Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
this game shits all over my laptop performance wise which doesn't make any sense considering it plays what i consider a lot higher res games with no issue. I am not a very experienced Dota player but i did play the shit out of HoN which i wasn't great at and with a little performance lag and my skill level i die very quickly it seems.


Trakanon Raider
What laptop do you have ? I can play this just fine on my 2,5 year old one for like 30 minutes into the game, then the framerate takes a nosedive for some reason. When I have Jakiro+SF+FV+Dazzle in a teamfight it can drop to like 15fps, but still playable. I feel like most of the framerate issues are related to the HDD speed, which is only 5400rpm, 4GB RAM seems like enough.


The Big Mod
I feel like most of the framerate issues are related to the HDD speed, which is only 5400rpm,
hard drive speed isn't going to effect anything other than how quickly the games load.

make sure you have the latest drivers for your GPU.


What laptop do you have ? I can play this just fine on my 2,5 year old one for like 30 minutes into the game, then the framerate takes a nosedive for some reason. When I have Jakiro+SF+FV+Dazzle in a teamfight it can drop to like 15fps, but still playable. I feel like most of the framerate issues are related to the HDD speed, which is only 5400rpm, 4GB RAM seems like enough.
Your hard drive is fine. You want to update your drivers if you haven't and 8gb RAM will help you out. That allows you 4gb memory and 4gb cache memory. Anything over 8gb is wasted but that extra 4 will help you.
And depending on how old your graphics card is, you may need to upgrade that as well.


Trakanon Raider
It's laptop, RAM is kinda hard to upgrade
I'll look into the drivers, but my desktop plays Dota 2 just fine not to mention I have much bigger screen and better keyboard and mouse.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
i play on a nvidia 335m card, i7 640, 6GB ram. i am also playing from Japan my connection seems solid enough though.


Some of these professionals on real teams need a stylist or something. This fucking xmike88 guy from Team Liquid looks like he finally made it out of his mothers basement for the first time wearing the same clothes he had as a teenager. Jesus christ.
why do they need stylist when they have fingers that can output over 100+ apm?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Welcome to every dota2 game I've ever played.

Our Kunka complains from level 1, calls GG before the game starts because he doesn't like lanes, 5 mans bot, tells the other team when I rosh so they come kill me (can't see because he's on ignore), Wisp spam TP's me in to the other team's base. Best part, all completely unprovoked. Hadn't said a thing, was just farming the jungle on ursa.


They best part of learning to play with bots is, due to their questionable scripting, their griefing will prepare you for pub matches.


Trakanon Raider
Welcome to every dota2 game I've ever played.

Our Kunka complains from level 1, calls GG before the game starts because he doesn't like lanes, 5 mans bot, tells the other team when I rosh so they come kill me (can't see because he's on ignore), Wisp spam TP's me in to the other team's base. Best part, all completely unprovoked. Hadn't said a thing, was just farming the jungle on ursa.
I guess I'm lucky or something, but rarely do my games devolve into bullshit like that. I'd say maybe 5% of them tops.


Trakanon Raider
I guess I'm lucky or something, but rarely do my games devolve into bullshit like that. I'd say maybe 5% of them tops.
I'd say even less than that, but those guys are prime target for reports.

Yesterday I had 55 minute slugfest which ended when 2 guys on the other team went afk without saying anything. Talk about ruined game ><


Trakanon Raider
Man I just got done raging hard.

Farming up top as PL, getting great early farm, 3 kills/lots of CS by 10 minutes. Bot is doing fine, mid is winning. Our mid, QoP, buys a gem at 10 minutes, procedes to gank Slark who was top and had NO FARM, died 1 or 2 times, and was no threat, and QoP dies. Loses the gem and we never get it back. I get ganked multiple times, we also have Bounty who is completely fucked all game, forced to get an early BKB because they see him in every team fight.

I'm pretty sure I had temporary insanity for the rest of the game. It really seems like a dumb idea a child would have. Lets buy gem, instead of any amazing QoP items like sheep stick, to counter one underfarmed and semi shitty hero. No worries that our team has 2 invis heroes and will possibly get fucked.

