Doctor Who

So. I checked out of this series after episode 3. Mostly because I can't stand Clara. Is it worth doing a binge watch now? Or has the remainder of the series been as underwhelming as the first 3 episodes were.


Molten Core Raider
The whole thing was filled with little things that bugged me. Putting the Master in handcuffs? Really? Even Naismith knew to put a fucking straight jacket on the guy. The soldiers were total statues during the entire thing, pretty much the worst soldiers in the history of soldiers. And the end was just cheesy. Right up until the point where the Doctor says "Im an idiot" the episode was really great.

Other than fans from the 70s no one will understand the significance of the Brig killing the Master. And it was a total waste if they did really kill her.


Trakanon Raider
Yea.. I only half 'got' that part. I didn't watch the old series, but I've read up on it. So, it was sort of cool, but probably moreso for old fans.

I'm a little pissed that there wasn't SOMETHING at the coordinates Missy gave him. She was crazy, but had reasons for doing the things she did. Seemed out of character to just say a lie for no reason. So, I'm thinking that there's still something to it, like maybe Gallifrey is there but not yet, or it's hidden, or something..


Millie's Staff Member
yeah that was fucking bullshit, so who was orson pink's baby daddy? its really amazing how much i enjoyed missy's performance, capaldi was great yet, it was a huge clusterfuck. the only high point was nick frost as santa claus.

So. I checked out of this series after episode 3. Mostly because I can't stand Clara. Is it worth doing a binge watch now?

Or has the remainder of the series been as underwhelming as the first 3 episodes were.
no and yes. they amped the entertainment value way higher, but it was simply terrible storywriting.


Molten Core Raider
I'm a little pissed that there wasn't SOMETHING at the coordinates Missy gave him.
Yeah. Capaldi's reaction was fantastic though, good ragequit. Some positive things I can say...

Loved, loved the line, "I want my friend back.".
So glad the fucking Sound of Drums was never mentioned. Lets never mention it again.
The Mary Poppins descent owned.
The Doctor specifically mentioned (as we suspected) the Master had to have a TARDIS. Why mention it? ie She ain't dead.
Loved Moffat fucking with the younger audience with the whole beginning. Including the changed opening credits scene to sell The Doctor is Clara.
Capaldi's acting is top notch.
Liked him slurping tea from his saucer as they explained he was the defacto ruler of Earth.

And just to add one more thing I kind of didn't like. It was the exact same ending as School Days. The Doctor is offered ultimate power. He had the chance to become a God, and Sarah Jane explained why he would never take it. Pretty much the exact same fucking thing in my book.

edit: On a more serious note, this was one of the top stories on CNN today.

'Doctor Who' Peter Capaldi comforts grieving fan -


Trakanon Raider
yeah that was fucking bullshit, so who was orson pink's baby daddy?
YES! I had been thinking that when Danny first died in part 1, figuring he had to come back somehow then. Either that's a massive plot hole, or he can still come back from wherever he is just like the kid did, OR there's some more time travel shenanigans involved later. But, is this not Clara's good bye episode? Didn't they announce she would be gone by/for the christmas special?

I was pretty pissed that Missy killed the scientist fan girl.. the little side comment the Doctor made to her about possibly being a companion was great, she would have been interesting. Someone like Martha that could actually keep up somewhat with the Doctor's intelligence. Hell, at one point it even seemed like Missy might come around to a reasonable level of sanity and could travel with him. She can still be crazy, but if she generally does what the Doctor tells her it could have been an interesting dynamic. Her solution being to just kill people half the time, but the Doctor keeps her in check.. like a smart and sassy version of Strax.

"Oh.. these aliens are so boring, let's just blow up the planet and be done with it"
"No! Shut. Up."
"You are no fun.. *pout*"


Molten Core Raider
It's been explained before actually, just wish I could remember the episode. They did have a kid, and a probably a long life together. Then he died and those timelines ceased to be. It might bother other fans, but it makes sense to me.


I love how writers on CNN will sometimes just make up bullshit to make their articles sound all great.

"Some critics have called Peter Capaldi's first season as "Doctor Who" one of the best since the series relaunched eight years ago, and it looks like it's ready to go out with a bang."

Who? Who the fuck are these critics? I mean, i'm sure there is some asshat somewhere who made that statement, but it can't be any sort of majority. :p


Millie's Staff Member
It's been explained before actually, just wish I could remember the episode. They did have a kid, and a probably a long life together. Then he died and those timelines ceased to be. It might bother other fans, but it makes sense to me.
wouldnt that cause some kind of paradox?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Time line changes can happen in Doctor Who so long as they aren't fixed points. Case and point: Season 1 where Daleks fucked up the time stream and messed up Earth's development.


Potato del Grande
1) Why where human bodies needed to build Cybermen? The original Cybermen needed a human brain and the rest was robot, so the actual body shouldn't have been needed.
2) Why where human brains needed to build Cybermen? If they have advanced enough to only need the brain as software and not a physical thing, then either use AI or duplicate one brain.
3) Why where the dead given free will to delete their own personalities? Where Danny and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart the only ones who retained free will? Yeah just save your daughter, the other people on the plane are probably not important to you...
4) Why did The Master visit people The Doctor indirectly killed? This plotline led nowhere.
5) What was the point of the Orson Pink episode if he doesn't exist anymore? I think that they need to be subtle about time being rewritten as it makes most episodes pointless.
6) Why did The Master give The Doctor control over everything? Sure she was trying to corrupt him but have a fail safe!?
7) Why did The Master get Clara and The Doctor together?
8) Did The Doctor actually contribute anything to this episode other than throwing the control bracelet to Danny?
9) How did the control bracelet give you the ability to return from the nethersphere and why would it only work once?
10) Why was there no attempt to save Danny with sonic screwdriver or alien science or something if they had his body on life support.

Anything else? I also thought that bulling that fan girl character then murdering her was just unpleasant to watch. Oh and... Worst. Doctor. Ever.

Running Dog_sl

I'm a little pissed that there wasn't SOMETHING at the coordinates Missy gave him. She was crazy, but had reasons for doing the things she did. Seemed out of character to just say a lie for no reason. So, I'm thinking that there's still something to it, like maybe Gallifrey is there but not yet, or it's hidden, or something..
When I watched it I got the impression that there was something there, presumably Gallifrey was dead and ruined. After all, the Master had plenty of time to do so, and it would be just like him to bring it back wrecked. The thing is, we didn't see anything, just the expression on the Doctor's face, so yeah maybe there was nothing there at all.


Avatar of War Slayer
welp. hated that episode with a passion.
That whole scene with asthma girl. what the shit?


I think the Orson Pink stuff is probably the least problematic thing with this mess. She could easily be pregnant already.