gain back WotB.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, your cubed weapon is working against you there.

That's why I like 6 Wastes for running bounties. Too much inconsistency in density and elites to do a IK based build.


<Silver Donator>
Rubies in helm don't make GR progress faster right? Asked on general and was told no but want a sure confirmation. I can do 60 without an amethyst I think but if it doesn't make it 40% faster there's no real point as I don't need paragon that much.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Don't the rubies just add the XP? So if you're already getting 1300% bonus XP why bother with 1340%?


<Bronze Donator>
I want to say they fixed that Tenks, checking the tooltip with a Ruby equipped would confirm.

But I'm almost certain that more XP != more grift progress.