Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Bronze Donator>
That is not a joke post. You make it quite clear in your post why you'd make a bad beta tester, hence why you weren't picked. Don't take it hard, I wouldn't make a good one either. Pretty much everyone here wouldn't. Most people just don't have the motivation to thoroughly test(and yes, exploit) a game AND then report feedback. That's who Blizzard (assumingly)wants. That just leaves random chance, hence why it's hard for you to get in. I don't know what method Blizzard is using for tagging people for beta, but they might not even be handing out keys, just activating accounts. So no key trading.

And yes, I did read TheTias very long post. You can see I commented on it a few post previous.

BTW, you misinterpreted the release day thing. Well, the whole post overall. I don't care if you actually buy it release day or not. I might not. But people who are going to buy it release day are generally more enthused about the game and will be better motivated to improve it during beta. You just want to get your gaming rocks off. Cmon tECkNOE, use that brain of yours. Think from Blizzard's perspective. Would you want you beta testing this game?


Trakanon Raider
That is not a joke post. You make it quite clear in your post why you'd make a bad beta tester, hence why you weren't picked. Don't take it hard, I wouldn't make a good one either. Pretty much everyone here wouldn't. Most people just don't have the motivation to thoroughly test(and yes, exploit) a game AND then report feedback. That's who Blizzard (assumingly)wants. That just leaves random chance, hence why it's hard for you to get in. I don't know what method Blizzard is using for tagging people for beta, but they might not even be handing out keys, just activating accounts. So no key trading.

And yes, I did read TheTias very long post. You can see I commented on it a few post previous.

BTW, you misinterpreted the release day thing. Well, the whole post overall. I don't care if you actually buy it release day or not. I might not. But people who are going to buy it release day are generally more enthused about the game and will be better motivated to improve it during beta. You just want to get your gaming rocks off. Cmon tECkNOE, use that brain of yours. Think from Blizzard's perspective. Would you want you beta testing this game?
I'm pretty sure the number of twitter followers and stream viewers also plays a role


Molten Core Raider
I think it goes with how metric-oriented their design has become. People stop playing because they haven't gotten a decent drop or died to the same mob for tenth time, not because they can't gear up their alt while farming with their main. Or whatever their systems tell them.
That's just it, it doesn't solve the problem. Not getting good loot is the result of the game having no item sink, not because int items drop on your barb. Crafted BoAs are a good example of this. I made my current shoulders after like 50 crafts, and I haven't been able to beat them after several hundred more crafts. I made a quint amulet too, and I sure as shit stopped making amulets after making that. Just because I make the stuff myself, or I get my loot from drops doesn't solve the problem of eventually not being able to get upgrades anymore. For each upgrade you get, you decrease the chances of getting another upgrade, regardless of how you obtain it.

I am extremely interested in how Blizzard does ladders in the expac-- I haven't seen much written about them yet. D2's item sink was ladder resets; it was a brilliant way to reset the game and not make it feel like a loss.

Bo Jackson_sl

That post from Tias really bummed me out as well. I'm considering reinstalling D2 again lol. I will still probably buy this because I'm a fanboy, but I'm sort of expecting the worst and being bored/done with the game after a few months. I'm hoping they get it together and that's not what happens.

Angry Amadeus_sl

That post from Tias really bummed me out as well. I'm considering reinstalling D2 again lol. I will still probably buy this because I'm a fanboy, but I'm sort of expecting the worst and being bored/done with the game after a few months. I'm hoping they get it together and that's not what happens.
I'm having a hard time convincing myself to give them $50 again.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Also, one thing that's really fucking infuriating is how much and how well indie publishers and developers communicate with fans, yet a 100 man team at Blizzard has to operate through thick corporate barriers and "CM's" that only instigate further hatred on their official forums. Those forums are the worst, man. They are literally the evil pit of Baalzebub.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
From what I'm seeing out of RoS I'm not sure if it has anything to lure me away from Marvel Heroes. It seems like D3 vanilla all over again. Maybe I'll check it out once they iron some stuff out.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
From what I'm seeing out of RoS I'm not sure if it has anything to lure me away from Marvel Heroes. It seems like D3 vanilla all over again. Maybe I'll check it out once they iron some stuff out.
Yeah, after playing a game like Marvel Heroes, realizing it's free, you start to understand how "phoned in" diablo 3 is.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Wait a minute, is Punko saying he'll only buy the game if he can cheat?
Yes. Because the game is in such an utter crap state, the only way it might be worth spending some money on, is if that money can be made back 10-fold in a week through botting.

