Doctor Who


Molten Core Raider
Bring back the Major! Some self-established figure who is truly skeptical of the Doctors bullshit, but fascinated by the notion. Give the doctor a buddy instead of a kitten!
This is exactly why they need another Turlough, or that Scottish kid (name escapes me).

Personally I like the idea of an evil companion that the Doctor slowly turns.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
They've all been women up this this point, no? How have none of them been evil?


Molten Core Raider
Doctor Who star Colin Baker attacks the show for having "12-year-old" stars and says he and other former Doctors have been treated like "surplus baggage" in 50th anniversary

He's not entirely wrong....bit bitter perhaps, but not wrong. I've really enjoyed Smith and Tennant, but very much looking forward to Capaldi. One thing I will say for Matt Smith is he has really made me feel like the Doctor is OLD. He does a very good job of letting the characters years show in his speech and mannerisms.


Musty Nester
Colin Baker was a really shitty doctor though. I mean look, I know it was the 80's, and the writing was in the process of going from bad to worse... but still. Is there anyone around that longingly remembers Colin Baker's Doctor? The popularity of his three years are just as important as that he did them. It's not like they're retconning him out. They've alluded to his doctor more often than the two that followed him.

That just comes across as bitter actor egotistical butthurt.


Molten Core Raider
He was a shitty Doctor. I genuinely thought he was Willy Wonka when I first saw him.

Hated how he started with that smug ass line and strangling his companion.


Potato del Grande
Doesn't sound promising for the episode if no McGann regeneration, why the fuck wouldn't they have that in?

Colin Baker couldn't pull off being in this since he is too fat and Tom Baker is too old, fat and batshit insane. Peter Davidson and maybe Sylvester McCoy could though.


Golden Squire
He's not entirely wrong....bit bitter perhaps, but not wrong. I've really enjoyed Smith and Tennant, but very much looking forward to Capaldi. One thing I will say for Matt Smith is he has really made me feel like the Doctor is OLD. He does a very good job of letting the characters years show in his speech and mannerisms.
In complete agreement. With regards to the current series run, his tenure does a lot more to showcase the weight of his years than Eccleston or Tennant did, though Eccleston gets a nod for the weight he seemed to bear for some of his decisions.

Really looking forward to the special. When Moffat's on his game, he delivers some really good television.


Hello my friends I am new here but I love Doctor Who Esp Patrick Troughton and David Tennant. But they were all good except maybe Tom Baker :p lol I know unpopular view lol. Anyways, I am very excited to see the new stuff


Musty Nester
I'm pretty sure that Tom Baker's Doctor inspired a crazy amount of middle-school AD&D campaigns in the United States.

I can see how if you weren't 12 years old watching first generation re-runs of Tom Baker Dr. Who on PBS he might not be considered one of the best ever. I can see that. But Romana was a fucking porno queen to 12 year old boys. And the bugs in the space station closet -- that shit was INTENSE. And god, when they finally opened up that Dalek and found a brain? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah i have a special place in my heart for Tom Baker. it was his doctor that got me into dr Who in the first place. i can remember in the late 70s when i was 7 or 8 on saturday or sunday mornings waking up my dad to come downstairs and watch the next part of the series we were following. my poor dad is trying to sleep in and im practically jumping on him to get the fuck up and watch Tom Baker fight some creature made with plumbing equipment and construction paper.


Molten Core Raider
"Wow". Doesn't even remotely begin to describe this.

It would be incredible if the old Doctors were pulling one of the greatest mindfucks of all time.
Oh, Mr. Moffat. American TV needs you badly. Best secret keeper ever.


Silver Knight of the Realm
yeah i have a special place in my heart for Tom Baker. it was his doctor that got me into dr Who in the first place. i can remember in the late 70s when i was 7 or 8 on saturday or sunday mornings waking up my dad to come downstairs and watch the next part of the series we were following. my poor dad is trying to sleep in and im practically jumping on him to get the fuck up and watch Tom Baker fight some creature made with plumbing equipment and construction paper.
As a teenager in high school between 1980-1984 Tom Baker was the shit for us Sci Fi nerds. I even had my mom knit me a scarf just like his.

After the late 70's a lot of the TV Sci Fi went away and Dr. Who on PBS was all we had back then.


Millie's Staff Member
so "The War Doctor" is the 8.5th doctor and he was the one who imprisoned galifray and skarro inside the timelock and then when he escaped he regened into 9th doctor? that video was cool, but not sure of its significance.