Does Size Matter


it always hurts my wrist unless i do the straight shooter method.

The ole index middle with thumb clitoris is the moneymaker with less wrist pain!


Silver Squire
Sithro said:

Is this guy supposed to be the Cesar Millan of women or something?
I have the full video somewhere, like 20 minutes long, think i got it off puretna. I think this was actually the middle of the video, there"s like some 10 minutes of massage shit you"re supposed to do before hand to get her whole body relaxed.


Millie said:
At any rate, a girl once asked why Michelangelo"s David was uncircumcized. This should not be the case, because David was Jewish, and circumcision was routinely practiced by the Jews long before David"s birth. The answer was that Michelangelo used an uncircumcized Italian model while sculpting. Kinky!
The original Biblical circumcision of Abraham"s time was a relatively minor ritual circumcision procedure in which only the redundant end of the foreskin extending beyond the tip of the glans was removed. This was called "Milah". Following "Milah", a penis so circumcised would still contain a considerable portion of the foreskin and the penis would have continued to go through its natural development since most of the foreskin would have remained intact. Protection of the glans would still have occurred. The foreskin would not be stripped back off the glans and would naturally separate from the glans gradually as the child matures, much as it would had the child not been circumcised. This type circumcision continued throughout the ages and during the time of Christ. Michelangelo presented David precisely as he should have appeared following an infant "Milah" circumcision. His glans is essentially covered with only the tip of the glans showing.


I think I will use this thread to ask a question I have been wanting to ask for awhile. I take Adderall for my ADD, and when I am on it first of all I have cold dick whenever it is soft. Then when it is hard it gets much larger than average (average being when I am not on is about 1 inch bigger) and hurts like a mother fucker. Now it is a pain I have learned to tolerate, but it kind of worries me that my dick may explode due to severe hypertension. 6.6 without Adderall and 7.6 with it btw.


Sounds like you have blood pressure problems buddy. Might wanna get that checked out. An inch is a pretty significant difference.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Everlast said:
I think I will use this thread to ask a question I have been wanting to ask for awhile. I take Adderall for my ADD, and when I am on it first of all I have cold dick whenever it is soft. Then when it is hard it gets much larger than average (average being when I am not on is about 1 inch bigger) and hurts like a mother fucker. Now it is a pain I have learned to tolerate, but it kind of worries me that my dick may explode due to severe hypertension. 6.6 without Adderall and 7.6 with it btw.
Great, now we"re gonna start seeing Adderall commercials for natural male enhancement.


Silver Squire
findar said:
adderall gives you impotence long term.

I believe in the fine print below impotence it mentions your cock may or may not explode.

why are you on meds for ADD anyway? I never liked it (don"t recall which I took, was something new), albiet I took them for a short time and late in life. I didn"t like that I could ONLY focus on 1 thing at a time, everything felt dull and boring, time seemed to stretch on forever.


Just a Nurse
Did you take strattera or ritalin? Either way, that shit really screws you up (I stopped taking it because it fucked up my appetite).


Zarcath said:
I believe in the fine print below impotence it mentions your cock may or may not explode.

why are you on meds for ADD anyway? I never liked it (don"t recall which I took, was something new), albiet I took them for a short time and late in life. I didn"t like that I could ONLY focus on 1 thing at a time, everything felt dull and boring, time seemed to stretch on forever.
I realize this is tangential, but I think one of the great health care travesties of our time is that meds like Ritalin and Adderall are being handed out like candy to parents or children who want them. These drugs are hardcore. They"re basically legalized versions of methamphetamine, and over the long term, will cause many of the same destructive results. The fact that our health care system/philosophy will overlook the side effects, and at times even sweep them under the rug, is morally atrocious.

I really hope medical science gets more precise in the coming years about how to handle conditions like ADD. "Got ADD? Here"s some meth!" isnotan acceptable solution, in my opinion.


As someone who"s been a test-bed for nearly any anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drug that you can name (I finally told them to fuck off a while ago and refused to take anything else):

Pretty sure Pot Brownies would be a thousand times better alternative than the poison they prescribe people.


Wurstsalat said:
Why are all of you guys taking pills? What is adderall?
its prescribed for add primarily, but yea it is an amphetamine. most people use it in college as a study aid, as it makes it EXTREMELY easy to cram a lot of information into a single session(while on it you tend to focus on single tasks and work through them). sometimes its used just to stay awake, which is a bad idea. something less hardcore like dexadrine(used for narcolepsy) would be better.

that being said, i fall under the first of those 2 examples as its the easiest way to get through college.


Everlast said:
I think I will use this thread to ask a question I have been wanting to ask for awhile. I take Adderall for my ADD, and when I am on it first of all I have cold dick whenever it is soft. Then when it is hard it gets much larger than average (average being when I am not on is about 1 inch bigger) and hurts like a mother fucker. Now it is a pain I have learned to tolerate, but it kind of worries me that my dick may explode due to severe hypertension. 6.6 without Adderall and 7.6 with it btw.
Your penis should get used to it eventually. It is one of the most flexible things on the human body, after all (I think).

I"m on Aderall too, but I haven"t had that issue.


No didnt check that Kuriin - explains it though hehe.

And thanks for the info bout add. Is that something you need to get prescribed ( dunno if its right word, from doc ) or can you just buy that in the next pharmacy ?
If i would ask my doc for pills cause i need to study he would probably tell me to fuck off lol.


I actually have a very sincere fear that I am becoming highly dependent on Adderall. It was prescribed for me right before my freshman year of college and I went from my C average in high school to damn near an A. After that first report card I was in awe. Eventually, I moved up to 30mg per day and over time I barely felt the original rush that I did when I began to take it.

Just to describe the euphoric feeling, since it is a very common question. The only way I feel I can do it justice is a pretty nerdy way. Remember when Luke was flying his plane in the Death Star? Well he had to make that perfect shot, and he knew he had to make it by himself without the computerized weapon guidance system. He made the shot obviously, and thats how I feel every action is when I am on Adderall.

Now I am in incredible shape and incredibly focused on whatever task I have to complete. I worked in a pharmacy prior to moving and I was always at least 100% higher in productivity rates than the other employees (I normally did 240% productivity average throughout an entire month). Outside of those accomplishments I really have nothing though. When the Adderall wears out I feel like I am a burn out. I rarely see anyone I know and easily go 2-3 months without making a phone call or going out once. Other than to workout or do research.

I would not really suggest anyone try and become prescribed on Adderall, it will turn you into a machine. It may sound tempting to be a machine, but trust me it is not as good as it sounds. I really fear that if I wanted to simply stop taking it, I would not be able.