Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Lord Nagafen Raider
A small fraction of assholes played the game like that. And actually, that's not even playing the game. Much like the billions of farmers in D3 don't actually play the game.
Being casual isn't a bad thing AA. I don't know why you take it that way.


Knows nothing.
AA, I really don't have anything to prove to you about what I think is fun for me, and I don't really care what is fun for you. My post wasn't directed at you, or anyone for that matter. I was simply sharing my personal experiences with what is likely a larger pool of real people in a daily setting that I personally observed playing D2 than most people on this forum have (maybe I'm wrong, but I'll bet I'm mostly right). This was between 2001 and 2002, which for me were the golden days of D2.

What I'm saying is that I observed hundreds of people every week sit down and spend a large portion of their time watching a bot run while either playing CS on another computer, or playing MTG, or smoking, or fighting, or sleeping on one of our couches at the PC bang, or doing food runs. My point is that most people have an opinion of D2 based primarily on their personal experiences and those of a few of their friends they played with. My personal experience is likely different from most in that I had a large pool of time to draw from during which I'm talking about (I was in the shop at least 10 hours a day, during peak times 7 days a week almost, for a good 6-8 months.) I can count on 1 hand the number of people that played D2 in my shop for more than an hour a day without botting, I can even name 3 of them directly.

We had guys that would trade botted items to people in the shop for things like cigarettes, food, etc. This was maybe unique to my shop, but I'll bet it wasn't.

AA, I really am not trying to discredit anything you are saying (or copy/pasta'ing). TBH, I didn't even read the TL:DR wall you (re)posted. I didn't post to swing my dick around or confirm/deny any one else's perspective of this franchise. I just shared my experience and my opinion of the franchise based on those experiences. You're welcome to disagree! You're welcome to call me names, or question my sanity, my taste in games, or whatever else floats your boat. At the end of the day, *I* had fun playing 700+ hours of Diablo 3.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Botting isn't the behavior of a casual is it? I would think those would be hardcore folks. People who want to get the very best items and have the very best characters.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Botting isn't the behavior of a casual is it? I would think those would be hardcore folks. People who want to get the very best items and have the very best characters.
By botting? I think those are people who are looking to flip items via auction / sales sites as quickly as possible, and give a fuck all for the actual game. Like Maldruk.


Knows nothing.
I absolutely was that player in D2 during the times I mentioned, but not initially. I'm older, my tastes have changed a little, and my approach to games is indeed different than it was 13 years ago. Perhaps this is why I chose not to exploit or bot in D3.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I've never botted D3
Botting isnt going away so /shrug but that is one point that I didnt like about the way D3 was set up - the combination of easy selling and real money increased botting dramatically (I think, informed opinions may vary). The people that make a living out of botting would so anyway, but thinking back on the FoH thread, here and some RL friends gave me the impression that those factors made many people that usually couldnt be arsed to go through the effort suddenly started to run as many accounts as possible overnight as a "minimum wage while sleeping" second job.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Personally I enjoy it as something to do with my hands while I watch movies. I could never play D3 by itself for more than 10 or 20 minutes, but for playing windowed with a movie on, or while binging through a series, it's perfect.


<WoW Guild Officer>
the expansion should have been free DLC
Honestly, I think this is the only point you've made that everyone can agree on. Stop while you're ahead.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone who enjoys Diablo 3 on PC needs to re-evaluate their psychological make-up. Step outside, take a breath, think about why the fuck you play a game that is not a game.
Diablo 3 is as much a game as any game. The gameplay is smooth and fun. The mechanics of elite/named/bosses offer variable choices and reactions you have to perform to succeed unless you're vastly overgeared, and those choices and reactions are further varied by your build. I'm perfectly willing to put up with worse-than-Michael-Bay writing to play an enjoyable game (Diablo 3 is basically the poster child for this). I'm also willing to put up with average gameplay to enjoy an amazing story or atmosphere (Bastion, for example). If YOU don't enjoy Diablo 3's gameplay, that is your personal taste and irrelevant to any argument or debate as it is not an objective fact which can be measured. Resident Evil 4 was super highly lauded and I couldn't play more than an hour of it because I disliked it so much. Clearly I was in the minority but I can recognize that as my opinion.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Diablo 3 is as much a game as any game. The gameplay is smooth and fun. The mechanics of elite/named/bosses offer variable choices and reactions you have to perform to succeed unless you're vastly overgeared, and those choices and reactions are further varied by your build. I'm perfectly willing to put up with worse-than-Michael-Bay writing to play an enjoyable game (Diablo 3 is basically the poster child for this). I'm also willing to put up with average gameplay to enjoy an amazing story or atmosphere (Bastion, for example). If YOU don't enjoy Diablo 3's gameplay, that is your personal taste and irrelevant to any argument or debate as it is not an objective fact which can be measured. Resident Evil 4 was super highly lauded and I couldn't play more than an hour of it because I disliked it so much. Clearly I was in the minority but I can recognize that as my opinion.
Stopped reading after 'didnt like RE4'

Angry Amadeus_sl

Diablo 3 is as much a game as any game. The gameplay is smooth and fun. The mechanics of elite/named/bosses offer variable choices and reactions you have to perform to succeed unless you're vastly overgeared, and those choices and reactions are further varied by your build. I'm perfectly willing to put up with worse-than-Michael-Bay writing to play an enjoyable game (Diablo 3 is basically the poster child for this). I'm also willing to put up with average gameplay to enjoy an amazing story or atmosphere (Bastion, for example). If YOU don't enjoy Diablo 3's gameplay, that is your personal taste and irrelevant to any argument or debate as it is not an objective fact which can be measured. Resident Evil 4 was super highly lauded and I couldn't play more than an hour of it because I disliked it so much. Clearly I was in the minority but I can recognize that as my opinion.
I completely disagree. Never before have we seen a franchise take a complete 180* to such an extent, leaving fans of the series in the dust and wondering what happened. D3 is a bloated, overly-colorful candyland when the entire premise of the Diablo series has been to fight the hordes of hell and conquer Satan, in a dark, twisted world.

Of course enjoyment of the game is subjective. I would say that, if you really played Diablo in the past, subjectively you would find Diablo 3 an assault on your senses and hard to stomach.


I completely disagree. Never before have we seen a franchise take a complete 180* to such an extent, leaving fans of the series in the dust and wondering what happened. D3 is a bloated, overly-colorful candyland when the entire premise of the Diablo series has been to fight the hordes of hell and conquer Satan, in a dark, twisted world.

Of course enjoyment of the game is subjective. I would say that, if you really played Diablo in the past, subjectively you would find Diablo 3 an assault on your senses and hard to stomach.
Not really. At the core of the Diablo series, killing monsters for loot, it is a Diablo game. Lighter colors don't offend me because I don't take it that seriously.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Not really. At the core of the Diablo series, killing monsters for loot, it is a Diablo game. Lighter colors don't offend me because I don't take it that seriously.
Again, subjective. But if we can all be real for a second, bro: Diablo 3 fucking sucks.

My little pink unicorn told me so.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Also, I hate the phrase "killing monsters for cool loot!" - they bastardized the loot system. Even in that twitch stream last night with Yang, he has no idea why having loot tables on bosses is a good idea, or why people might like that. It's as if they are so focused on pulling in the WoW crowd - which hey, from a business perspective makes total sense - that they somehow forgot about the Diablo crowd.