Also, this QoP then bought Dagon 5.


Edit: Oh and his buddy who laned with me, stood up for him saying my farm was shit and I was slow. Good thing bro code doesn't let your friend know that he single handedly lost us that game and maybe give future tips on how to give a game away.

an accordion_sl

Man I just got done raging hard.

Farming up top as PL, getting great early farm, 3 kills/lots of CS by 10 minutes. Bot is doing fine, mid is winning. Our mid, QoP, buys a gem at 10 minutes, procedes to gank Slark who was top and had NO FARM, died 1 or 2 times, and was no threat, and QoP dies. Loses the gem and we never get it back. I get ganked multiple times, we also have Bounty who is completely fucked all game, forced to get an early BKB because they see him in every team fight.

I'm pretty sure I had temporary insanity for the rest of the game. It really seems like a dumb idea a child would have. Lets buy gem, instead of any amazing QoP items like sheep stick, to counter one underfarmed and semi shitty hero. No worries that our team has 2 invis heroes and will possibly get fucked.

Also, this QoP then bought Dagon 5.


Edit: Oh and his buddy who laned with me, stood up for him saying my farm was shit and I was slow. Good thing bro code doesn't let your friend know that he single handedly lost us that game and maybe give future tips on how to give a game away.

I'm a huge advocate of early gem for map control, had to check game id... I'd hope your cs was a lot better than <5 a min at the 10/20 minute mark, otherwise you really have no reason to be mad at your team. It's easy to blame everyone else, but look at your decisions, you skipped heart (assuming you went radiance first) and decided to get a diffusal without even a casual cloak to avoid their insane amount of magic damage.


Golden Knight of the Realm
yeah but an early gem when two of your team mates rely on invis is asking for trouble, imo. map control, yes I get that, but it sounds like she got the gem not for map control but for slark and/or invoker... neither of whom are heroes worth getting a gem when dust would suffice. I didn't watch the match so I dunno, but if it's for map control wouldn't you do a quick patrol around the main ward spots and then dump the gem on the courier?

an accordion_sl

yeah but an early gem when two of your team mates rely on invis is asking for trouble, imo. map control, yes I get that, but it sounds like she got the gem not for map control but for slark and/or invoker... neither of whom are heroes worth getting a gem when dust would suffice. I didn't watch the match so I dunno, but if it's for map control wouldn't you do a quick patrol around the main ward spots and then dump the gem on the courier?
Dust is worthless against slark and leaving gem in base kinda nullifies the whole investment.


Buying a gem for map control can be a decent investment, but is costly. You can buy 3.5 sets of sentry wards for the cost of a gem, without the risk of handing your opponents a 1400 gold advantage on death. Considering counterwarding should usually be done by a support, that risk is significant. In most situations I would get wards over gem, but the gem can be good in some cases.

With 2 invis heroes on your team, it's just a really bad idea. That QoP fucked up. She should have got sentries if she wanted to gank slark.

Also, 5cs/min at the 10-20 min mark can be really hard to accomplish in pubs. Unless you have a good support that helps you maintain equilibrium and denies aggression, you can't blame the carry for being below that.


Trakanon Raider
My cs was great early, but after that gem dropped for them they team ganked with 4 plus for the rest of the game and I ended up dying multiple times.

So you are correct that I did shit in the long run, but the game was going the direction of me having a diffusal and radiance in under 20 minutes until they got gem and made me and BH useless.

Honestly after my first two deaths due solely to them having a gem, which they were in no position to buy themselves, I quit. I was pissed off at QoP for such a shitty decision that I just really didn't care.

Edit: I don't doubt early gem is good, but it should be for map control. Not for tower diving a no farm Slark while your team has two invis heroes.

Edit 2: At 10 mins I had a Magic Wand, Ring of Aquila, Power Treads, 700+ gold. I get a kill shortly after. Then QoP dies and I die within a few minutes due to gem. It is shitty from there on out. I could kill most heroes in 3-4 hits along with Spirit Lance but being seen ended that with Invoker cold snap spam.


Have they implemented Death Match yet in Dota2? Last time I checked it out it wasn't available, was really the mode me and my friends always played.