
I still don't understand why I can't select multiple units with my mouse or shuffle items in my in-game inventory. My mouse is working just fine outside the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
More like, supposed to be posted next week, and the notes say "Patch next week". So TWO MORE WEEKS of Terrorblade/Invoker every game. Joy.


<WoW Guild Officer>
What is it about invoker that makes him always picked? Is it just emp or something else?


Trakanon Raider
EMP is a pain and the change to his ghostwalk was really nice. I read something yesterday about him being somewhat close to most picked behind pudge, who usually has a huge gap between the #2 picked.


<Silver Donator>
A lot of the invoker picks are exort though. Why you pick exort invoker is pretty simple, you can farm a necrobook fairly easily and it's a useful item for him, he also has forge spirits which gives you a very strong pet based push, he can global people for a disgusting amount of hp from the mid lane with sunstrike which lets you get a lot of kills early. After that it's invoker being invoker, a lot of his spells are just fucking good anyway. I don't think there's any big change other than bottle crowing not being as prevalent with the nerf(or being less efficient at least) and mids coming back to heroes invoker can do ok against, plus the whole necrobook on everyone thing which fits perfectly fine. EMP invoker is also great for stalls and shit against those particular strats so works both ways.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't think Invoker's bad, he's definitely manageable in his current form. Terror Blade on the other hand, completely broken. Ditto imbaspirit, Sleight needs mana cost upped quite a bit at lower levels.


Trakanon Raider
As much as I hate getting emp'd on a character that has a low mana pool who is mana dependent I'd much rather see those other 2 get a round of nerfs.

edit - was also reading about oracle this morning. JFC, I hope he doesn't make it into the game in his current dota 1 form.


<Silver Donator>
Assuming it is the hero being ported, which for now isn't sure, I'd expect a fairly large round of nerfs to go with. Hero was "just" added and has only gotten a few nerfs so far, if they add it without a large bunch of nerfs it's gonna be earth spirit all over again and then next patch(which is sure to only happen after TI4) will be full of fucking nerfs on all side to see how to rebuild it from the ground up.

Wish they'd port Wyvern instead, and poor Pit Lord has been teased for so long, he was in the concept arts like what 2years ago. Getting pretty close to full roster though, only 5 heroes left, the Zet/Wyvern batch, Oracle that was with Earth Spirit, Pit Lord and obviously everyone's favorite and last hero to be ported if ever, TECHIES.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I wish they'd get rid of bottle crowing once and for all. That alone would stop this bullshit trend of heroes like Naga/Ember mid. "Rune control" heroes like QoP and Puck have some of the worst win rates in the game now. (42% for QoP, 43% for Puck).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Stopping bottle crowing wouldn't really stop Ember spirit, it would just require him to use a TP scroll every now and then. Two things needs to happen to put him in line and it's completely related to Sleight of Fist. Mana cost increase, and the ability to take damage during Sleight. So when you kill Necro creep or hit blade mailed targets you actually take damage.


<Silver Donator>
Could maybe use more nerfs, maybe increasing the upgrade time to 4mins to make it both less efficient and more prone to courier ganks.

Also can't use pub numbers for anything imo, they're massively skewed due to trends and heroes requiring different skill ceilings in pubs and shit like that. Pro stats at 49.4% Puck, 50% QoP, 51.7% Ember and 52.7% Naga, so they're all very close to each other, with QoP obviously having a lot less games and naga often being played in safe lane instead.

Also one fun stats while I was checking, Timbersaw with 200games played has a 35.9% winrate. Lowest out of 100+ games(bristleback is pretty close with 87games though and has a lower winrate).


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think only one change is needed to make him completely in line. Don't allow him to cast spells in Sleight. Boom. Completely balanced imo.

It'd force them to waste an ult charge to get in disable range (which destroys any other remnants on the map, including the ones assholes leave in the fountain in base), as well as make it easier to gank him instead of seeing a mini omni slash with a remnant flying out (and knowing immediately that he's gone almost instantly as soon as the sleight ends).