The game is crap. The core is badly made, and isn't changing. Its simply impossible to make a good system with the current base. 450.000.000.0000 hp bosses in RoS ? Nuff said. (this is an actual hp number of a boss on T6).

I don't understand how people in this thread were enthusiast for RoS, when even the diehardest blizzard fanbois was & is posting negatively about it.

Glad that turned around.

About 6 months ago, they openly admitted to knowing that itemesation was severely lacking, balance is screwed up, and well they didn't mention PVP but that says enough in itself.

So we have a nearly 2 year old broken game, sold at a premium price but never fixed, which now gets an expansion that doesn't even bring the fixes the game needed at launch?

I can't imagine anyone falling for the "we'll fix it after launch" line twice, in this way. Then again I'm known to underestimate stupidity.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I haven't been following this thread or ros too closely, ladders will not be implemented at the start of ros either?


Lord Nagafen Raider
The game is crap. The core is badly made, and isn't changing. Its simply impossible to make a good system with the current base. 450.000.000.0000 hp bosses in RoS ? Nuff said. (this is an actual hp number of a boss on T6).
This has nothing to do with the 'core' of the game, it's tied to literally ONE stat, which they could change if they weren't retarded (crit damage). The only reason hp totals are so high is because crit damage is so multiplicative that the hps are based on the assumption your crit damage will scale up as you itemize. It forces stale itemization, essentially. It's a dumb design but hardly the 'core' of the game (abilities, gameplay, etc. are all solid).

Angry Amadeus_sl

This has nothing to do with the 'core' of the game, it's tied to literally ONE stat, which they could change if they weren't retarded (crit damage). The only reason hp totals are so high is because crit damage is so multiplicative that the hps are based on the assumption your crit damage will scale up as you itemize. It forces stale itemization, essentially. It's a dumb design but hardly the 'core' of the game (abilities, gameplay, etc. are all solid).
Totally agree with the CD thing. They have had all of the time in the world - two years - to simply adjust that shit. And instead they spend endless cycles in their dumb little "Iterate! Iterate! Iterate!" mindset doing useless shit and breaking other things.

I have to applaud them for the biggest video game Darwin award ever. In the history of mankind.

What a bunch of cunts.


Molten Core Raider
oh hey I didn't realize I haven't updated my PC info for blizzard opt ins, its still got my pc from like 6-7 years ago idk how often you guys check it but that might be why I haven't gotten anything but a hearthstone beta hahaha

and hell yes deathwing I think they would want people like me who will try to abuse and break the game and find bugs rather than the average fanboy whos just going to accept whatever condition it is in and be happy with it, id think the majority of this board would make much better testers than the countless streamers out there, but yah bros make sure them opt in infos are up to date!


<Bronze Donator>
Try reading the whole post. I even put the conjunction in full capitals to highlight importance of the second part.

You exploit for the purpose of exploiting and personal fun. No shame in that, breaking the game can be fun. Though, from your willingness to use even the most mind numbing of exploits(Tyreal), I'm going to guess you do it primarily for personal gain and not altruistically fixing the exploit.

Also, reading a bug report from you, of whose existence itself would be amazing, would be a trying experience in the least. Your 5th grader grasp on grammar would make it hard to effectively communicate what exactly was broken with the game.