
Trakanon Raider
There is a lot less legitimate advice, and a lot more passive aggressive bitching that happens from my experience. Each incident is different enough though that I don't really think you can suggest one reality. There are people who take advice and those who don't. And people who give advice in a way that's accepted and a way that is grating and condescending even if useful.


The truth is there were better mm options in dota than in dota 2 because of inhouse leagues etc that for whatever reason havent come over to dota 2.

Dota 2 has shit match making. It always has but now it's worse than ever, just because some game 10 years ago didnt have mm doesn't change the fact that today in the Year of our Lord 2013 dota 2 matchmaking is shit. But item sales are higher than ever so who cares if the game's virtually unplayable.

Next they'll remove player names because people are singling others out with them. Anything except match people within a reasonable elo range


Molten Core Raider
The truth is there were better mm options in dota than in dota 2 because of inhouse leagues etc that for whatever reason havent come over to dota 2.

Dota 2 has shit match making. It always has but now it's worse than ever, just because some game 10 years ago didnt have mm doesn't change the fact that today in the Year of our Lord 2013 dota 2 matchmaking is shit. But item sales are higher than ever so who cares if the game's virtually unplayable.

Next they'll remove player names because people are singling others out with them. Anything except match people within a reasonable elo range
you can go play ixdl-o


<Silver Donator>
oh man playing in ixdl-o is actualy worse than matchmaking, would not recommend!

Matchmaking was fine 3 weeks ago for all i care, whatever they did since then is what I'm whining about :\
I think main difference is the sheer amount of new players getting put in placement matches which ruins a fuckton more games than it did before. That placement system might be new too though, I don't remember it happening on my smurf but that was like a year ago so maybe it was added inbetween silently to remedy smurf stomping newbs issues. Problem is placement matches where a newb is put in a high rating match to see if he belongs there works fine when there's a steady low amount of new players(like prerelease) but not when there's very large amount of new players(like after the release where they add large batches of new players to the game at once).

To say the game is ruined is quite the exageration though, or maybe it is but only at certain ratings. I don't really have that many bad games and most of them seem to be the standard shit with people picking stupidly, giving up, playing bad and what not, which is always going to happen regardless of the matchmaking systems in place. Maybe I'm too high for placement matches rating or maybe I've just been lucky. Still for the game to be ruined you'd need to have 50+% of your games with new players, otherwise it's just hyperbole shit.

Shit should fix itself when the amount of new players is reduced, but with TI3 coming up it probably won't stop until like september.


Trakanon Raider
Since when is Kellymilkies manager of Alliance ? Unless Loda put her into that position I don't see any reason she should be hired by anybody.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I know im noob, so bear with me, but what makes SB useless in pro games?

CHain stuns? Like, what if some pro player jus fucked around and picked SB after the other team picked a line-up with minimal stuns, how do you negate him?

He absolutely RUINS pubs. There are very few instances where a competent team will stick together and support eachother ward etc and keep him somewhat in check, but smart SB players dont charge like retards, they just last hit until they can get treads and a mom and then its pretty much goodnight.

Like, is there any good tips to stunting his growth other than staying together with your team and stuns? He really doesnt even have to get fed, he can just bide his time and then charge and ult the enemy weak link and empowering haste right away with 512 move speed. Its frustrating as fuck. I want to play AP more but he is picked in EVERY FUCKING AP MATCH. God I wish I could just counter pick him and wipe him the fuck out everytime I saw him but I dont know how to use Vengeful (which is statistically his best counter).

So any ideas? Or should I just work on my Vengeful play? And why is Vengeful so good against him? After mana missle she is pretty much fucked? Swap is cool when you got freinds but im wondering what makes her good against Bara.

I hate SB and wish icefrog would delete him from the game lul.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Pugna worked pretty well against him if you can survive his initial burst. Scepter life drain pretty much forces him to leave unless he gets lucky with bash. But even then u can just fire it up again as it has no cooldown. Pugna is actually pretty fucking fun and effective, but only when you got magic heavy enemy team. Everytime I see Invoker or OD or Lion etc I jus pick Pugna and max nether ward and watch people rage. I swear Invoker melts to nether ward if he casts just a couple spells. and the ward has a 1600 aoe. Surprised he isnt played in pro games either.


I know im noob, so bear with me, but what makes SB useless in pro games?
He isn't useless, he's getting picked up now that all his stuns go through BKB.

The reason why he is a pubstomper, though, is because people don't carry TPs and don't respond and don't travel together. An SB charging into 4 people isn't smart. And SB can only charge when he has sight. If you're wailing on a t1 tower alone as Lina then yeah, he's gonna charge you. Travel together, carry TPs and respond if he charges someone else, and get your carry more farmed than he is (he is not even close to as good as a 6 slotted hard carry like AM, or even 4 slotted with Manta, Treads, BF, and Basher).


Yep, once wards and TP's and overall communication are standard, SB loses a lot of his power. Even if you build a decent early / midgame lead, SB really loses power as the game goes on. Sure, his stuns are awesome, but he shines at levels 6-11 when people have relatively low hp. Lategame he can still contribute single target dps and some good greater bashes can swing a fight, but he has no real push or counterpush presence unless you have fortunate positioning and vision. I still really like him as a hero though and I think he should be picked more competitively. Every hero has weaknesses and SB has fewer than most.


Trakanon Raider
Decent counters to SB: Rubbick, Venge, SK - you are looking for very fast stuns to hit him before he lands his charge. Disruptor is surprisingly bad, because it takes so long before glimpse moves him if he was charging from far away and he can just ulti through it. But if you land it, just giggle.


<Silver Donator>
Add Lion/Rhasta to the list, instant hex him when he comes in charging then further disable him, and in Lion's case, a finger to the face, can deal with him ok as long as you're not alone(alone a full hp SB can tank Lion's ulti and still kill him easily).

SB is a great hero, but laning him is where the issue is at the moment. Trilane means he's lacking on xp and he doesn't hard carry for shit, he's more like a Beastmaster hero, he provides utility, strong ganking and strong single target disables but he doesn't do good dmg past 30mins. He loses mid against pretty much any of the common mids. Can't really put him offlane. Might put him solo safe so he 1vs1 the offlane but that depends on the matchup, I'd say he does alright vs BH for example, but Furion or Windrunner would be able to beat him fairly hard and you can't leave that lane without it being obvious as shit plus you will lose the lane if you leave more than once(most likely will lose it the first time you leave but if you get a kill you should be fine). He's also been played as 4 semi support in Kaipi, roaming and ganking constantly, that works out alright.

In pubs though you can lane him mid and he'll beat a lot of people, or you can dual lane him safelane with a jungler and he'll generally do fine. And since people tend to play spread out you can snowball and win the game before it matters that you didn't put a hardcarry to farm in safe.