
Tranny Chaser
It was really underwhelming beating it so cheaply, he was one shotted.

Much more fun trying and failing to get him past 25%


Mr. Poopybutthole
And another. C9 absolutely dominated early and mid game, and then shit it all away vs Bears.

Edit: Make that two games in a row this series.
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Toe Sucker
What would you say would be the best way to break linkens as kunkka when you have no reliable team mates to do it for you?

I'm thinking atos as it has the same range as all of his other skills so it doesn't fuck up with his x/torrent/boat combo spacing but it's a hefty fee when you're usually supporting.

Normally i don't really need any other items once i get my arcane boots and aether lens though, which i usually get pretty quickly. I get fucked when characters like weaver have linkens though so i can't really support carry a game with boat setups


Toe Sucker
Damn, just checked and it says it doesn't block Urn or medallion charges :( that woulda been so good since it's cheap lol

Cheapest seems to be a force staff but it screws with the combo positioning a bit (800 vs 1000 on X & Boat)... but i guess the boat radius would still technically be in range of the 800 range. I'll give that a shot, can never go wrong with a force staff either way.

Alternatively i can just force -> x, walk back a few steps and then torrent boat combo.


Trakanon Raider
When forced a linken's carrier isn't going to move if linken's is broken, the combo is the same. It just begins with the force staff click into the X. Maybe I am misunderstanding your comment.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you're a support Kunkka a force staff seems like a good purchase anyway.

B)ears looks pretty good, I only caught one of their games vs Cloud-9 but it seems they've 2-0'd Ad Finem, Na`Vi and Cloud-9. Made me laugh when I clicked on Ferro on Liquidpedia and saw Lifetime Winnings: $10


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man this game can be infuriating. Before the match, I said I could win my lane against just about anyone no Sniper (mid). About 12-15 minutes in, their Silencer is dominating the shit out of our team and everyone starts giving me crap for losing the lane (turns out Sven and Undying got shit on by Silencer after I took mid tower and went bot, and they're who fed him). I was pretty sure I crushed it though. For the first 30 minutes I started tilting hard as hell as they kept saying how shit I was. I went and muted every single person in the game though, and we proceeded to win.

I go back to check the early game, and they all lost their lanes. I'm the only one who won mine. It was actually so bad that their 4 position Wyvern had more last hits at 10 minutes than our other cores (Wyvern 20, vs 19 for Sven and 16 for PA). Lanes were Sniper (me) vs Silencer mid, Sven/Undying vs PL/Oracle top, and PA/Jakiro vs SF/Wyvern bottom.

I ended the game top of my team in everything (GPM, XPM, last hits, denies, hero damage, tower damage). Fuck these people.

I was tempted to unmute everyone just to see what they said, but I figured I didn't care enough.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Sentry ward change is good. Looks like trying to bring Battlefury back, Heavens Halberd change is good as well. Feel like no one even remembered that item existed.

RIP Pudge, Tiny lane pulling.


Trakanon Raider
Sentry ward change was needed for sooo long. I play support 95% of my games and I said that it needed to be unpackaged alllll the fucking time. So happy with it. Money is so much better for 5 position players in 7.00+, I fucking love it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ah, yes the fabled dual melee lanes. One way to make a game significantly harder to win, but how does Jakiro/PA lose a lane is a mystery to me.

Also, 7.02 is out, some LD nerfs, Treant back to trash tier and WR got buffed to the top.
News - Dota 2 Update - February 8th, 2017
Not only did they lose their lane, they didn't do any damage to the T1.

Windranger changes look kind of crazy, but so does SF. I'm not sure why they felt like SF needed a fucking lifesteal instead of evasion, but I feel like he'll be even harder to kill now.

Kunkka also looks to have had a decently significant buff. Tidebringer is going to be even more ridiculously harassing in the laning stage. And if you manage to get to 25, 35% magic resist is nutso.


Molten Core Raider
Still no one's taking Lifesteal talent over +2 Souls damage, which is why they changed it from evasion in the first place.


Trakanon Raider
G2 was by far the best, but it's pretty clear that neither C9 nor Secret belong in top3 EU. I so wanted that support windrunner to work out, but she takes ages to catch up until she is more than a shackleshot bot.


Lord Nagafen Raider
MidOne hit 9k today, but it does seem like there is some missing element in that team. Part of it might be the support duo, most succesful teams have a strong roamer while I think PieLieDie can play that role he's also generally the hard-5 and Puppey doesn't play that sort of hero. To be honest I think in many respects he's been the weak player on Secret particularly when junglers haven't been common, even his drafts have seemed formulaic (while he could feel pushed into by his team, its also been happening long enough with enough players that I suspect its on some level his choice).