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't think that will change. That kind of ruins the spirit (hoho) of the hero, Storm spirit, Ember Spirit, and Earth Spirit are all capable of casting during their little movement spells. His ability to spam Chains + Sleight whenever he wants because of their ridiculously low mana costs is what needs to be looked at.


I don't think that will change. That kind of ruins the spirit (hoho) of the hero, Storm spirit, Ember Spirit, and Earth Spirit are all capable of casting during their little movement spells. His ability to spam Chains + Sleight whenever he wants because of their ridiculously low mana costs is what needs to be looked at.
The 3 spirits are based on the idea of mobility = win. Right now, ember has far more mobility then either Storm or Earth. Removing cast during sleight brings him closer to his brothers without destroying him.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The 3 spirits are based on the idea of mobility = win. Right now, ember has far more mobility then either Storm or Earth. Removing cast during sleight brings him closer to his brothers without destroying him.
No, increasing the mana cost of Sleight would put him closer to Storm Spirit who suffers at lower levels due to mana cost, and reducing the frequency at which he generates remnants would put him in line with Earth Spirit. It would make no sense to remove his ability to cast during Sleight, it adds a layer of depth to the character.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not too fond of the way ember interacts with disrupter specifically, when you glimpse field/storm on the spot he can seemingly never be a vulnerable unit while in glimpse or even come out for a fraction of a second in static storm.

That said, people just need to counter pick him more. Zeus has worked for me against mid ember because he cannot possibly use flame guard effectively to do damage and if he doesn't get flame guard you can just drive him off the lane with no health. He's just a hero you must close a game out against, just like naga - if a game drags on eventually you lose. Some number tuning can be done. I think one of the most common reasons why ember is good is that you literally have to stay spread out like he has black hole once he has a battlefury - but that aspect of the hero isn't transparent unless you know about it, and sleight of fist on a team of stacked heroes is a stupid amount of cleave attacks that ignore armor. But if you don't stack up, sleight is only as strong as its base stats since without those cleaves the damage is more manageable and it takes ember more time to accumulate enough of an inventory to make a single target sleight with no cleave decimating enough.

What about changing sleight so it doesn't not attack things which are fogged to you?


<Silver Donator>
Some interesting stuff as usual. The kotl aghanim looks awesome and unlike many supports, kotl can actually farm it relatively easily. The shadow demon one looks kinda meh, I guess you can purge 2 targets or purge the same target twice in a row but like eh, I don't know. The jakiro one looks pretty crazy too for sieging, 14seconds 1800ranged fire wall, pretty annoying to defend your rax when that shit is covering them. Can also be used defensively.

I think that's also the logic behind lich changes, a hero that can fight against the pushes efficiently. It also compensates for lich's early weakness when you throw him solo offlane where sure he can get xp but since he eats his own creeps he's very easy to push against. You level frost armor instead of the nuke and now you can offlane a lot better, and tbh his nuke is pretty shit anyway. His aghanim change is hilarious even if completely pointless.

Big buffs would be Bloodseeker silence not being dispellable anymore, that's pretty big considering it lasts quite a long time so you basically get a mini doom on a short cooldown. Necrolyte getting some decent buffs with bigger range on heartstopper and his ult adding duration to death timers forcing buybacks or fucking people really hard if they bought back first, but still the issue of being a terrible support and annoying to use as a carry. Ogre Magi good buff on the cast point, doesn't sound like much but it goes from fairly awful to average, which is great. Zeus getting ground targetted invis revealing lightning bolt is pretty nice too.

Other than that some more buffs but I don't know if they matter, like omni or tuskarr got a bunch but not sure it makes much of a difference. Lina aghanim I guess is better but mostly against certain setups.

Ember nerfs don't seem like they'll be that big. Bat nerf seems good. Dazzle, Centaur and Invoker nerfs don't seem like they'll matter much.

Oh and also, yay bug fixes, so many of them. Only like 800 to go.