Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hopefully a mod wouldn't mind banning your bitch ass, either. You stink up the place.

I don't know anyone in their right mind who played Diablo 2 and thinks everything's groovy with Diablo 3. I think that's the point of DrothVader's post I copied.
Nobody anywhere thinks "everything" is groovy with Diablo 3. I played an enjoyed Diablo 2 and will never, ever, go back and play it again. I will buy and play the Diablo 3 expansion. Make of that what you will


Lord Nagafen Raider
You didn't have to be there. You nostalgia fucks are so tiring. The only design decisions you care about are whatever takes us closer to 2001.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Nobody anywhere thinks "everything" is groovy with Diablo 3. I played an enjoyed Diablo 2 and will never, ever, go back and play it again. I will buy and play the Diablo 3 expansion. Make of that what you will
It's hard to go back to D2, 14 years post-launch. However; I fired up Median:XL last week and played the game for about eight hours straight, and got more of the character-human mind/meld that the Diablo series was known for in that single session than I had in the entirety of the past 18 months with Diablo 3.

There are elements of Diablo 3 that I think are great, but for the most part it's a shit title and the expansion should have been free DLC. They dropped the carrot, and the stick, and are now scrambling to go back to the roots of the Diablo series with the darker tone, the refocusing on items, but they are still neglecting the concept of "choice", which is something that I felt Diablo 2 really gave me. It was a combination of things - difficult leveling curve, limited amount of respecs, boss-specific drop chances, incredibly rare runes / runewords. And layer on some of the shitty, cartoonish choices made in the creature and level design, and it's really a stark contrast to everything Diablo.

I'm fighting Satan. Why does she have tits and sound like an 80 year old chain smoking bingo parlor inhabitant?

Make of that what you will.


Knows nothing.
You guys...lol.

On a good note for me, people are still paying real money for gems. I just sold another 20 or so for about $20.


<Bronze Donator>
There are elements of Diablo 3 that I think are great, but for the most part it's a shit title and the expansion should have been free DLC. They dropped the carrot, and the stick, and are now scrambling to go back to the roots of the Diablo series with the darker tone, the refocusing on items, but they are still neglecting the concept of "choice", which is something that I felt Diablo 2 really gave me. It was a combination of things - difficult leveling curve, limited amount of respecs, boss-specific drop chances, incredibly rare runes / runewords. And layer on some of the shitty, cartoonish choices made in the creature and level design, and it's really a stark contrast to everything Diablo.
See, this is a good first effort. If you made posts more like this instead of empty and pointless "credential" posts, people would take you seriously. All points that have been discussed already multiple times, but since you made the effort to improve your posting, let me respond in kind...

fucking cunt


Knows nothing.
Weird. Mostly I knew D2 as "that game my friends bot" while we do MtG drafts. I'll ask them about their intense character driven interactions.

Most of the time you were not only botting, but if you were leveling, you didn't spend any points in skills, and banked all possible stat points until you hit your 80's, then you calc'd out the spec you thought you wanted, blew all your points and hoped your 6 hours of botting cow levels yielded a good build.

I ran a PC bang (80 computers) for a few years during the "glory" days of D2. I had a large amount of D2 players; let me tell you how a typical D2 day was spent, without any exaggeration:

Start bot - run for X hours to level something
Spend points, start bot again to farm pindle and the like
Dupe any item possible, trade for SOJ's
Sell SOJ's to black market to pay for dinner
Power level a friend who didn't want to bot in Cow levels for a few hours
Turn pindlebot back on, and go to bed.

After we would close for the day, the few of us that ran the shop would log all 80 computers into battle.net and run bots. This was how you played D2 if you were "hardcore". If you weren't you played it for maybe a month and moved on to something else. In those days, our #1 game was Counter-Strike, followed by Starcraft and then Everquest. Diablo 2 trailed EQ by a good margin.

