Draegan sold the site to MMORPG.com


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Depends how you define "the community" I guess. Seems like its growing more and more walled-in and this will only exacerbate that. I fear the days of fresh drama idiots like a grobbee or shelly or sam are long gone. Closest thing we've had in recent memory was Ravv and J49. That kind of shit never happens anymore and its because the board doesn't draw in the weird random gamers like when it was a hub for triple-A MMO discussions.
How is this community more walled in?

Registration here could take days, weeks or months while the Admin and Mod team just flat ignored people asking to be able to post.

Here there is a 5 post limit to enter the Screenshots and Shaw.

Those are your walls.

They do not exist at our new home.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
It was an incredibly smooth transition last time
HAHAHAHAHA this is delusional.

We lost hundreds to thousands of registered accounts last time.

This transition has been far far smoother.

You're literally selling fairy tales right now dude.

If it feels different, that's on you. The feel is irrelevant. The facts are relevant. 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999% of the regular posters here have moved and its business as usual plus a billion added benefits over there.

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I know. I know.

The second I said it I knew it. It's precisely what I love about rerolled. Yet I sosodisagree with most of you on so many levels. I fucking hate the general forum for this reason.

I'm horrible at politics. I do not like identity politics.

You guys are so fucking racist! And you know it, don't lie. It's funny sometimes, but it makes me feel sick. I'm a softie that way.
Sounds to me like the real problem here is you.

Stop projecting your issues on to us.

We've moved on, successfully, and nothing bad has come from it.

It is only good.

If you're so pessimistic you can't see that, that isn't on us at this point.

It takes two seconds to register at the new site and realize how much better it is and how much happier everyone is over there.

Its really simple: The proof is in the pudding. You don't wanna take a taste, that's on you. Not on us and especially not on me.

I did the right thing. I feel not a shred of guilt or shame over my actions.


Karazhan Raider
Sounds to me like the real problem here is you.

Stop projecting your issues on to us.

We've moved on, successfully, and nothing bad has come from it.

It is only good.

If you're so pessimistic you can't see that, that isn't on us at this point.

It takes two seconds to register at the new site and realize how much better it is and how much happier everyone is over there.

Its really simple: The proof is in the pudding. You don't wanna take a taste, that's on you. Not on us and especially not on me.

I did the right thing. I feel not a shred of guilt or shame over my actions.

I've never talked to you before, and you come at me like Dog the Bounty Hunter (that's a guy from American TV. I assume you know what that is, cos you totally ripped off Star Trek)

Um, thanks? for your totally super awesome inspirational method for getting me to sign on to rererolled?

I was going to do it anyways,at my own time, whenever the fuck I feel like it, bruh

But hey, I'm not going to get into some spirited conversation, though obviously I already am, but yeah... I'll... join up. dude. Thanks for the invitation.

I really hope we can have some normal conversations about stuff (without you breathing down my neck and making me feel like you've got a 20 foot dick)



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The people still hanging on over here trying to protest this move are the intellectual and functional equivalent of those former Japanese soldiers that stay in the jungles of the islands they were set to defend in WW2 that come out of the woods like 30 years later and still think the war is going on.

The war is over.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm not coming at you or anyone else. I'm stating facts.

They are yours to deal with how you will.

You are 100% welcome at the new site.

No one is forcing you to go, but we want all of you final hold outs, the last of you, to take the leap and join us.

We do not want you to be the cause of the very split you are afraid of.

We want you there.

I'm not here to pat you on the back and kiss your boo boos and concern myself with your feelings. I am telling you the facts, in as plain and straightforward a manner as possible.

The issue is you're here, five days after this decision was already made, still trying to make the case that the decision was a bad one.

You're free to feel that way, but we're free to disagree, and we overwhelmingly do.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm not coming at you or anyone else. I'm stating facts.

They are yours to deal with how you will.

You are 100% welcome at the new site.

No one is forcing you to go, but we want all of you final hold outs, the last of you, to take the leap and join us.

We do not want you to be the cause of the very split you are afraid of.

We want you there.

I'm not here to pat you on the back and kiss your boo boos and concern myself with your feelings. I am telling you the facts, in as plain and straightforward a manner as possible.

The issue is you're here, five days after this decision was already made, still trying to make the case that the decision was a bad one.

You're free to feel that way, but we're free to disagree, and we overwhelmingly do.
Mad trolling right here! Down to the format! Love it lol


Karazhan Raider
Uh... hang on. Don't put words in my mouth, okay? Is that okay? You know what, fuck this. You don't know me. I'm terser than you are, you long-winded bag.

I never said it was a bad decision.

I appreciate that Tuco and Draegan kept this site running.

I don't give a shit who sells out who. I have no qualms with people making money.

I never asked you to care about my feelings.

Thank you for your invitation. I will join you when it suits me.


Karazhan Raider
For real now Hodj, I'll join at some point today. That was fun.

Btw I am terser than you.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm really not.

Don't take things so personally.

I'm just one of the only people left willing to come over here and even seriously try to get the few hangers on to make the switch.

Another day or two I'll probably be done giving a shit as well.

The community has moved on. I led the charge and now that the majority have reached the promised land, I've moved to the back of the pack to encourage the stragglers to join us in the land of milk and honey.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Nah, you're super fucking mad. Its pathetic really.

The only thing pathetic here is the bitter clingers still trying to put the cattle back in the barn and the spilled milk back in the bottle.