I've never botted D3. I have a combined playtime in D3 of 776 hours. (Think I'll play 1 more hour to hit 777!). I would say I enjoyed most of that time, half of which was spent before paragon, simply kiting Siegebreaker runs for hours on end. The game isn't golden by any means, but it certainly has some entertainment value, and the changes they are making are for the most part, all positive. I think I legitimately played D2 a total of 200 hours. The rest was countless hours of botting to get the things I needed. I personally am glad for the direction they are taking the game. We'll see how much fun this expansion is or isn't - but isn't fun relative anyway? I will also add that I have WAY more attachment to my D3 characters than any single character I made (legitimately or otherwise) in D2.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Madruk with the knowledge bomb. I guess this makes AA & Torrid into casuals by comparison.


Knows nothing.
Well, to be clear, this is just my experience and opinion. I suspect many had similar experiences. I certainly don't mean to impress my ideas of what is fun on anyone else.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
The most fun I had in D2 was logging the drops from 2700 Meph kills to verify that b.net treasure class tables were indeed the same as unmodified offline ones while also proving the theorized uniques/time curve maxed out at players 2 for Meph runs when you had maphack on with either a Barb or a Sorc (or, I guess, had whatever that retarded teleport runeword was; I quit shortly after 1.11 came out because the 1.10 runewords made the game stupid and by that point they'd all been duped everywhere).

I enjoyplayingD3 more than I did D2. But D2 had me addicted.

an accordion_sl

Majority of D2 memories are running bots overnight, waking up checking the items and then running bot the again while discussing drops with friends at school.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hm I didn't know anyone who played D2 at school. Even though I played it a fuckton. Most people at my school played CS and a few of us Starcraft. I still remember D2 because it was the first game I ever pre-ordered. Perhaps the first game I actually purchased myself. All my other games (Krondor, SC, Half-Life) I got thru my neighbor who worked for Sierra. I'd mow his lawn and he'd give me a video game. I even got Quake prior to it's release and I thought CD-R's were the most magical thing from the future ever.

Angry Amadeus_sl


Most of the time you were not only botting, but if you were leveling, you didn't spend any points in skills, and banked all possible stat points until you hit your 80's, then you calc'd out the spec you thought you wanted, blew all your points and hoped your 6 hours of botting cow levels yielded a good build.

I ran a PC bang (80 computers) for a few years during the "glory" days of D2. I had a large amount of D2 players; let me tell you how a typical D2 day was spent, without any exaggeration:

Start bot - run for X hours to level something
Spend points, start bot again to farm pindle and the like
Dupe any item possible, trade for SOJ's
Sell SOJ's to black market to pay for dinner
Power level a friend who didn't want to bot in Cow levels for a few hours
Turn pindlebot back on, and go to bed.

After we would close for the day, the few of us that ran the shop would log all 80 computers into battle.net and run bots. This was how you played D2 if you were "hardcore". If you weren't you played it for maybe a month and moved on to something else. In those days, our #1 game was Counter-Strike, followed by Starcraft and then Everquest. Diablo 2 trailed EQ by a good margin.

I've never botted D3. I have a combined playtime in D3 of 776 hours. (Think I'll play 1 more hour to hit 777!). I would say I enjoyed most of that time, half of which was spent before paragon, simply kiting Siegebreaker runs for hours on end. The game isn't golden by any means, but it certainly has some entertainment value, and the changes they are making are for the most part, all positive. I think I legitimately played D2 a total of 200 hours. The rest was countless hours of botting to get the things I needed. I personally am glad for the direction they are taking the game. We'll see how much fun this expansion is or isn't - but isn't fun relative anyway? I will also add that I have WAY more attachment to my D3 characters than any single character I made (legitimately or otherwise) in D2.
What? When did you play D2? Exactly - 2006-2009?

It's like you're intentionally avoiding everything that made Diablo 2 the game that it was. And that's some extreme bullshit about "that's how you played D2 if you were hardcore" line you wrote. I can't believe it.

Angry Amadeus_sl

A small fraction of assholes played the game like that. And actually, that's not even playing the game. Much like the billions of farmers in D3 don't actually play the game.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Anyone who enjoys Diablo 3 on PC needs to re-evaluate their psychological make-up. Step outside, take a breath, think about why the fuck you play a game that is not a game.